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Everything posted by OldFarmerDean

  1. ^^ I'm guessing that is the '3rd train' which was in parts and used to fix/maintain the two operational trains.... so what's actually happened with this other train or does nobody know? I've seen Ricky working on Stealth before so guessing he may know as it is potentially going to be on one train for the foreseeable future... so must be pretty serious?
  2. OldFarmerDean


    Bring on Friday... Although I am somewhat worried how reliable it will be, as I get so paranoid about breaking down and claustrophobia kicks in :/
  3. it's been like this on all 3 visits of mine off peak this season.
  4. I don't recall there being that many stairs at the new London one? and can't remember too much about the old one... but having done the Blackpool one (for the first time) just over two weeks ago the stairs at the end we're definitely noticeable, although I thought fitted well for some reason.
  5. I said bit... As the brand is never going to be as popular as it was back a few years ago. It's a fact we got to face, although will be interesting to see how popular the planned film and TV series will be and how well it carries the brand.
  6. It is a bit of an outdated IP now... To be fair if they did this a few years ago but it would have been even better, and I would have loved to see angry birds take over nemesis inferno, rumba rapids and storm in the teacup as well! But considering it being an ageing IP now it's probably sort of a short term investment which will easily get the return in the younger family market, so no need to think it's a waste of money if it's only going to be there for say 5 years.
  7. From Screamscape... 2014 - The New Tyrant Boat Ride - (5/20/14) The London Dungeon has revamped their boat ride and will open the new version as the all new Tyrant Boat Ride on May 24th. Even better, you’ll encounter the 3D projection of Brian Blessed standing in as Henry VIII who will sentence you to death. ???
  8. Keynsham, right in between Bristol & Bath, about 20 mins either way. Nearest theme park being Drayton Manor which is still about under 2 hours away, good thing I love driving aha!
  9. haha, the weird whispering sound in Colossus station I've never heard before until this year and it's quite cool although can get annoying aha!
  10. ah fair enough... it is really odd how it decides to run!
  11. I'm not sure if I'm being stupid... but I swear the indoor station music is the same this year as it was last year? I've been 3 times this year and to be fair I haven't took much notice, which is odd considering how much I loved the theme last year! and I know for sure the outdoor queue is playing annoying cricket sound which after being used to the music loop is a bit naff!
  12. I can see it working for the first hour, but not til half 10!?
  13. I'm convinced the amount of people/weight also affects how well it runs...
  14. I'm guessing you mean same queue to get in the park... All annual pass holders whether its merlin or Thorpe go through the right hand side of the turnstiles. It also does open 30 minutes before for extra ride time for the pass holders. So guessing you would need to get to the annual pass building before 9.30 as it will take a about 5 mins without queueing just to get the pass.
  15. I actually quite like that... it's somewhat quirky!
  16. was the yellow support for the sign new for this year anyway? I thought it was going to be turned into a catapult or something with the retheme, but they've changed it again now :/
  17. I'm guessing this is due to it being half term and will probably be packed... but considering they're offering this to online booking, it'll probably be quite a lot of people - would be interesting to know if hotel guests and annual pass holders get this?
  18. I noticed that it was smoother on my visit last week, than my other two visits this year - I think it's normally on train 2, and was on train 1 when I went last week.
  19. Early Ride Time One of our great benefits for booking your tickets online is that you will receive FREE Early Rider on visits between 24th May – 1st June 2014. Early Rider gives you priority access to selected rides through the fastrack queue line 9am – 10:30am. Book online and ride some of your favourite rides before we officially open at 10am. The attractions available during Early Rider are: Vampire Bubbleworks Scorpion Express KOBRA Flying Jumbos Monkey Swinger Toadies Crazy Cars Dragon’s Fury Tuk Tuk Turmoil Jungle Bus Temple of Mayhem
  20. I reckon it will be a great ride... and doesn't look that bad, although it is like the Conchita Wurst of rollercoasters, can't make their mind up what it is.
  21. and it's not opening til July
  22. Isn't it about time we could be discussing what potentially we could or would want to see at Thorpe next season, considering we're almost sure it's not going to be a coaster, and well they need some sort of investment as X and swarm backwards shouldn't have cost too much, and unless they got ripped off Angry Birds land looks like it shouldn't have cost them a fortune either. I bring this topic up because Screamscape have put in their news... 2015 - New Themed Ride Concept - Rumor - (5/16/14) According to an early rumor sent my way, Thorpe Park may be looking into building a new highly themed ride concept for 2015. Anyone else know more? With Merlin trying their hand at building some unique new indoor themed ride concepts at other Merlin parks, Thorpe Park is due for something special as well. Now I check Screamscape quite often and what little news they get on the UK always seems to be a few days old that we all know about... Just wondering where they could have got this rumour from.
  23. Banned for having a selfie on ZUFARI (I'm hoping it's zufari now I've said it lol)
  24. Yes indeed, visited two weeks ago and it was walk on most rides all day, and yet again on my visit yesterday... Stealth x4 (front x1, back x2) Saw x3 (front x1, back x2) The Swarm x2 (front x2) Nemesis Inferno x2 (front x1, back x1) Colossus x2 (Biggest queue of the day, about 30 mins queuing for front row - ridiculous on one train, but front row is worth it!) X x2 (back x1, now I feel getting the back is so important on this ride, as after the first block/hill section mid ride, you get pulled out of your seat on the drop that follows!) Rush x3 (getting a re-ride without having to get off is certainly the way it should be ) Depth Charge, Vortex, Detonator x2 Loggers Leap, Rumba Rapids x1 only downside of being quiet, couldn't get on samurai this time as it requires minimum of 15 to go on it, and there was no one else around going on it at several points in the day! It was a pretty chilled day to be fair, and didn't feel like we were rushing around, but getting two consecutive goes on detonator and rush, just make me realise how great quiet days are, with a total ride count of 27... sometimes you're glad for queues for a little break (not 30min+ queues obviously aha)
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