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THE SWARM: Construction Updates


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Wow! Looks brilliant, and THAT noise :( I agree with most of the comments about the ride length, it is a short ride but with all this unique theming and that awesome first drop I'm sure the length shouldn't be a problem. It's also worth pointing out that when B&M coasters first run, they usually have all the same wheel type on, I'm not sure if it's polyurethane or nylon that the trains come with but they change them to match up with a recommended circuit time that B&M provide. They change the wheels individually until the train completes the circuit in the time given, so it might go a bit faster than in the video when it opens. I remember this from the Tatsu documentary; it's pretty easy to find on YouTube. Not long to go now until we can ride this! :(

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I noticed that too, Ricky! I guess the jury is out on whether this will be the final block set-up from B&M. I realise this has been discussed a lot, but it does seem strange for B&M to have it set-up this way. From Raptor, we know that it keeps a free block between the train in the station and the train in the brakes. Swarm looks to have two free block sections, although it could be possible that one isn't a block section.As long as the throughput doesn't suffer, then I'm not really fussed. A theoretical throughput of 1260pph is looking very promising based on dispatches being made every 90 seconds.

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I would imagine it stopping after the inline twist simpky because the ride is in the testing phase. I can't imagine why some peeps thought the ride would look fast on such an open track! You have to remember the sheer scale of this thing too, the video makes the ride look small, but I can assure you, when you ride it, you are going to come off it and say, wow, that is a lot faster than it looks!It covers a longer circuit than Inferno in a shorter time. Speaks for itself really!!

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I believe the confusion is coming from the fact that it seems Swarm has TWO block sections after those initial set of brakes. The set after the turn and then the set just outside the station. Whereas Raptor has the those first set and then the set outside the station.This is of course, assuming that they are both Block sections, they may not be!

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Looks amazing, even if you was to ride at this speed I think the experience would be remarkable but that doesn't cater for the excuse that this is SHORT! After a good 2 hour queue I know I will be unsatisfied after this ride. The ride experience will be great, but I always enjoy the experience on Saw more than Nemesis Inferno which has a longer ride time than The Swarm despite the fact I prefer the latter. Don't get me wrong, the ride looks amazing and the area isn't even fully themed yet. The experience also seems phenomenal if this video is anything to judge by, I just feel myself, and some of the GP will be disappointed knowing that they had just queued well over an hour (most busy times in the next few years) for a ride experience that lasts not much longer than a minute on it's first test, which is usually the slowest. I know Nemesis Inferno is shorter, but at least it runs the course at a slower pace, and is broken in to two main parts: Before and after the lift hill. I don't think the ride is too short (with the exception of the zero G and corkscrew) and if it speeds up it will complete the course in an even quicker time. This will be a great ride, but I feel the ride time is only main negative of this ride as of yet.

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From the top of the lift to the brakes Raptor's running time is 00:40.4 seconds and The Swarm is 00:38.2.I didn't find Raptor overly short at all and besides, everyone in the UK are used to short roller coasters, aren't we?2 seconds difference? Seems perfectly acceptable to me. Plus the turn around on Raptor was fun (at the back), I'm sure this will too, as well as adding up those additional seconds of ride time. :(

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Good grief, couldn't resist a cheeky look at the posted video during lunch. I must say she looks divine, that drop looks just as perfect as I'd envisaged over and over since the full plans were released. Plus the sound! goodness me, hints of that classic B&M roar, they remembered to fill the track section with sand right?! :POne thing that is bugging me though, I've been scanning through numerous forums and I'm shocked at some of the reactions to say the least. "It's too short" and "Doesn't look very fast", seem to be the most popular. Where have you been all this time? the plans have been available since Febuary 11th last year and numerous forums have posted them not to mention all the excellent pictures everyones been taking. Theres also a couple of decent recreations on Youtube.There can be a world of difference to how a ride looks and how it actually feels, this is a bulky ride with a heavy train,I believe it's stated that they are four times the width of a standard coasters and such is why the inversions are long and drawn out.

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Ride test videos always make a ride look slower so have no fear. This happens with every ride testing video I have followed the construction of, with the exception of the intamin launched coasters. As far as complaining it is too short, well think of it as an extended Oblivion! That is one of the most popular rides in the UK. Its short but packs a whollop.

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I am astonished at people saying it's slow? Just look at the way it tears through that inclined loop-helix combo! Just wow! And to be perfectly honest, a slow zero-G roll is exactly what you want from a roller-coaster is it not? Slower rolls have more weightlessness. I hate to have to quote him, but Robb Alvey doesn't call Dragon Khan's lightning-fast zero-G transition a "bitch-slap roll" for no reason. ;)It's speedy in the parts that count, and beautifully drawn out during the inversions. Why are we complaining about the speed?! :lol:Besides, as Luke said on the previous page - the wheel (the yellow polyurethane wheels) in the pictures of the train released last week will be swapped and changed about to make sure the ride runs smoothly and as fast as is possible without compromising B&M's signature comfort. We also don't know if the trim is being used yet, so it's possible the Zero-G gets taken far quicker than what we can see now!

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I don't get why people care. I measure a ride by what it does rather than how long it takes to do it - as has been said this covers more ground than Inferno in less time. It has one of the coolest first drops in the world, a massive damn plane at the bottom, a 100 ft tall zero g, an inclined loop, a low ground hugging, high - g turn, a huge corkscrew, more near misses and an awesome inline twist. To be fair, I don't care how short a time it takes to cover all that lot because the fact those things are there is good enough.I'm happy.PS in other news, the January AP email says they are planning preview days and details are to follow.

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Guys, there is something that actually concerns me. That particular concern being the height limit. For one thing, I am quite a tall lad, and if Saw didn't take my head, I'm afraid the Swarm will. What with the wing, the fire engine and the ruined church tower, and how close the train comes to hitting it. I'm afraid someone like meself could get their head taken off. What do you think?

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  On 1/17/2012 at 6:43 PM, 'Iron Irishman said:

Guys, there is something that actually concerns me. That particular concern being the height limit. For one thing, I am quite a tall lad, and if Saw didn't take my head, I'm afraid the Swarm will. What with the wing, the fire engine and the ruined church tower, and how close the train comes to hitting it. I'm afraid someone like meself could get their head taken off. What do you think?

I doubt they will let you get your head chopped off so don't worry. :PBut yeah, what Josh said.
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Actually, I'm quite surprised no-one picked this up from the previous few pages: where's the helicopter?The Developer's Diary appear to say that this video is of the first ever testing, and no-one knows quite when testing actually started (the trains were on site back at the beginning of January probably in the last stages of décor assembly, á la Raptor), so it's possible this video was recorded before the helicopter was placed, is it not?Ah well, I' moff over to CF to wade through pages and pages of sludgy coaster nerds slagging each other off. Wish I luck.

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From what the video showed us earlier, this ride is definitely not slow. Have you seen the speed it has passing under the plane wing? The thing I am worried about the most is the length. If Neilfever's post is anything to go by then it should be fine, and nobody can judge until they have ridden The Swarm. I sincerely hope my current presumptions are wrong, but from what the video tells us, this ride will be too short. Also, great to see the plane has been painted. This really will be up there with my favorite coasters if I am proved wrong by the length side of things.

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Don't do it Sidders :( Well it sure is difficult to say... The trains did arrive some time before they posted the pictures of them, so it's quite a lot of guess work to be done. I would imagine around the time they posted the pictures could well have been the date of the first test. But regardless of time in itself (57 days!), it does seem odd simply in terms of order that they would start testing before such a large piece of theming was installed. In other words, your guess is as good as mine.

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