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THE SWARM: Construction Updates


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  On 8/1/2011 at 10:28 PM, 'Sheepie said:

Why is there Asylum's sound loop playing in the area in that video?

Along with the construction fence with barbed wire / CCTV theyve added speakers for them sound effects I presume, its playing from that not Stealths area
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  On 8/1/2011 at 10:28 PM, 'Sheepie said:

Oh hello barbed wire on the construction fence by Stealth. ;)

It'd be great for thrill-on-the-side if Thorpe built a relief walkway under that section of Stealth's track to The Swarm's island. But of course, I'd imagine that wouldn't be entirely practical because of the engine/hydraulics room being so near? Plus, noise and potential damage to hearing may be an issue ;)
  On 8/1/2011 at 10:45 PM, 'IanNem said:

I think you will find it is 127 feet (to the nearest foot) as in the UK we tend to use a rounding upwards system. Add the height of the train and we are almost certainly over 127 feet (high point of the track being 38.6m or 126.64042 feet).The only place I can find a reference to infernos height being 115 feet is in the student pack, which I would like to think is a problem in just that pack (why not send them an email, both inferno and detonator are wrong on a quick look) as I am sure its height was correct in marketing information.

Ahh, thanks Ian. I knew I read it somewhere but I just couldn't remember - it is uncanny how they state Inferno's height as Detonator's, as often the ride's heights are spot on or rounded up (I thought The Swarm was 126.1/2/3/4ft or something and so would be rounded down) . It may just be a a misprint as you say. I'll email them and see what they have to say about it. ;)
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  On 8/1/2011 at 11:33 PM, 'IanNem said:

Sorry I sounded so sarcastic on reading that back, it wasn't how I mean't it at all. Ironically Inferno and the detonator drop height are both 99 feet, so they at least have something almost rightish in those stats. I also got the height from the planning application, so if that is wrong, then so am I.

Nah, that's alright, I'm well-adjusted anyway! ;) But I thought Inferno was 95ft? Ah well, I guess only the people with the blueprints really know the exact height.But on the subject of ride heights, wasn't The Swarm meant to be taller than 38.6? I'm sure the MTDP specified "no taller than 50m" or something like that? That leaves quite a considerable gap that could've been used up if it were allowed.
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There was one 40 and one 50 on the MTDP - I guess the 2015 will now be the up to 50m one. Edit - looks like you removed your question...I was thinking, although I do agree the resemblance is uncanny, wouldn't an official tie-in be more pushed and in-your-face? I remember the Saw announcement clearly stating "based on the film"... Although I think it probably will be with this, just when the marketing for the film starts.

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  On 8/1/2011 at 11:46 PM, 'AdamY said:

There was one 40 and one 50 on the MTDP - I guess the 2015 will now be the up to 50m one.

Ah, thanks for the Adam - I did a little searching moments ago and found this at Total Thorpe Park: http://www.totalthorpepark.co.uk/features/future.shtmlWhich explains it all nicely. The 2015 coaster will indeed be the one to "not exceed 50m".
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Just an interesting point to throw into the height thing..Island C, ie The Swarm, was meant to be the 'up to 50m coaster', with Islands A and E being up to 40m. Pretty sure I read somewhere in the plans for this coaster that, because the coaster high points were carefully planned, they wre allowed to swap them round. :rolleyes:

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I feel like I need to take a step back and look at this from a distance because it can be easy to become complacent with such an amazing project. We are getting a brand new B&M Wing Rider called 'The Swarm' with a kickass layout, 4 inversions and amazing themeing! Are we still in the UK?! We won't have seen a project on this scale since Air 10 years ago.

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  On 8/2/2011 at 1:20 PM, 'Rollercoaster said:

Hey ;)I didn't know if there was a thread already. The plans look good, not to mention there new mini site!Discuss here :DGeorgeConcept Art:Posted Image

You didn't know if there was a thread already when there is an entire sub-forum dedicated to it? Hmm ;) Merged with existing thread. :rolleyes:
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Looking awesome; initally the whole THE swarm thing made cringe a little but as previously mentioned, people will soon enough just be calling it Swarm anyway.Concept Art really does look great as well. It would be awesome if the "Swarm's eyes" lit up red during dark hours like Fright Nites but guessing the cost of having such a feature would far outweigh the times it would be effective; the technology is there, it's just also whether the trains will allow it to happen.

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I really like the name "The Swarm"; it's original and quite fitting for a wing rider where you're swooping around. I was at the Park today and was impressed with the marketing effort next to Stealth - the two police officers and Les were creating quite a scene, and really giving the new ride exposure. Some of the GP seemed a bit bemused as to whether Les was an actor or a just disruptive Park guest! The "restricted area" themeing has had a bit more decoration added to it since yesterday, now sporting the claim: "The UK's 1st Winged Roller Coaster". Can't imagine The Swarm will be a 4D now, or else Thorpe would have made more of it in their marketing.Managed to get a video of Les telling us a bit more about who/what The Swarm actually are...

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Just a quick note that is a little bit off topic, but would I be right in saying that Les is also an actor within the saw the ride queue? I was there Thursday before all The Swarm marketing began and saw an actor in the saw the ride queue that looked exactly like him minus the glasses. I wouldn't have been able to tell unless his hood had came off though.

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Calm down everyone, its early days in this project, so we need to stop all these wonderful concepts you all have of the ride! Because the way it is going you will all eventually have a ride that will never reach your expectations! I as much as the next person want it to be as good as the promos and plans etc show! But we cannot count on it, the only banker we have is that it will be a B&M wingrider with hopefully some good levels of theming! We need to stop the thoughts of this years frightnights to be involved, look at what they did with saw back when it was being constructed! Nothing! So lets keep our fingers crossed and have some patients for spring 2012! But its all looking good for a very good ride for the UK theme park Industry, It seems as though Merlin are not slowing down!

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  On 8/2/2011 at 8:27 PM, 'T0M said:

Just a quick note that is a little bit off topic, but would I be right in saying that Les is also an actor within the saw the ride queue? I was there Thursday before all The Swarm marketing began and saw an actor in the saw the ride queue that looked exactly like him minus the glasses. I wouldn't have been able to tell unless his hood had came off though.

No, that'd be one of the chav guests. But either way you must beware them. :rolleyes:
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Does anyone know where the actual break run on 'The Swarm' is? I have been trying to work it out for ages on the plans. The thing is, the turn after the roll through the ruins is nicely banked back towards the station, suggesting it will carry some speed. My thoughts, are that there may be a trim break before the final turn back to the station, then the break run leading up to the station itself. Any thoughts? I would rather not see a trim break and hopefully the ride will take the last turn at full speed.

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