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Cats or Dogs?



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  1. 1. Cat or Dog?

    • I would own a cat,
    • I would own a dog,
    • I wouldn't purchase any.

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In a different circumstance, say, you have brought £100 with in your bag to a local pet shop. There is a kitten standing on a box, with a label on it saying '£100'. You peer over and see a small puppy, priced at £100. Would you take home the puppy or the kitten, or would you save your £100 and buy a MacDonalds on the way home?All views and comments are welcome.

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  On 8/10/2010 at 11:18 PM, 'Andrew H said:

Boo, pet shops. Rescue dogs and Cats are the way to do it :blink:

National Cat Adoption Centre! :lol:I was just thinking, I've never seen puppies/kittens in pet shops. Actually it would be pretty cruel, must be an old-fashioned thing.
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  • 5 years later...

I like cats just because I've never had a dog, and they don't come as varied as dogs do. The little chihuahua buggers are some of the most annoying things on the planet and having them yap away at you is horrible. On the other hand I absolutely adore some of the bigger dogs, like German Sheppard, Labradors and retrievers. 

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  On 11/7/2015 at 4:50 PM, Equoaster said:

It's all about dogs.

My dog is there for me all the time, respects me and welcomes me every time I come through the door. It's very cute.

My previous cat, Tango, was exactly like that. He would always greet us when we came home, would even be waiting by the door as he would recognise the sound of my mum's car or be looking out the window and see us coming ^_^

Whenever someone was crying, he would go up really close to them, head butt them and meow as if showing concern. And was just generally such an affectionate, loving cat, I honestly haven't known another cat like him :)

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We had a couple like that, although one was more a mummy's boy, and the other a daddy's girl.

When our son was born they used to sleep either in, or very near the bottom of his Moses basket (we quiet often had to fish them out, but eventually gave up as they would just crawl back in and curl up at the bottom), if he stirred, they would come and find us in the house or jump on the bed and wake us up, one time boyo decided to try and get up on his hands and knees while in the basket, lost balance and fell out, our biggest cat jumped under him to break his fall (even though the basket was already on the floor).

We've never had a dog, but we regularly dog-sit a friends, who is great fun too, so we love both cats and dogs equally. My son keeps going on about getting a dog since our cats died.

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Always used to be more of a dog person and I still adore them (my sister has a gorgeous black lab rescue dog who is adorable).

When I got my cat I never realised you could have such a strong bond with an animal - always thought cats were not really in tune with people's feelings etc but I was so wrong. My cat helped me through so much - he died last year aged just 4 but I still think about him every day. I am currently fostering 2 cats and hoping to adopt within the next few weeks as they are adorable and so affectionate.

Cats are very intelligent - my cat always knew when I was feeling low and knew how to cheer me up.

This next bit might sound a bit morbid but when my mum was nearing the end of her battle with cancer, for the last 2 days her cat would only leave her bed to quickly get some food or do his business - in fact he was curled up next to her and my mum had her right hand on him when she passed away and he moved off of the bed about 20 minutes after- less than 3 months after my mum died, we had to put mums cat to sleep - he was a good age of 21 but was never the same after and developed serious health complications.

So for me, cats but dogs are awesome too - so is McDonalds to be honest!

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Cats are just the best. Sorry dog people, I know it's hard to hear but it's true! If you annoy them they'll give you hell, but if you treat them how you'd like to be treated (as you should with anyone/thing) then they'll be so loving and loyal back to you!


Plus they clean up after themselves and take themselves for walks! Saying that, my previous cat used to go for walks with us around the block and he loved every second of it :)

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