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New for 2016 - Park-Wide Improvements

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Parks like DLP & Efteling look after their parks a lot more than Chessington (or all Merlin parks to be fair). They have more love and dedication in their nails than Chessington has in its whole body in regards to making a park good.

I'm sure the same can be said in regards to Europa Park, Phantasialand, PA & Liseberg (amongst other European parks).

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Nope, utterly wrong about dedication.

The reason it is a low standard is because the people who can make a difference are given no time and a budget of 2p.

Chessington has some of the most dedicated people I'm aware of who care a lot more about the park than 90% of enthusiasts actually do. It's a shame the management system doesn't offer enough opportunity, but it's been like that for years now before Merlin.

Thing are improving though, so no point being pessimistic when things that have been asked for years are now starting to materialise.

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Because it looked awful after not being repainted for 25 years?

Really, why is there a cynical response whenever something actually good happens? It isn't being used as the entrance again (much to the frustration of everyone), but the teams pushing to get all the old worn exteriors repainted are doing a great job. Be thankful that side of the job is being done. :)

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Whether it is going be used or not, I am just glad another derelict and rundown area of the park is receiving much needed love.

Chessington as a whole needs a major touch up and if there's lots of major improved upkeep for 2016, I will be ten times happier of this being the investment in the park over a new ride. This probably says a lot of how the state of the park has been in recent years probably.

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I agreed with electric bill, if it requires painting because it looks old, then paint it. If this was disney they would do, so why not Chessington. I think its great that after years of no investment, finally now theres a small group of staff that are going to try and make a difference. I hope that 2016 will be the turn around year.

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I have to say I don't see the point in re-painting it if it's not going to be used, actually didn't think it looked that bad?!

It's not often that Chessington repaint things, so don't say there's no point or it won't happen again!  :lol:


In all seriousness though, repainting sections of the park is vital even if they aren't being used as it makes it look much cleaner and adds to the overall feel of the park.  Of course they could actually use it again and get rid of the awful metal pole signage, but that's for a different debate!

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But again what needs more painting, the entrance which isn't used for Vampire, or Vampire itself? in the whole sense of what's going to be done and not done this close season, if it's not going to be used I still don't see the point still taking into account most people just walk past it to get to the entrance.

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It's not a case of painting the entrance OR the track. To me that entrance is one of the last remaining parts that still gives off that fun old Gothic Vampire flair, not the track (which has been jet washed already as you may have noticed).

To repaint the track you'd have to spent weeks doing it and get lots of contractors harnessed up, and would need additional budgeting for.

To repaint the entrance you simply have to scaffold one small area and spend 2 days painting it with contracted scenic artists, which comes under the park's presentational/creative budget.

They both need painting, ideally it would all be done together but it's not like a choice of one or the other. If guests can see it and enjoy it then of course it matters a lot.

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