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About Pickles

  • Birthday November 20

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    Rocky Express
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  1. Speaking goon to guest assistant this year with Lego. Madhouses in general are problematic. When they run, they run fab but when they go wrong it’s expensive. Like a Volkswagen Golf, the older model the less likely parts will be around for the older ones. If it counts, most of all of it is the same. Love to Mr Carson always
  2. The land behind Stealth needs to settle for another couple of years before building on it. Swarms was complete about 6 years before. You really don’t want shifting foundations so that’s out the question for the next development.
  3. LEGOLAND 2024 all the way, bar Miniland looking dilapidated it was fab. Hyperia with a third train would be the biggest money waste they’ve done in a while. That’s saying something… On a plus side, surely they’ve got to a point now where they will listen to Mack and run it with dummies for at least an hour before open. Hassle and burden? Sure but reward outweighs the risk.
  4. Honestly, went over around 2 and it was walk on. Stayed at 5 minutes on app for most of the day after that. Overall, going again tomorrow however the lack of Sky Ride is telling for my poor friends arms having to push my wheelchair around. As much as I understand the complex engineering of it. It’s just not good enough from an accessible aspect anymore. It’s 2024, time to catch up.
  5. Well it is a new era! So what is the safest way people would like to hold a meet up? Shoot some ideas at me and I'm sure we can all work something out.
  6. Your words, they cut me to the soul. Hopefully they incorporate it into theming but I can't see a move as it was realistically an extreme kids ride so not family friendly in the 2020's compared to the 90's
  7. I'm going to ignore, crowd levels etc and go with disability friendly. Least stressful Disneyland Paris Blackpool (this has apparently changed recently) Flamingoland (Only stressful part was I forgot to take my walking stick so got painful) Most stressful Drayton Manor Alton Towers Chessington (Gets nerve wracking leaving a wheelchair/walking stick not close to ride platform) Fire depths of hell Thorpe Park Never will I go to Thorpe Park again assuming that I can have an ounce of independance with just a stick and end up still standing in a queue for Colosuss for 30+ minutes just because I felt that I was good enough to do without a wheelchair. Which defeated the point of I am using the disability pass due to mobility not because I HAVE to be in a wheelchair the whole time. @Benin can confirm most these stories hopefully!
  8. I thought this would open in my mid twenties, now I'm 30 and its looking like mid 30's.... # Theories are welcome as it seems like this is a fever dream.
  9. I better be invited. My plans will be whatever Benin has planned as he is my wheels.
  10. Hi, I'm Holly, I've only been banned once or twice and I keep introducing myself here saying that I'm back. I like trains. Football Serial killers I have a Business Degree that I don't use. I also like to annoy @Benin frequently and sometimes @Mark9. Toodles, see you in another year or so
  11. @Han30 honestly same with Det, I just can't in case it gets stuck. I'm proud to say coaster wise, basically been on no breakdowns, RNR at Paris was alright as the music kept playing. Water rides however, just don't go on one with me. Most my breakdowns have been water rides, lift hills, boats piling up and all that. Best flat was Rocky, 40+ rides in one day, get on one and it jerks forward and stops. We waited for the engineers and kept the ride host company. No point in trying to get on anything else, capacity day and 30+ heat so nah.
  12. Pickles

    2019 Season

    Went for the first time in years, most of what you guys have covered I agree with. It's all just a bit run down and looks dirty. The most shocking thing for me is not being able to stand for long periods of time and having to join the fastrack queue for Colossus and having to wait for 20 mins. I understand why they have changed the RAP to minimise waiting times for people who physically need to use it but basically saying to me that I need to physically be in a wheelchair to use it to the full is ridiculous. Plus a £50 deposit for a wheelchair is fantastic for people who can afford it. I won't be going back for a while, wanted a nice pain free day out and ended up pissed off and in a lot of pain. Might seem like a stupid thing to moan about but I use the RAP because I am unable to stand for long periods of time, I shouldn't have to rely on someone to wheel me around the park. Best part of the day was seeing a staff member shoot down another guest who was complaining that we got let up Infernos volcano first.
  13. 1 point for bad pun. I for one am looking forward to visiting next year to see all the new win things being built.
  14. I was joking, I promise. I have a dry sense of humour and I find not everyone get it! Absolutely shout me if you are Reading way, I'll let you know when the best times to go anywhere, not even just pizzahut. The thing with Crealy is that when you have small children then it's a great park for just that, families and creds really.
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