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About JoshC.

  • Birthday 04/06/1994

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    Theme Parks.

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  1. JoshC.


    I've still never been. It's one of those parks which, for me, is far enough away that it was always a "I'll get there at some point", and Megafobia was never a big enough draw for me. Ultimately, for my location, I can get to parks which peak my interest much more - and are no doubt significantly better - in a similar time scale / more easily. Obviously very sad, especially for the staff who will be majorly impacted by the news. I hold out a slight glimmer of hope that it may hold a chance to reopen, by being sold to another company. A big thing to me though is the fact they mention £25m of investment since 2008 - 17 years ago. That really isn't that much money at all. If we believe Flamingo Land, they've spent that much in the last 3 and a bit years. Paultons similarly have probably spent that much since the turn of the decade.
  2. Knock off Nintendo World apparently has a 20 month construction window according to plans, so a closure now would mean they can be ready for 2027. Technically late 2026, but we know it would be 2027.
  3. Well they can't make it any worse tbf.
  4. Obviously all for development, new attractions, etc. But having two parts of the park closed and under development (Wild Asia and Scorpion Express) does hit and feel pretty significant, even if Scorpion has been closed for years. It's a shame it all has to happen at once, especially given the reduction in Entertainment offering. Hopefully the park have plans to compensate for a good chunk of the park being a construction site. Does risk causing some people feeling short changed otherwise
  5. https://shop.altontowers.com/collections/auction-today Towers are auctioning off 5 off the wheel covers from original Nemesis, which have each been signed by John Wardley. Starting price was £500, going price seems to be levelling out between £750-£1000
  6. Cut it up into 10cm long sections, auction them off at $100 a pop along with a certificate of authenticity, and that'll fund whatever they're replacing it with and line the directors' pockets!
  7. JoshC.

    2025 Season

    The Hyperia water feature scenario is pretty rubbish. -It's a Creative vs Operations debacle. Creative / MMM seemingly put in a water feature, with little consultation with the park on whether it will be sustainably manageable with their budget / restraints -Of course, why something as relatively simple as a set of water fountains isn't sustainably manageable (it's the same with Swarm) is something which needs asking -The jets haven't worked since...June/July? Why are the park still making a decision of its future? I fully understand how we've got here, but it doesn't make it particularly excusable.
  8. JoshC.

    2025 Season

    Attraction Source visited Thorpe this week and have some updates: https://www.attractionsource.com/2025/02/18/thorpe-park-2025-closed-season-update/ -Beach work paused, with small side potentially opening this summer -A small area by the Marquee has been designated as a rest area for Guide Dogs -Ghost Train cafe is having more seats installed where the shop was -Colossus repaint: airtime hill, corkscrews and turnaround to the quad twist Definitely a quieter close season compared to last year, but not all that surprising
  9. JoshC.


    Et another video, showing the state of the site
  10. JoshC.

    2025 Season

    Yeah tbf Thorpe have historically had mediocre Passholder days at the start of the season. Their Fright Nights Passholder events in the past were usually well run, but the start of season ones were a cocktail of some or all of the following: first day teething issues, being too busy, having too many RAPs, not everything being ready, expectations being too high. Hopefully the park are aware of past mistakes and have better luck this time round.
  11. JoshC.

    2025 Season

    The last time I can recall the park opening after 10am was for Fright Nites 2003, when they did 11am-11pm. Still, a long time ago! In any case, it's been a long time since the park did a passholder day, so it's lovely to see them do one again. The thing with these sort of days (ie ones at the start of season) is that the money they don't earn from standard entrance tickets is sort of recouped by the fact passholders tend to spend more than average on their first visit of the year due to new merchandise. Plus, it helps bring value to the annual pass (despite it already being great value) and added satisfaction. So it is win win. A 7pm close giving the opportunity for a dusk ride or two is a lovely bonus too, and it's good to see the park continuing their experiment of offering later closing times. Hopefully that can continue. I also agree about Fright Nights: it would be interesting to see the park explore 11am-10pm at the very least. I don't know how realistic it is to happen, since one of the things that ties the park's hands is the number of under 18s working at the park. Equally, the park simply seem to have veered away from running rides till 10pm: they don't even do it for buy outs or their VIP/Press events. But it would be interesting to see.
  12. Oh 100%! Great to have, and sorely needed.
  13. I eagerly await the reports of a 2+hr queue on opening day, reviews of it being the greatest addition ever, before then settling into the line up as a filler ride which gets lost on the map in a couple of years because it's not a roller coaster.
  14. I genuinely wonder how many people would care if a couple of Sea Lifes and a Dungeon were to disappear off the MAP. Some people, yes. But I reckon they could get away with removing a few attractions off it, keeping the price the same and it would be a tint proportion of people who would really care.
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