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About Coasterfreck

  • Birthday 01/14/1996

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  • Favourite ride
    Nemesis Inferno
  • Favourite Theme Park
    Thorpe Park

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  1. This year I decided to track all of my rides on Hyperia, over the course of the season, I managed to experience 92 rides. It is interesting to note that it took me my 33rd ride to get the front row (and 34th to get my other missing row which was Row 4), and then by the end of the season the front was my second most ridden row behind the back row.
  2. Super excited that Trailers is going to feature Sleepers this year, as Platform 15 was my favourite scare maze.
  3. I’d love to see a Mack extreme spinner multi launch located on either the island behind Swarm, or in the location of the beach, Depth Charge, and Storm Surge. So long as Thorpe keeps a good relationships with Mack.
  4. Hyperia does seem to have Mack’s modified seats throughout the whole of both trains. After my first two rides, which were both on the back car, first was row 10, second was row 9. Hyperia’s first drop is fantastic and you really do get thrown over the drop on the back car. I love the outward bank into inversion combo, for me that was the best element. All round brilliant addition to Thorpe.
  5. I think it dose have a future because it is such a popular ride with adults, teens and chilldren always has big queues
  6. Coasterfreck

    Doctor Who

    Did anyone go to Doctor Who Live at Wembley Arena? I did it was epic four daleks on one stage which was awesome then to rapit up they had the supream dalek (white) floating it gave the impresion it was elevating which was a great wow moment in the show
  7. I'm not that sure that the lift hill is slower than what it used to be but this coaster is one of my favourite at chessington cant wait to ride it next season
  8. Thank you Benin and also shreak is also a diying brand so why are alton making a shreak 4D attraction becasue they have just done the final film
  9. Ok but they dont have many 1.4 rides like TP and alton Agreed fairgrounds are verry different to amusement parks
  10. Coasterfreck

    Doctor Who

    I belive we will find out in the first episode of the next series which will be a two part storyalso the next series will be split into two parts with episode seven and eight being a two part story but there will be a breackat episode seven for the summer then it will return in september, my opinion on the elventh doctor is he is good but I dont thinkhe will be as good as David Tennant but he was always going to be a though act to follow
  11. Coasterfreck


    turkey and roast potatoes tonight
  12. I think these rides are good and wood fit in well with chessie
  13. I mean white water west makes other versions of the type pleasefollow the link bellow to there websitehttp://www.whitewaterwest.com/spinning_rapids.htmlI was thinking of adding SK-61 or SK-60 not SK-75 which is storm surges class
  14. Agreed Vampire is amazing in the dark but its still amazing every time I ride it is the best coaster at chessington breath taking, outstanding at nightI love this ride
  15. Coasterfreck


    today I had chicken burgurs and chips yum I have not had it for along time
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