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Funny, We had Samurai (loading) and Slammer playing their old themes all season and then just at the end of the season Detonator. Certainly nice to hear. Wonder if its just been reprogrammed incorrectly after Fright Nights or if its a permanent change.Now All we need to revert back is the Entrance theme and Neptunes Kingdom areas! Oh and the old playlist in Canada Creek instead of the awful new one!

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  • 4 months later...
  • 11 months later...

The original theme was back all of last season. It returned after the fright nights 2011 was over. An employee at the time told me it was reprogrammed incorrectly but as they preferred the original (Black Hole theme) they decided to keep it for 2012. Don't know if that was true as it seemed like it was done purposely as both Slammer and Samurai (loading) returned to their old soundtracks too.

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I liked Detonator without the countdown, experiencing pure fear waiting to drop. I love the theme music though, it suits it so well. It's strange I struggle to imagine it being the theme song to a space themed ride.

It doesn't make me think of space it makes me think of pirates and fear and 5, DUN DUN, 4, DUN DUN.

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Any idea if the speakers at the top have been fixed yet? All I remember from the last few rides was hearing "5....crackle crackle crackle....1...AHHHHH!"

I rode it today and the speakers seemed to work properly the time I did (was in a seat facing rumba)

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  • 3 weeks later...

are these new seats or just repainted? I noticed last year alot of the time some bars wouldnt open properly at the end and the staff had to release you with a bar

plus I dont gwt why they dont fix the speakers / sound for the ride, such a cheap fix and it makes the ride. they spend loads on the new x - surely they could have fixed the speakers / sound on this : /

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the speakers offer so much interaction and really add to the thrill of the ride - being up there with a scary count down for 10 secs is awesome. plus some of the scumbag (:D) staff drop you unexpectedly before it hits 0.

I remember one day we went we was asked to all wave while we was at the top - soon as we started waving they dropped us - awesome

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Once we went on it and the staff left us up there and started talking to us, saying things like "Hows the weather up there?" and "Are you having a good time?". They then played a recording that said "We are aware that your gondola has stopped moving" shortly followed by "your gondola will now be released". Then they dropped us. Best ride I have ever had on detonator. :)

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