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  1. Like
    Coaster reacted to SteveJ in Vampire   
    The trees in front of the toilets next to the second drop have since been removed completely, judging by recent photographs. (not those actually on the path)

    In other news, I read elsewhere that work has been carried out near The Vampire and that there are 'further changes to come', which for me suggests that the old gateway entrance may be put back in use this year. If true, this would be the best thing Chessington have done for the last X years.
    It's quite believable, since they would simply need to install a fence reconnecting the gateway with the main queueline, then create a division behind the arch so that fastrack goes left and others go right.
    It would greatly improve the guest experience. A purple bar does not create any kind of impression on guests.
  2. Like
    Coaster got a reaction from OldFarmerDean in Chessington 2013   
    The exterior? What about the interior?!
  3. Like
    Coaster reacted to RideAddict in Chessington 2013   
    Covering up old signs and putting a new sign up over it is not found just at Chessington. If you were to take a handful of high street shops that have been converted over the years, you would most likely find the exact same thing. For example, an old Shoe Zone that closed down may now be a Specsavers, there's a chance the old Shoe Zone sign will be there. Think of the cost - if they can cover up the old without it costing too much, then it makes sense to stick the new one over the old and let it be!
    As for the Creaky Cafe...
    As for the Burger King exterior...crap. It's ruined Transylvania. But I'm sure the food will be good.
    As for the Fangtasia Gift Shop refurb...well it's not much of a shop now but it has been needed for some time, so this could turn out good.
    You must be kidding. It did work! It was the best piece of theming in Transylvania. I mean, it fitted in better than the original Bubbleworks exterior!
  4. Like
    Coaster got a reaction from BigBobJones in Chessington 2013   
    Looks great I think Chessington are onto a winner here.
  5. Like
    Coaster got a reaction from pluk in 2013 Changes   
    I think the stops on the ride should be in their own little tunnels with lighting effects inside, and then keep the rest of the pyramid pitch black.
    Similar to the setup of Astro Storm at Brean, although obviously it doesn't actually stop on that, just slows down.
  6. Like
    Coaster reacted to SteveJ in Chessington 2013   
    Bah! You are probably right, but it is so annoying that they would tame the ride because of that. Dancing in the strobes with the water towering overhead and that amazing music was the most magical experience at any theme park ever in the whole world. [understatement]
    Really, if one has epilepsy, why would you go on rides in the first place? They even warn you at the entrance to the ride, and it is used in plenty of other attractions. Bubbleworks was about breaking conventions anyway... so sad it has succumbed to this.
    However, I thought that the new monochromatic pulsing sequence they introduced in 2011 was an improvement. Before that, ever since they tinkered around with it in 2006, the gels had just kind of randomly glowed with some occasional strobing at the same time. Of course it was much better originally, when the lighting used to illuminate the fountains in bright colours (the intention being that it would appear to be fizzy pop), then the whole room would plunge into darkness for a split second, then... STROBES!
  7. Like
    Coaster reacted to pluk in The Swarm   
    That is the sort of thing that concerns me. To say these things have 'a lot of thought put into them', but then leave something as major as how they are going to make this not be an absolute mess in the the queue doesn't really add up. It should have been thought about and planned when the decision was made months ago and be done properly within theme (which would not be cheap).
    I can just see that superbly themed church filled with tensa barriers or those metal interlocking fence things. Please prove me wrong Thorpe, don't make the mess I'm expecting of something you spent so much money and effort making so good.
  8. Like
    Coaster reacted to pluk in Chessington 2013   
    That's a shame, thought it was unlikely but to see them putting so much effort into the area it would have been nice to do that too. It is beyond saving with little bits of tinkering though, needs pretty much ripping out and starting again.
    I wouldn't call the mess they made of the lighting a couple of years back an improvement of any sort. That 'finale' should be ashamed of itself!
  9. Like
    Coaster reacted to Mark9 in MTDP   
    Installing nothing would have been a more worthwhile investment then Storm Surge.
  10. Like
    Coaster reacted to Dodge2002 in 2013 Changes   
    They do it on purpose to tease us, I swear!
  11. Like
    Coaster reacted to Mattgwise in MTDP   
    Always the most unpopular to ride, but I must say it is almost certainly the most popular for spectators. Always huge crowds in front of them.
