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Fright Nights 2016


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I agree about Se7en; it was quite an understated attraction at the time, but was a fab maze which was a true assault on the senses.  It's last season was brilliant as well!


I wouldn't want it to return as nothing is ever quite as good when it returns, but a maze of that format would be a welcome addition to the line up in my opinion! 

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Do we reckon that platform is going to be the only new maze this year. I feel a bit disappointed that the lionsgate mazes are returning again. I felt last year was terrible for those mazes. I think they should either get a new deal with different movies or scrap the lionsgate ones and do brand new ideas and mazes in house or with a different movie company. 

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56 minutes ago, mrmatt said:

Do we reckon that platform is going to be the only new maze this year. I feel a bit disappointed that the lionsgate mazes are returning again. I felt last year was terrible for those mazes. I think they should either get a new deal with different movies or scrap the lionsgate ones and do brand new ideas and mazes in house or with a different movie company. 

I do believe Thorpe have advertised only one new maze (platform)

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3 minutes ago, ChessingtonSam said:

I do believe Thorpe have advertised only one new maze (platform)


They could be keeping a few things from us at the present time.

They did this with Containment I believe. When The Big Top was announced in August, Containment wasn't announced until mid September.

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8 hours ago, Owen said:

I wouldn't think riding a train (imagine the throughput!) but I could see a Field of 1000 Screams finale where you all board a train (a fake one) only to be chased out of it at the end maybe!

It'll be a Chainsaw Finale.

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7 minutes ago, imindetonator said:

Please no. A chainsaw finale would be beyond cliché..

And Big Flop already has a chainsaw finale.

That won't stop Thorpe I'm afraid. You know what they're like with chainsaws. 


In fact, Merlin as a whole.

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Just now, ChessingtonSam said:

That won't stop Thorpe I'm afraid. You know what they're like with chainsaws. 


In fact, Merlin as a whole.

Chainsaws are ok if used to full effect, but with Big Flop it seems to be thrown in as they couldn't think of anything else for the finale.

Also TBH I can't see how a chainsaw would fit in a maze themed to a ghost train?


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9 minutes ago, imindetonator said:

Also TBH I can't see how a chainsaw would fit in a maze themed to a ghost train?


Infected people from DBGT somehow got their hands on a chainsaw...

I doubt P15 will have a chainsaw finale. It won't fit at all (Big Flops chainsaw didn't fit though so you never know)

I would love to be chased out by a train coming at full speed down a tunnel! That would be pretty terrifying! Never going to happen unfortunately.

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Chainsaw finale worked well on Studio 13, with the lights turning on and off and altogether just working well.


I hope Platform 15 is done to a high standard and has some original ideas to it, Big Top last year was a disaster. Although Studio 13 the year before was very good in my opinion.

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Big Top's chainsaw ending did fit but only if you saw Campfire stories, explained the backstory of the brothers but they didn't manage to show that in the maze itself which is why it seems so odd. Was a nice touch in Face it Alone though...


well ll we know platform 15 story is set on a deserted railroad so I'm expecting more metal cutting tools if I'm honest ;)

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What's brilliant is how this whole campaign is also about 2 months behind schedule thanks to the delays of Ghost Train. Halloween events are essentially Thorpe's only event now so I expect it to be hugely marketed. Sad we didn't get to play a game and have Platform15 teased to us :( it's always good fun trying to work out what we're getting.


Annual pass reservation tickets are also available now! £1 for premiums but I assume that is still just the to guarantee type thing so if they do hit capacity. You could take the risk. £5 for standard pass holders atm.


Also, with the park being closed more in the week between the FN dates, could this be the year we finally see more on park theming? They'll have more time with less people about in the mid weeks. 

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3 minutes ago, Mitchada04 said:

What's brilliant is how this whole campaign is also about 2 months behind schedule thanks to the delays of Ghost Train. Halloween events are essentially Thorpe's only event now so I expect it to be hugely marketed. Sad we didn't get to play a game and have Platform15 teased to us :( it's always good fun trying to work out what we're getting.



Have we ever seen a fright night campaign released before August? If anything were in-front of schedule.

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20 minutes ago, Mitchada04 said:

What's brilliant is how this whole campaign is also about 2 months behind schedule thanks to the delays of Ghost Train. Halloween events are essentially Thorpe's only event now so I expect it to be hugely marketed. Sad we didn't get to play a game and have Platform15 teased to us :( it's always good fun trying to work out what we're getting.


I was under the impression that Thorpe were planning on revealing Platform 15 at ScareCON (in late May), but decided against it because of Ghost Train and wanting to keep the focus on that?  So it wasn't necessarily the marketing campaign that was delayed, just the reveal to (scare) geeks.


14 minutes ago, TallGuyDom said:

Have we ever seen a fright night campaign released before August? If anything were in-front of schedule.


Not that I can recall, especially for a specific maze.  Probably the only major campaign for FN that happened before August was back in 2005, when they bought Freakshow 3D back in summer, and pushed the fact they were getting 2 new mazes, so this was people's last chance to have a go!

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