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About HermanTheGerman

  • Birthday 08/27/2011

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    Behind the Window

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  1. Both Thirteen and The Smiler’s throughputs have tumbled though since they lost their bag rooms Stealth is the ride that would be least affected by this loss though, given that bags would still be given in before going to the boarding gates (unlike at Thirteen, The Smiler, Colossus etc. where you have to climb over the train) so dispatch times shouldn’t be affected. The placement of it is still awful though and will cause bottlenecks for sure.
  2. It feels like I’ve had loads 🙃 Shut down on Fury on one of the mid courses for ages, ride eventually reset and continued (slowly) Shutdown on Vampire just after dispatch and got evac’d. Had the classic L1 on Rameses when it stops mid cycle a few times. Got stuck on and then evac’d on The Smilers break run in torrential rain once. Took ages. Was there for at least an hour. Awful. Got given priority passes but by the time we were off the park had closed so that was useless. Had a few on stealth. None very interesting + all short. Had a “rollback” on Fish once. That one was cool.
  3. You're confusing marketing and promotion. The promotion was good, as you said in the first paragraph. The overall marketing of the attraction (e.g. its brand, who it was aimed at vs the nature of the experience) was what killed it. The ride was positioned by marketing as a high-intensity thrill ride comparable to Saw, when in reality its super floaty and hella boring and probably the 'tamest' of the big 5. It should've had a lighter-tone theme and been pushed as a less intimidating ride, something to introduce new riders to the bigger thrills of the other coasters, giving it the approachability it warrants. This would've been especially useful as the park seems to lack from an outside perspective an 'in-between' coaster. More thrilling than X and Fish, but not as intense as Saw, Inferno and Stealth.
  4. Next year was meant to be it’s last season before the contract was up for renewal (which it obviously won’t be). Can very likely sit it just sitting SBNO if the park re-opens this year, and all of next season too. Would be no great loss either, turd throughput and has little draw for new visitors.
  5. That’s funny because both Hollywood Tour and the Geister ride have much better lighting and overall presentation than Vampire does currently (Hollywood Tour especially). The best rides at Chessington are worse than the worst rides at Phantasialand.
  6. I mean, they fixed something that was broken. I wouldn't have said that was "phenomenal" but whatever. Definitely nice to see him moving again that's for sure. Good on the team that got him fixed, but let's be honest, the money to get that done should've been given long ago.
  7. I didn't say they couldn't? I just said people need to stop treating this like its amazing or a great restoration. It needed work and I'm pleased it happened (which I said in my post originally). I was simply pointing out how this definitely isn't anything "phenomenal" as a previous post had said, or that this wasn't a tackier version of Vampire as you were arguing. I'm pleased the animatronic is fixed. It looks better than last year. It's different to the original look.
  8. Looks cute compared to how it was the past couple years. But lets not pretend this isnt tacky and in a different vein to the original
  9. Err this article is a mess. Colossus has never (and could never) run with three trains as it suggests.
  10. Its planned to be called Sobek (the name of an ancient Egyptian figure with a crocodile head), so I would imagine it's still part of Forbidden Kingdom.
  11. I think proper work to make the park more presentable would be nice. If they’re not getting anything new for the next few years, at least they can take some proper steps toward improving what already stands. Hence the next few points are just suggestions on which bits need cleaning up the most. - The area around Amity Cove and Tidal Wave is a big ol’ mess right now, and could do with cleaning up. So many games and garish temporary buildings blocking the view. You basically have to go round the back of the coke freestyle thing to even find the entrance to TW. - Remove ABL. Obviously don’t remove the rides. But the theme of the area as it stands is a big ‘wtf’ moment for every guests no doubt. And I feel the park would benefit no end by cleaning up and getting rid of this garish area. Theme it back to Amity Cove. - Removal of Saw Alive building. Just imagine if you were a first-time guest and saw that dilapidated, literally abandoned shed suck to the side of the park in plain view as you were coming in. It looks awful and needs to go. - Continue the painting work done begun on Stealth and Rumba Rapids. - Complete overhaul of the food offering at Fins. This should be the park’s proper restaurant. Not whatever tf it is right now.
  12. - Clear and regenerate the area around Megastore, Derren, Walking Dead, Slammer and Storm Surge. Create a proper central feature and plaza. - Retheme and regenerate Rumba Rapids. New turntable building, new theme, new tunnels. - Clear the Saw Alive walkway, return to water. - Replace Vortex, Zodiac and Samurai with newer flats. - GCI mid-level family thrill coaster akin to Joris/Wicker Man around the loggers lake. Big drop visible through trees behind Saw for a nice vista from the bridge. - Clean up and revamp Colossus. Consider Intamin Mega Coaster trains as replacements. Properly resolve ground work issues. Rebuilding lakes if possible. - Theme Angry Birds buildings back to Amity. Theme dodgems to speedway derby. Detonator back to tropical fortress theme. Additional theming around the base of the tower. - consider building more attractions on the lakes, family boating etc. - Intamin Blitz coaster on the back island behind Stealth and Swarm. Station on island. Ride over lakes.
  13. They’re currently playing the old end of day music after close. The one from 2002(?)-2011 I believe. A great shame really, the music from the Shark Hotel they were playing last year was much nicer. Definitely one of the better imascore tracks, and it fit really nicely as a “winding down” sort of piece. The 2002-2011 one is just far too lively and in your face.
  14. Quantum is still a fair way off being rebuilt for the season. It’s partly in bits, scattered around the platform.
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