JoshC. Posted June 23, 2013 Report Share Posted June 23, 2013 I can safely say I have aichmophobia - fear of needles. I absolutely can't stand them, and can go all nervy about having to have injections and stuff. Blood tests are the absolute worst - I go into cold sweats and everything about them. It is something I really want to overcome as I do want to give blood during my life... I must admit the past year or so, I've got a bit better about injections, but still really hate them. In saying that, last year when I was having a tooth pulled, I had the anesthetic needles in my mouth (god, I REALLY do hate them...), but before they started to pull it out, they asked if I wanted to be sedated - I said no, purely for the fact it meant more needles... :S I'm not sure it's an actual phobia to me per se, but I also hate the idea of forgetting. I can't explain why to be honest, but the idea of forgetting things (even if it was just a few hours) scares me. Whilst I know it is possible to have a phobia of forgetting, I don't think I'm it's 'big enough' to be a phobia, but I just hate the idea of it. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
EC! Posted June 23, 2013 Author Report Share Posted June 23, 2013 My mum has the exact same phobia, its just good she isn't having constant injections otherwise I think she'd would of gone abit loopy by now Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Han30 Posted June 24, 2013 Report Share Posted June 24, 2013 I used to have a massive fear of needles but have kind of (ish) got over that - although, not looking forward to having blood taken next week. Saying that though, I will happily get a sewing needle and do a DIY piercing! Emetophobia (fear of vomiting) used to impact my life a LOT to the point where I would convince myself that I was going to be sick and in turn, feel sick. I would avoid anyone who had a sick bug and once walked the streets at midnight when my mum and sister had a stomach bug. No longer have that fear - apart from fear of puking on people on rides - I mean, I am pretty sure no-one would want my stomach contents all over them. And as this is a theme park forum (ya don't say) - before my trip to TP this year I was pretty scared of inversions - I had only ever done 2 inverted coasters before (and they were pretty tame) so going on the big coasters was a big achievement for me - now I love them! Heights - absolutely hate them - I get dizzy, feel sick and panic - at least with coasters you ain't up high for long - I would absolutely poop myself if I got stuck on the top of Stealth (yeah I know it has only happened once with no-one on it but....ya never know) Spiders as mentioned before - I cannot stand them! I don't have it in me to kill them so either my cat will eat them or I will get a glass and some paper and lob them out of the window - however, if there is one on me, that is a different matter and I go CRAZY. When I first moved out of home there was a big one in my flat and I chased it around for over an hour - he eventually got in my walk in cupboard and I sellotaped it in. Felt bad when I discovered he had died The universe - this used to interest me but now scares me senseless - to think we are floating in space and there is nothing underneath us - just eeeek. I hate even looking into the sky incase a planet or something comes crashing down.....yes people I am odd. This is how my panic attacks came back 4 years ago - me thinking too much and then freaking out. There are many others but I will leave it with.......PLANES. Never been on one, do not have any inclination to do so - I've never flown so I don't know where this phobia came from but I have had lots of nightmares about planes. I hate even seeing one in the sky which is not v handy when at Thorpe Park - actually had a panic attack on Saw: The Ride going up that vertical lift hill and seeing one of those winged boogers in the sky. Although lots of people have phobias I think the severity depends on how much it impacts on your life. They can be beaten but it isn't easy because you have to face you fears I am a complete wimp but have beaten several fears (not necessarily phobias) just from going to TPM meets - so whooo! Mer and Smidget 2 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Smidget Posted June 24, 2013 Report Share Posted June 24, 2013 I'm on my phone so I won't quote, but you trap spiders under a glass and get rid of them that way... That is brave. Even the little house spiders with the tiny bodies and crazy long legs scare me too much to be able to do that. When I was moving out of halls there was one under my desk and I had to hoover it - even that scared me. Weird thing is daddy long legs don't freak me out too much. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mer Posted June 24, 2013 Report Share Posted June 24, 2013 I agree! My mum hates spiders more than I do, for example; she can't even watch a video with them or look at photos of the massive ones But if there's one in the house she will remove it - usually by scooping it into a jug and lobbing it out the window or door! Not sure she'd use a glass and paper though as she'd be able to see it I will happily watch videos and be fascinated, yet still cringe a bit - and when I say videos I mean of things like tarantulas or people's pet bird-eating spiders I would happily hold one, albeit being a tad on edge. But I've never attempted to catch one of those huge house spiders, there is something about them in particular which is just horrible! I never used to be like this, and I suspect it may be since one large one landed behind me on the sofa when I was about 12. Literally heard a plopping noise on the leather, turned around and there it was Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pickles Posted June 24, 2013 Report Share Posted June 24, 2013 It's always fun about to run a bath and seeing one, cue shouting for someone to come get it. Don't know whats worse, that I couldn't get rid of it with the shower or that I was only in a towel and it's was my sisters then boyfriend who came and got it. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
