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The Swarm


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  On 1/21/2013 at 6:13 PM, Topsyturvy15 said:

At least it will be a new experience, almost a whole new ride! Can't see it bringing in too many new visitors but should keep old visitors happy. Still hoping for an X retheme but not looking likely. Like the idea of the billboard, will be good to add to the already quality theming!

Thorpe have said that the swarm backwards isn't their only suprise for 2013... This was after someone complained on facebook about X not being looked after, so thorpe are hinting an X retheme :)

I never got to experience the swarm back row forwards either which is a disappointment but I am looking forward to riding it backwards ;)

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This has got me very angry, the Swarm was perfectly good, if they had done nothing to and not spent a penny, there would still be huge queues, they would still sell lots of fast tracks and people we will love the ride.

But they have wasted money on a ride which simply does not need any money spending on it, but they are happy for the rest of the park to rot away, seriously am I missing something here...

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Everyone's acting as if both the trains have had all their rows turned backwards, is it really that much of a big deal?

Queuing will hardly be much different if they scrap the front row queue (which they did for most of last year when I was there)

You just simply walk to the row you wish to ride on, is that really chaotic? No because the staff in the bagging area can control how much people are in the station in the first place..

I'm now mega excited to experience this backwards :blush: Maybe we should all judge it AFTER we've been on it this year.

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  On 1/21/2013 at 6:34 PM, BigBobJones said:
This has got me very angry, the Swarm was perfectly good, if they had done nothing to and not spent a penny, there would still be huge queues, they would still sell lots of fast tracks and people we will love the ride.

But they have wasted money on a ride which simply does not need any money spending on it, but they are happy for the rest of the park to rot away, seriously am I missing something here...

Who do you think this has cost a considerable amount of money? It was probably something discussed between Thorpe and B&M before the ride was even finished. Anyway, Thorpe have said that this isn't the only change happening, an X:\ 'refurb' is still looking likely.

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  On 1/21/2013 at 6:34 PM, BigBobJones said:
This has got me very angry, the Swarm was perfectly good, if they had done nothing to and not spent a penny, there would still be huge queues, they would still sell lots of fast tracks and people we will love the ride.

But they have wasted money on a ride which simply does not need any money spending on it, but they are happy for the rest of the park to rot away, seriously am I missing something here...

Thorpe often have a bolt on attraction/update for their new coasters to keep the GP interested. Stealth got the 'version 1.1 update now faster etc' update, Saw got the maze and Swarm has got this backwards rows and extra theming. I'd much rather this than the rumored Vengeance ride as a bolt on Swarm attraction.

They have also hinted at more to be announced for the park, now this could be quite literally anything but there is a strong rumour of the No Way Out refurb which I strongly believe will happen. If they keep this up and update rides/areas each year (which I believe they could do as there aren't many flat rides/bolt on attractions that could be introduced now) then the park will start to look very very good.

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  On 1/21/2013 at 6:50 PM, BigBobJones said:
I would rather they stick the the basics:
  • Clean toilets, hand dryers which work
  • Theming which works
  • Paint not peeling off
  • Rides which don't break down as often

It seems pointless changing something which is brand new and will be popular if you do nothing.

Different budgets for different aspects of the park. I imagine there's a new developments budget, maintenance, etc etc. So this money spent on Swarm would not affect any potential maintenance/cleaning stuff. Someone will probably correct me as that was just a guess though.

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Again, I'am mixed about this decision. I can't really complain if the change is worthwhile until I ride it for myself, which of course I will. I do however think this back row business will come with a fair few problems.

Personally, I just wished they would use the money on something that really needs it. Colossus, Rumba, the entrance.

Still I guess adapting the new ride will attract alot more attention than repainting a 10 year old roller coaster such as Colossus.

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If they sell fast track for the back rows it just turns them into a paid extra. When it is busy what is the chance of being able to grab the backwards rows without having fast track?

The station is a mess when its busy. Add on the desire for the back row for people other than enthusiasts, it will be even worse. There is no space in the station and the sides are unevenly batches as it is.

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Hopefully they will sort out the mess of 2012, the station was always hit an miss depending on the staff members working. You could be sent down a side that had 30 people waiting or you could be sent to the other which had 5 people waiting... The logic is illogical.

Hopefully on the right side they will be smart and the queue adjacent to the church wall will be cut in half, half used for back row and other for other seats (hopefully cutting the front row queue all together) and on the other side they have some space to extend to the wall and back making a reasonable queue length. If they don't do at least this I will be hitting my head against a wall.

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Personally I think it would have been a wise idea for them just to reverse the rear two rows on one of the trains but that's just one mans opinion! Can't wait to ride it though :D

I just hope this year they get all of the theming elements working. Went four days last year and never did they get all the effects working at one time. Is there a reason for this?

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Ok I haven't posted in a while but I thought I show start again.

1) for the queue system they are probably going to use 2 types of card. Front and back depending on what you ask for in the mini queue or buy specific fastrack.

2) I don't think anyone has brought this up yet so I will. How are they going to take the pictures? They will have to install another set of cameras. Also the onride videos (if they ever work) will have another row missing since the very back has been turned backwards and there is nothing in front of it.

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I was rather hoping that Thorpe Park was going to use their money to update No Way Out. I think it's an entertaining ride that you can get on without having to wait in any long queues for. With this in mind, Thorpe Park have made an interesting move to make the last two rows on the swarm backwards, but this will inevitably create longer queues , but it is a novelty so might be the right move to make?

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  On 1/22/2013 at 8:20 PM, tpmillie said:
I was rather hoping that Thorpe Park was going to use their money to update No Way Out. I think it's an entertaining ride that you can get on without having to wait in any long queues for. With this in mind, Thorpe Park have made an interesting move to make the last two rows on the swarm backwards, but this will inevitably create longer queues , but it is a novelty so might be the right move to make?

No Way Out may still be being updated, they have more to announce soon :)

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  On 1/22/2013 at 8:20 PM, tpmillie said:

I was rather hoping that Thorpe Park was going to use their money to update No Way Out. I think it's an entertaining ride that you can get on without having to wait in any long queues for. With this in mind, Thorpe Park have made an interesting move to make the last two rows on the swarm backwards, but this will inevitably create longer queues , but it is a novelty so might be the right move to make?

No one said X wasn't being updated ;) I had to queue 30 mins for it once and that was a bore in that stupid garden area!

I guess we will have some sort of double facing cameras but I think it is getting a bit stupid now, the onride video was a good idea but if they can't have it on two rows(ones which people are going to want to go on most) then they are going to have a decrease in videos sold but an increase in fastracks sold. I think front and back row need some sort of cameras like saw do(if they are ever working either) on the bars infront of the carriage, if thorpe could do something like that at least all the rows could have onride cameras!

The effects are kind of stupid, I have never been when the fire effect is working and I watched a video on youtube and it only actually works on half the rides so you have to be lucky to get it and also the water skimmers have never worked when I have been there, a real disappointment! However, at least they are trying to keep them working(I hope) because on saw the effects are working all the time and if swarm can be like that it will be epic! I also hope tidal wave will get the fire effect back...

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