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    Cal reacted to c1hrisin in X   
    I only see one or two effects actually being used, shame the last one would look amazing
  2. Like
    Cal reacted to JTE25 in X   
    This made me chuckle. The 'Danger Electrical Equipment Authorised Personnel Only' sign is on that door as that room has dangerous electrical equipment in it and only authorised personnel are allowed in....
    Also it's my office where I service the moving head lights and LASERs. 
    Thought you might find this interesting to. These drawings are some of my concepts for X:/NWO back in August '12 when I found out the trains would be going forward in 2013.
  3. Like
    Cal reacted to pluk in Youtube Videos   
    Goat chicken!

  4. Like
    Cal reacted to InfernoMartin in Stealth   
    I believe there has been a couple of days where all rides have been available, just after Quantum was fixed I think.
  5. Like
    Cal got a reaction from paige in Slammer   
    I really want to know the reason for this, I don't get why they can't.
  6. Like
    Cal got a reaction from paige in Stealth   
    Okay, well I'm very jealous of those people that got roll backs. Shame that Stealth is closed during busy times though, they must be getting loads of complaints.
    I just assumed it was during testing that the rollbacks happened as every time I checked the app it said closed.
  7. Like
    Cal got a reaction from Daniel.S312 in Rumba Rapids   
    What ever happens to Rumba, do not change the music
  8. Like
    Cal reacted to OldFarmerDean in Nemesis   
    And the red blood will return eh
  9. Like
    Cal reacted to sully1311 in Stealth   
    According to TPM Twitter, Stealth rolled back twice today!!

  10. Like
    Cal reacted to JoshC. in Storm Surge   
    I actually quite like the Storm Surge music (probably about the only thing I do like about the ride...).
    It's just a shame you can hardly ever hear it over the noise the lift hill makes...
  11. Like
    Cal reacted to Matt 236 in Family Inverted B&M Happy Valley Shanghai   
    Hmmm, I wonder how more intense this ride will be in 10 years?
  12. Like
    Cal got a reaction from paige in 2014 Season   
  13. Like
    Cal reacted to EC! in Toof's American Road Trip!   
    I am very much looking forward to the trip reports and your views on the coasters, you lucky get!!! (Very jealous is I)
  14. Like
    Cal reacted to Coaster in SAW: The Ride   
    I disagree, I enjoy it because of the sheer intensity of having so many inversions thrown at you.  Also I find it quite forceful and the two airtime hills are brilliant!
  15. Like
    Cal got a reaction from kinnaird in Replacing samurai?.....   
    I think Samurai has been running quite well this year to be honest, it's been running a lot quicker and it's much more intense (obviously not as much as other topscans  ) . Don't know how long this will last though  
    Like EC said, I wouldn't really like to see another fun fair ride at Thorpe, and I really couldn't see a Tivoli Extreme fitting in at Thorpe, although it does look like a great ride. Would love to see another flat replace it in the future though, instead of using the space for something else.
  16. Like
    Cal got a reaction from pognoi in SAW: The Ride   
    Last year pretty much every visit I saw it break down at least once, but this year it's been pretty good. Also the Smiler has also been good this year by the sounds of it, it hasn't had a full day closed this year yet and during the whole weekend I was there I did not see it go down once, and I was checking ridetimes on my phone a lot.
    I'm sorry, but I would not call the Smiler smooth, especially for a coaster than is just over 1 year old.
  17. Like
    Cal reacted to Coaster in Nemesis   
    I wasn't actually aiming the post at you.  I think that a repaint would be nice although I think it looks quite effective at the moment.
  18. Like
    Cal reacted to Flipper in SAW: The Ride   
    This whole 'Because its a gerst' crap around SAW is pretty unfair on the company to be fair. Gerstlauer have made very reliable, and very smooth rollercoasters (Rage, Cobra, Troublesome Trucks - I wont say Speed as I haven't ridden it) but the three forementioned alone prove that it's not a manufacture trait.
    Smiler is hit and miss, it has issues in the cobra yes, but other than that it is smooth. SAW just has issues with drive wheels and sensors. When you consider how many cars its running on it's circuit and that most Eurofighters around that time ran three cars, not eight, it's no surprise its never been perfect.
  19. Like
    Cal got a reaction from paige in How would you improve The Smiler?   
    I agree. They could of at least made it look like Storm Surge. Would of looked great with the track yellow, blue and red and the supports just left grey. Oh and obviously take away the marmaliser and don't play the theme music.
  20. Like
    Cal got a reaction from Swarm123 in Alton Towers Trip Reports   
    Noticed this on both days that I went this year, the queue was about half an hour. Most people were in 2's, the queue would of been so much quicker if they were filling them up. At Thorpe we got put with people at about a 5-10 minute queue, which I think is a good thing. Same with the Flume, but by the time it was our turn we had to go with people, after it breaking down a few times making the queue massive.
  21. Like
    Cal reacted to paige in How would you improve The Smiler?   
    I don't see why it can't just be replaced by a Storm Surge clone.
  22. Like
    Cal got a reaction from HermanTheGerman in Rumba Rapids   
    What ever happens to Rumba, do not change the music
  23. Like
    Cal reacted to Jamie_Hk in Angry Birds 4D Experience   
    Went to THORPE today, even at the age of 23 I felt I had to try this. Thought it was really good, some of the effects are overused but it was fun and made me jump a few times, especially the bit with the bees...
    I thought the story was pretty decent, there were a few bits that made me chuckle, not sure if I should have.
    Either way, a great addition to the park and a better way to kill time than riding those awful Rapids.
  24. Like
    Cal reacted to Ricky in Summer Nights   
    I'm sorry but I will stop you here, 
    Your original post stated, and I quote, "the  catch car didn't line up and the wheels couldn't grip the train.". You have actually just made a complete tit of yourself right there. 
    What you have described I am very fondly aware of. And I can safely assure you the catch car was in the correct position. What you have described very loosely is a beautiful scene. The train would never of made it to the catch car, in actual fact would barely of even moved forward in the launch sequence. 
    ​Let me just very briefly explain the launch sequence. 
    1 - Dispatch buttons are pressed 
    2 - Initial train movement commences 
    3 - Brake's sequencing begins 
    4 - Train touches copper electric plate to disengage the dog from the train to then drop into the catch car 
    5 - Train moves back slightly to securely engage into the catch car
    6 - Final computing checks analysed
    7 - Train launches
    You are making out that the train is engaged to the catch car at all times, which is very wrong. Couldn't be any more wrong if you tried. The train CANNOT PHYSICALLY slip off the catch car, once the dog has dropped that is it the train is engaged. 
    Stealth in the rain, as you so kindly described, struggled to grip the kicker wheels. In such a case the launch sequence 'aborts' due to a time-out. In many cases indeed the train moves backwards.
    Let me clear something up, they do not 'normally' move the train forward to get the train engaged back in to the catchcar. They move the train back into its safety position lined up with a metal plate which can open and close the safety bars.
    Please stop trying to guess how Stealth works. It's actually depressing. 
  25. Like
    Cal reacted to paige in Summer Nights   
    ProjectLC- your arguments seem to be going in circles. If you're going to critisize something, ensure that 1- your arguments are valid, 2-you actually KNOW what you're talking about and 3- what you're saying is actually the truth and matches up and makes sense. Now I can see why so many people get annoyed when they critisize or complain about Merlin, as people like you try to find a fault in anything and everything, and, failing that, just start to talk a load of rubbish, essentially compiling a load of false information as you go.
    But, really, how can some rain triple your waiting time? 
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