EC! Posted June 24, 2013 Author Report Share Posted June 24, 2013 I think phobias of spiders seems to be common place on here. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mer Posted June 24, 2013 Report Share Posted June 24, 2013 Haha yes Although mine isn't an actual phobia, I just get scared of the big ones I believe what defines a phobia is that is a strong, irrational fear of something (and I think technically a type of anxiety?), and can be to an extent to which it interferes with living. /Pedantic EDIT: interesting shizz here: Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Matt 236 Posted June 24, 2013 Report Share Posted June 24, 2013 I'm not sure if I have a phobia of anything but I do have a fear of drowning by floods in buildings or underground. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JoshC. Posted June 24, 2013 Report Share Posted June 24, 2013 With spiders, I don't really like the thought of coming face-to-face with a huge, potentially dangerous, one in a day-to-day situation. However, I think that's the same for pretty much everyone, with any dangerous creature. Fortunately, there aren't many (if any?) dangerous ones which we come across in England, in our houses say. So, I'm fine with them, and will quite calmly scoop it with a cup and paper. It's not exactly something I like doing, but I can do it. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Han30 Posted June 24, 2013 Report Share Posted June 24, 2013 With spiders ugh I just hate them - I literally start shaking, go sweaty and feel really sick if there is one that has invited itself into my flat. Only once did I get the hoover out but I managed to get the big ol' dude - I grab a glass (or if it is a biggun' a beaker) and pop it over the spider, then slide some paper/card underneath it and flip it upside down - I had a really big one once and I threw it off the balcony and heard it land << On that occasion when I found said spider I rang my sister for help, who then pointed out that she was about an hours drive away (so helpful!) - she thought it was hilarious. I was not amused Oh and wasps - stripey little devils who, quite frankly should not be allowed to fly around freely stinging people. Again I try my best not to kill them but if one has flown into my living room and won't naff off......I get THE spray out. Then I feel bad for about 10 minutes. I hate it if I am out and there is one buzzing about my head - I will literally start running and flapping like a lunatic. But a tip for those scared of spiders etc - CITRONELLA essential oil - works wonders (and is often found in insect repellant) - get some and put it in a bottle with water and spraaaaay around your windows - works a treat. Although I wouldn't recommend putting any about your person because, to be honest, you won't have wasps coming near you (which is good) - but you also won't have ANYONE coming near you. It stinks Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
pluk Posted June 24, 2013 Report Share Posted June 24, 2013 We used to find many big hairy bad boys scuttling around in the bananas when we unpacked them as the supermarket I worked at, supposedly the gas and temperature should kill them on route but I can assure you it doesn't always! Spiders don't bother me though. I'm a weird one with needles, the thought of it doesn't bother me but when I have to have a jab or bloods my body just takes over and I invariably faint. One of my biggest fears at work is an accidental needle stick injury when I'm searching a dirt junky, but I don't think of that as a phobia as it certainly isn't an irrational fear to have! I suppose I'm mildly claustrophobic, in that I'm not so fussed about small spaces but if I don't know my way out / can't get out I do start to freak out a little. Part of me hates slow moving dark rides with needlessly tight restraints I wouldn't be able to shimmy out of when the building around me starts to burn. Yes, that is mostly what I'm thinking about while riding Terror Tomb / Duel. My biggest problem is not really a phobia at all, but it is a debilitating hatred of polystyrene plates. It makes me gag just thinking about it and typing this. Cutting through a polystyrene plate with a plastic knife... Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Coaster Posted June 24, 2013 Report Share Posted June 24, 2013 I have a phobia of most creepy crawlies, but spiders, moths and daddy longlegs are the worst. If there is one in the house I am too scared to even try to kill them because I think that they will fly past my hand and go onto my body. With spiders I'm always worried that they are attached to a web and will get stuck on me if I try to get rid of them. I also have a social phobia, I don't know how to explain it but I get really nervous in some social situations and start shaking (which makes me more nervous because I know I look stupid ad no one knows why I am shaking). Also, gas masks... URGH! I know where that phobia came from, but I'm still terrified of the things! (Which is why E10 was the only maze to scare me at fright nights in 2011 - they didn't have gas masks in 2012 so it didn't have the same fear factor). Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JoshC. Posted June 24, 2013 Report Share Posted June 24, 2013 On 6/24/2013 at 6:12 PM, Coaster Jamie said: Also, gas masks... URGH! I know where that phobia came from, but I'm still terrified of the things! (Which is why E10 was the only maze to scare me at fright nights in 2011 - they didn't have gas masks in 2012 so it didn't have the same fear factor). Do you watch Doctor Who? If so, it could be the 'Are you my mummy?' episode that caused that one - I know I hated the thought of them for weeks after watching it! James & Co. 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Coaster Posted June 24, 2013 Report Share Posted June 24, 2013 On 6/24/2013 at 6:15 PM, JoshC. said: Do you watch Doctor Who? If so, it could be the 'Are you my mummy?' episode that caused that one - I know I hated the thought of them for weeks after watching it! Yes that was where it came from I think, but when I first watched it I wasn't scared, but the fear developed from it. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
