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The Smiler


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Why are we playing the "X ride has been broken down for longer times than Y ride?"

Rides BREAK DOWN... Sometimes minor stuff, or sometimes for weeks/months at a time... If we're going to compare, at least we haven't seen things like X(2) or Deja Vu esque levels of closure on a regular basis...

Factor of life that machines break, it doesn't need to become a contest as to who has the least breakdowns in a year...

(This being said, it can still be put on records that it's pretty factual that Intamin's are rather unreliable in many cases)

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Well, Benin, It's been a trait for coasters fans for YEARS to compare park's reliability, to which nobody particularly cared. For instance, when Thorpe had diabolical reliability everyone jumped on the bandwagon, suddenly Alton have terrible reliability and people (you) are defending it with your life.

Isn't it humorous your complaining about people comparing parks/rides, and yet yourself, in your post, compared rides in another park(s) to other parks by pointing out their reliability is worse than that of Alton's/other parks.

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Hint, I used those two rides as real examples of ride unreliability, I don't think Smiler or Rita or Oblivion or Slammer or Stealth are going to exactly make their respective manufacturers go completely bust as a result of extended downtime...

Using X and Deja Vu as examples puts into perspective some of the pettyness really, I do implore you to look into their respective histories as they are both interesting rides to investigate... Until Towers have a situation where they have 3 rides open and nothing else then what else can we say? Thorpe had poor reliability for years, whilst this is one season for Towers... Jumping on the bandwagon after one delayed ride (which was clearly rushed and an overall poor job in construction, so fingers to be pointed at the construction company moreso) and the other rides that have had some downtime (so far, the only other coaster that has been down for several days is Oblivion with a blown out motor, Runaway and Thirteen were pretty slick fixings whilst Rita is a typical Accelerator and dying every two seconds)...

Am I defending Towers with my life? Clearly I must be as I'm the only one saying anything positive and nothing negative about the park in the entire world and I never say anything positive about other parks in the country...

When Towers end up having a daily crisis of rides dying left, right and centre like Thorpe used to, then we can grab the torches and pitchforks... The bandwagon for Thorpe's awful reliability is pretty clear that is was down to constant visits of half the park being down with on chance no coasters actually open and exceptionally poor shows from the whole place, yet in recent times, this has improved immensely, with minimal issues throughout...

Perhaps then we will see the same of Towers... But since they actually had to delay the Thirteen closure for spewing oil everywhere due to RMT's motor dying, surely that's something to be thoughtful of? They could've had two coasters down and said "tough, both need work" but they didn't and kept one open...

I think the Smiler construction debacle has really set the tone for Towers this year, where lots of people are just constantly attacking and pointing to that factor as a result for... something? I'm not quite sure really, but we can hope that the park will learn from that mistake like Thorpe eventually did with theirs (I.e. their realisation that the thrill market is not financially viable and changing tact)...

Just atm it all seems pretty much a whole chance for slanging matches based upon fanboyism... Whilst Towers has a lot more to do, there is still stuff to be positive about for it, what with the great boost of entertainments throughout the park and that Smiler is a really great ride when it's open and has really captured the GP... Let's just hope they can fix up for the rest of the season and push away the silly management who think that cutting Scarefest hours because of 'unhappy staff' and crap staff who sell Fastrack in queues to fulfil whatever high quota they have...

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Managed to go on The Smiler for the first time yesterday. Its a mamoth of a ride and I commend Alton for getting it, but you can already feel the roughness of it, in the cobra roll and the heart line turns (I think thats what their called), other than that though its a brilliant ride. Also it did break down yesterday, with one of the cars on the vertical lift hill near he top, after the queues had shut, ive got some videos I'm gonna merge together so you can see what happened.

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Its a mamoth of a ride and I commend Alton for getting it, but you can already feel the roughness of it

The roughness seems to be very much train dependant, I managed to get on the same train for both my rides yesterday (Train 3, Row 2) the outer seats were a little rattly, but nothing too serious. The inside seats were remarkably smooth. It was a pleasant surprise after hearing so many bad things about roughness.

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The roughness seems to be very much train dependant, I managed to get on the same train for both my rides yesterday (Train 3, Row 2) the outer seats were a little rattly, but nothing too serious. The inside seats were remarkably smooth. It was a pleasant surprise after hearing so many bad things about roughness.

As with most Gerstlaurers it seems.

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Bear in mind you can click the spinning circle of the 3, with that, you can set up the inner most circles correctly whilst the 3rd spins before clicking it madly until you win

Whether or not that gives you 100% will no doubt be based on the other games... Least it's not easy to win...

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Bear in mind you can click the spinning circle of the 3, with that, you can set up the inner most circles correctly whilst the 3rd spins before clicking it madly until you win

Whether or not that gives you 100% will no doubt be based on the other games... Least it's not easy to win...

Thanks :D
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