  12. Like
    Coaster reacted to Topsyturvy15 in Storm Surge   
    The loading area also looks much better at Cypress Gardens! Hopefully over closed season they may fix the pads? The ride could be much better if it was enclosed I.e it was more like a tube, could make the ride more disorientating?
  13. Like
    Coaster reacted to MarkC in MTDP   
    Or a top spin
  14. Like
    Coaster reacted to Deleted Users in MTDP   
    Come on Thorpe, you know everyone wants this ride.

    4 water rides is plenty in our climate. They could all do with some TLC though.
  15. Like
    Coaster reacted to Mark9 in Alton Towers General Discussion   
    Just because they serve a purpose doesn't really mean they can't be modernised a tad. The ones at the entrance for example are rubbish and a lot of the time the water and dryers in toilets around the park don't work properly. Took me ages to find a working hot water tap in Gloomy Wood and the X Sector ones.
  16. Like
    Coaster reacted to jom222 in X   
    When I went on X with a friend that had never been to TP when we got to that bit I said to him that the brakes failed and we were going to hit another train, his face was so funny.
  17. Like
    Coaster reacted to Tom in The Swarm   
    Skeptical about whether it was the right decision by the park, but I am really excited to ride it backwards.
  18. Like
    Coaster reacted to Benin in The Swarm   
    Cameras will be easy, but the back row on ride video can't happen anymore...
    Odds on a back row Fastrack as well? Quite high...
  19. Like
    Coaster reacted to JoshC. in Fright Nights 2012   
    Wow, those Experiment 10 videos...they're pretty bad. No wonder I thought the ending was ridiculously poor last year.
    I genuinely cannot believe that Thorpe changed the 2011 ending for THAT?
  20. Like
    Coaster reacted to jjh123horry in 2013 Changes   
    Ive been thinking how the 2nd clue could link into an X retheme. Maybe, just maybe they are going to theme it to an egyptian pyramid, call it 'Scorpion Attack'. It would fit with the 3rd ue, basically telling us which ride it is, the 2nd clue is the new theme and the 1st ckue was the fact its being rethemed (the evolution of a ride). What do you think?
  21. Like
    Coaster reacted to Marhelorpe in 2013 Changes   
    When you look at these clues and the recent images by Thorpe Park of all the rides in the recent snow-fall, it has got to be X:\No Way Out. Here are a few reasons why I think it has to be X:
    1) X is in such a dire state and Thorpe Park knows it. If any ride in the park is in desperate need of a re-fresh, it's X. So why would they need to adjust The Swarm when it's only 1 year old, compared to X being 17 years old? It just doesn't make any sense to me to change a ride that is still categorized as 'new' at a theme park.
    2) A recent image of the Swarm's train in the brake run in the snow showed no possible evidence that the back seats have been reversed. If they had (or will in the future) Thorpe wouldn't release any recent images with the public would they?
    3) Again, regarding the recent images by Thorpe, has anyone noticed they're showing lots of photos of all of the other rides and areas across the park in the snow (including The Swarm), but not 1 of them has X's building in view? Maybe there's some work going on the inside/outside of X's building and Thorpe are hiding it from us.
    If X:\No Way Out remains the same for 2013 and it is indeed The Swarm's seats being reversed, I'll be disappointed unfortunately.
  22. Like
    Coaster reacted to Dan9 in Chessington 2013   
    US and UK have different systems though. Storm Runner is the same type of coaster as Stealth, goes upside down and still has a lower height restriction. If Cheetah Hunt was in a Merlin park, they would inevitable give it a 1.4m restriction. If they were going to go down the inverting coaster route, I'd prefer a B&M flyer... it could satisfy those who want something a bit more thrilling but also not be too intense for those wanting to try their first 'big' coaster. In this scenario though, a ride like Manta (the Mack, not the B&M) makes a lot more sense.
  23. Like
    Coaster reacted to Benin in Chessington 2013   
  24. Like
    Coaster reacted to pluk in 2013 Changes   
    Apart from the best experience was the back row, so it's not.
  25. Like
    Coaster reacted to BigBobJones in Chessington 2013   
    I disagree, give me a Mr Whippy/99 flake Ice cream any day, don't need that expensive Ben and Jerrys rubbish
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