planenut Posted June 24, 2013 Report Share Posted June 24, 2013 Go on then, have a look at this and see if you would have had the same reaction? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Matt 236 Posted June 4, 2015 Report Share Posted June 4, 2015 I have a phobia of wasps, especially hornets. Mattgwise 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
OldFarmerDean Posted June 5, 2015 Report Share Posted June 5, 2015 Snakes and Spiders are probably the worst thing for me although I pretty much hate any bugs... Like wasps as mentioned above. I also oddly and the severity (although clearly not too bad) seems to be fluctuating but generally getting worse, suffer with self diagnosed claustrophobia... The thought is always running through my mind about being stuck on a ride, I just hate being trapped in and not have the freedom to move for a long period of time, heck I even start to panic when waiting in the break run; the worst bit of any roller coaster for me is the lift hill, once I'm past there I enjoy the ride and forget all about it! Colossus is probably the worst ride I can think of, as there is no leg room whatsoever for me being 6 foot, I'm always the last to sit down, and would rather the ride is on 1 train so I don't have to wait around in the break run at the end; God forbid if it ever broke down on me, hence why I try and avoid it, even though I love the ride layout itself! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kingferno Posted June 6, 2015 Report Share Posted June 6, 2015 I have emetophobia (Fear of vomiting) I find it awful. When I was around the ages on 7-10 I use to have an obsession with hand sanitizer because I use to fear that if I eat without using it that I'd be sick. When I also use to eat crisps, I wouldn't eat the bit that I touched and chuck it away. I never use to swallow my spit either because I thought that the stomach bug could be in my saliva and if I swallow it I would become ill. When someone feels sick or vomits I shut down and panic for deal life. I get cold sweats and I start crying. This triggers me to feel sick and then I think "What if I'm sick" and start panicking even more to the point I wont even drink water. Since I've got older its become less of a problem but its still in the back of my mind when I do feel sick... Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Celia Mae Posted June 6, 2015 Report Share Posted June 6, 2015 I have two phobias. I've always had arachnophobia, can't stand spiders or spidery things... Ewewewewew. I see one or think about one and I can't bear to look and I go all funny and itchy all over as if they're crawling all over me and I just can't stand still. Apparently it's hilarious to watch. My second one started around seven years ago, I'm terrified of mannequins. Which makes both clothes shopping and queuing for SAW an experience... I get all fidgety and get chills down the back of my spine and feel like they're staring at me and could move at any moment. I have no idea what started it, my mum's convinced it was the first episode of the Doctor Who reboot in 2005. I can tell her for a fact it wasn't, I watch that episode completely fine, it was probably more likely to be the weeping angels... EDIT: How on Earth could I forget to add my phobia of needles... This started when I was 12/13 and I had an operation on my knee where I had to be put to sleep which they decided to do on a drip so I had to get a tap put in the back of my hand. Basically coz I was so young and my veins were small the nurse missed the vein in the back of my right hand, so had to pull it out again and do another one in the back of my left, which hadn't been numbed unlike my right (which had hurt enough anyway even with the numbing!) and yeah it killed so I was lying there crying and shaking and like no. Plus the anaesthetist had no bedside manner at all and considering I was a child had me crying even before I'd gotten to the operation room. Joy. Altitude 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Altitude Posted June 6, 2015 Report Share Posted June 6, 2015 ^ I relate to the weeping angels thing haha. My only real phobias are the dark, supernatural stuff (that can't be explained by science`) and spiders. Spiders being the worst one for me! If there's a spider in a space where I can't escape easily without going near it, I panic and usually feel sick if it's a bad experience! As for the dark and ghostly things, those are just creepy tbh! Celia Mae 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Whiteknuckle Posted June 6, 2015 Report Share Posted June 6, 2015 I only have one. It's called mondaymorningphobia Celia Mae, OldFarmerDean and Ian-S 3 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mer Posted June 6, 2015 Report Share Posted June 6, 2015 I find the worst thing about spiders isn't so much seeing's when it's gone and you don't know where the feck it is (but you know it's in the room somewhere)! Had one of those big house spiders in my room for about a week last year, we'd literally just moved so my room was a complete mess, and I could hear it scuttling over bags/paperwork when I was trying to sleep Of course, it only appeared at night and I wasn't feeling great during those few months anyway, plus with all the mess from moving, I really had no energy to try and find it during the day (plus I had hoped it would vacate eventually but NO)! Merry-go-girl 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MachoMachine Posted June 6, 2015 Report Share Posted June 6, 2015 I have a really bad phobia of vomit, if I see someone throw up I will gag and cry and get insane anxiety. If I hear of anyone throwing up on a ride even though I know they clean it up and it'll be the cleanest seat I still freak out. I also have trypophobia. Seriously, google it. It's so gross the only thing I can handle like that is crumpets Mer 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Cecelia kilahu Posted June 18, 2015 Report Share Posted June 18, 2015 I'm afraid of Shrek... I'm constantly teased about it but I cry whenever I see him. Ever since the internet... I don't have a fear of anything else. Just Shrek. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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