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The Swarm


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  On 11/22/2012 at 5:30 PM, 'NikhilSharma said:

I've never heard of the ride having problems..?

And it's a waste of money for them

Have you tried at any point in 2012 to get on the ride during the summer it was closed for over a month for "Essential maintenance" it was plagued with downtime to a point future orders have been cancelled and Merlin refusing to use the said company again... This been the main reason they have decide not even bother moving it to the new home of the dungeon with space also been an issue due to it's specially built spec for the current location...

  On 11/22/2012 at 5:53 PM, 'Marc said:

It had an awful lot of downtime I cant see thorpe getting it... hope not anyway!

Someone that speaks sense... :P

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I'd never trust merlin when they say "never again" relating to suppliers. If the cost is right, they'll end up going back on it.

Examples: Every ABC ride installed in merlin was installed with wrong spec, or came in drastically late or over budget. Yet they continued with Sub Terra.

AAAV used and blamed for majority of sub terra issues, they have heavy involvement in SW7.

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  On 11/23/2012 at 12:16 AM, 'BigBobJones said:

Awful lot of downtime.... That means there is a transporter waiting to take it to Thorpe :-)

If not Vengeance then some other dark ride would be welcomed at Thorpe IMO, the black hole tent was an eye sore, so even if Thorpe got a Black hole type ride in a tent, it won't look any worse than Storm Surge or the Crash Pad

I doubt it, they already have X No Way out and there's no space for a new tent/building near the Swarm

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  • 3 weeks later...

Depends on your definition of dark ride. Personally, rides which have pulsating disco lights and occasionally have white strip lights on to reduce vomiting, are really pushing the envelope of a dark ride...

Hopefully they can use this closed period as a further "refinement" period for Swarm, it did have a good run but it was hardly a smooth opening season, and in my opinion, a particularly rough opening season for a B&M ride.

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  • 1 month later...



NEW FOR 2013 - THE SWARM has mutated! The sting is in its tail as the attack against planet Earth continues.

Be dragged backwards into a blind 127ft drop before hurtling through the wasted landscape in a series of gut-wrenching near misses, including, new for 2013, the mangled metal of a devastated billboard.

Face the fear head on, or brave it backwards on the last two rows… do you dare take on THE SWARM?

  • Winged seat position – nothing to hold, nothing to help you.
  • Terrifying 127ft inverted drop hurtles you through a plane wing.
  • Extreme near miss experiences + NEW near miss for 2013!
  • 5 inversions, all properly gut wrenching
  • Speeds of up to 92 KPH pulling up to 4.5Gs

Backwards rows and new near miss!

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  On 1/21/2013 at 3:57 PM, Benin said:
Really, REALLY initial poor reactions from people on Facebook...


New near miss can be approved of though... Unless the bill the fire as new... In which case Thorpe can definitely go away...

It's definitely new - 'the mangled metal of a devastated billboard.'

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Glad its been confirmed :)

Be dragged backwards into a blind 127ft drop before hurtling through the wasted landscape in a series of gut-wrenching near misses, including, new for 2013, the mangled metal of a devastated billboard.

A new billboard? I guess the ride could look like its "smashed through" it? That would be pretty awesome :)

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Mangled billboard as a near miss? Think that could well be on the inline twist region; only place I can see it working?

Well, at least that's been confirmed. As I've said in the past, I will no doubt ride it backwards and will save further judgement until after that. However, I do have fears about this whole thing; I just hope that they do not come to fruition.

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As expected.

I don't think the change was at all necessary either, but don't knock it until you've tried it. At least if the experience is worse and reaction is poor enough, it'll be just as easy to turn it back around the 'right' way again. I imagine they will listen closely to feedback, they'll have a PR issue on their hands though...

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Well it's a world first. Worlds first roller train were part of it goes forwards and part of it goes backwards that isn't a maurer sohne spin coaster. Bit long winded but that is the fact. I'm getting excited now The Smiler in may and The Swarm:Mutated in march it's gonna be awesome this year. Two world firsts in a way.

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As I understand it, the billboard will be positioned on the track from the Zero-G to the inclined loop. I would love it if Thorpe put one of their own adverts, complete with those annoying screaming heads on it for The Swarm to crash through. It would really show their ability to laugh at themselves once in a while, and after all, no-one is safe from The Swarm...

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