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Theme Park bloke

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  Holly said:

I think you will find I have a life because if you haven't noticed I'm not actually on this forum that much and I can pretty much vouch for other members on the life thing. But you complain all the time, you spam so just L E A V E. I spelt it out incase you didn't understand.

Admit It. YOU HAVE NO LIFE. If you have a life. Please leave :P I refuse to participate in this conversation any longer you are spamming the forum. :)
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My dearest StealthSupreme due to me trying not to get in trouble I'm going to say this nicely. I have a life, its called I go to college, go to town with FRIENDS. Now then if you would like to challenge me, go right ahead because I am going to admit I am a bitch and you will get slighty beaten in this 'discussion'.

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  StealthSupreme said:

Admit It. YOU HAVE NO LIFE. If you have a life. Please leave :P I refuse to participate in this conversation any longer you are spamming the forum. :)

Holly has a life. She doesn't spend her life here like you do.And err you can't really talk. On topic with ranting...I dont like dead msn convo's. And people who dont talk on msn. Jeez whats the point of being on msn if you dont talk to people. Happening all week, bugs me =[.
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  master iskander said:

Feeling a bit left out here! Whilst viewing my profile, I realise I only have three boxes in my last visitors, comments and friends sections. Whilst other people have five :P . I want five to! :)

Click on settings on your page, and click 5 and stuff for all the boxes that say: friends in sidebar and the other stuff {read it first!}! and there you 3, 2, 1 GO GO GOOOO :P
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Same, I came on these forums due to an interest. I heard about a new coaster back in 2007 and wanted to join a place where I can learn more and share an interest with people. I have college, work, other things such as going out. I find that I can't do everything in a day, I can't even do the things that I wanted to do outside like shopping or eating out, etc. Time is too short and we need more hours in a day :).And you don't need to fulfill your lives by spamming our forums and creating drama. This place has more drama than an episode of Desperate Housewives

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Today has been a crap day.Woke up at 8:30 - which made I thought was quite early, only to find that it was in fact 7:30.Me and my brother were getting the train to our dads today, so we started in sandhurst to get a train to reading, and just like last sunday, they had cocked up again, we got a lift Wokingham and then got a train from there to reading, from reading we got on the train to bristol parkway knowing that our tickets were for an earlier train, we told the guard and he was being all cocky, and saying "I'm going to let you off because I'm a nice train manager"Now I'm here in bristol, and I'm very very tired.

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Samurai has smoke, entrance has smoke and lights and fire, all rides have dedicated FN music and what not. IMO there very different events, the money from running one of thorpes mazes for just one night would probably out spend the money spent on theming.. But I'd take the 4 mazes, carnival of bizzare and 12 hour openings over theming / a few effects around the park anyday personally!

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  Marc said:

Samurai has smoke, entrance has smoke and lights and fire, all rides have dedicated FN music and what not. IMO there very different events, the money from running one of thorpes mazes for just one night would probably out spend the money spent on theming.. But I'd take the 4 mazes, carnival of bizzare and 12 hour openings over theming / a few effects around the park anyday personally!

Marc defending Thorpe to the bitter end as always. The money Thorpe makes from its millions of fastrack schemes per day could probably run the mazes for an entire year. As could pissing off hundreds of people as its star attraction launches a train every ten minutes. :blink:
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