I am 6'7, solidly over the Swam limit at 2m with most of my height in my legs (this matters as I'll explain later) and can consistently make it onto both it (the ride with the height rule) and everything else in the park perfectly fine. In Swarm's case, sometimes you do get measured but often, even if you do, if you can prove you can fit comfortably in the restraints (this is what the size limit is for, not the near miss scenery) there will typically be leeway - although the staff have exchanged kind requests for me not to put my arms up and I've obliged.
Ultimately it is at the park staff's discretion on the day and I've just happened to run into a string of them who understand that I personally can make it on and off the ride safely and easily. Whether you can fit is dependent upon your ratio between leg height to waist height, and while mine is lucky enough for me to feel absolutely fine on it, for some people even shorter than me it is genuinely uncomfortable and unrideable if a lot of the height is in their torso. It's case by case and there's a chance you get staff that are less nice to you (not happened in my experience but obviously not impossible), so try the test seat to avoid disappointment, make *sure* you feel comfortable in them with the restraints all the way down, and then when you're queuing, do be aware you're by no means ever guaranteed to get on, even if it's sometimes more likely than you think to get on.
One other note for your day is that if you're tall, you should probably keep your heads off the backrests on Colossus and Saw. They're extremely bumpy in the first place, and worse with additional height. I have been able to fit into everything with restraints down personally though - the more height is in the torso, the worse fitting in the rides gets for you, and while tall legs can feel uncomfortable in the sitdowns, I'll take that over not getting on at all.