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THE SWARM: Construction Updates


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Could be worse...I'd rather this random Lezbo stuff than some crap celeb being strung onto it for absolutely no reason...I'm indifferent to it... In a way it does work in amongst the overall theme and story, and these sort of videos do exist from crackpots like the character Lez is protraying... But on the other hand it does seem rather cheap in the filming style and the like...Both good and bad really... But as I said, at least 'Thrill Scientist' Brendan or some dodgy awful celeb hasn't been tagged onto it yet...

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Posted ImageLooks AMAZING! :) I do hope they finish the fuselage of the plane off though. The plans show it being partially submerged in water but at the moment its only resting on the island and half of it is ripped off. Other than that it looks absolutely fantastic and I love the way the finish of the front is different to the back bit under the zero-G due to it crashing etc. Looking at the man next to the propeller you can see the sheer size of that scenery as well. The track in the background winding round its self is amazing and I can really see this being a faultless project if Thorpe stick to the plans.EDIT: I looked at the plans and it is built accordingly, firstly well sone to Merlin for actually sticking to some plans and theming a ride well and secondly, I can not possibly fault its amazingness! And the 'man' is just an orange life saver ring...
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That is just wow. I thought I knew what it would look like, but, wow.Couldn't look better at this stage really

  On 12/1/2011 at 5:16 PM, 'JackR said:

I'm not over keen on the supports holding up the propeller on the right of the wing, but that is necessary so I can't really complain.

Hopefully it is necessary because it contains the gas pipe for the fire effects!! Fingers crossed.
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  On 12/1/2011 at 5:16 PM, 'JackR said:

I spy with my little eye, something beginning with F and ending with UCK... FIRETRUCK!I'm not over keen on the supports holding up the propeller on the right of the wing, but that is necessary so I can't really complain.

Haha, very good. Although, it does seem necessary, don't want it dropping on the first train to comes though on opening day!...
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Dayum, that fire engine took some serious damage! This is looking really nice right now. Let's just hope they also theme the small amount of what's left of the interior panelling for the front end of the plane (the side visible from the mainland) so it doesn't look like a spanking-new, shiny piece of metal.

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  On 12/1/2011 at 7:05 PM, 'Benin said:

Ticking ALLLLLL the right boxes with this Thorpe...Simply not a fault with this ride at all, brilliant stuff... Let us hope that this level of theming continues not only for Thorpe, but across the Merlin parks as a whole...Wonder what all the Merlin haters are thinking right now...

There is a fault with it - it's very short. But I can get over that if the experience is right, which it looks to be.Apart from that, looks great and seems to be continuing the good theming work Merlin have been doing with many of their recent coasters. :)
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