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Thorpe Park Trip Reports

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  Joe said:

Yes it was indeed hailing at one point. Had to clean out my own fish seat, it was full of them.

hmm, did it last about 5 minutes, because we took cover in X and something was hitting the roof with quite some force?we went in there at about 5 just as the thunder started.
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Quick trip to tp yesterday!IT was COLD!Unfortunately Colossus, rush and Miss Hippos Fungle Safari were closed, but Fungle and Colossus were testing, exciting stuff!Did time voyagers again, it seemed abit blury this time, after that it seemed to close so maybe somthings gone wrong?Stealth was being a right pain in the ass, getting stuck loads around the corner, although they fixed that but we got priority pass's for Colossus / Nemesis and Stelath, for when we choose, nice one tp :PDetonator/ tower of terror? B) was good, the staff were brilliant all when ever I rode it, and its so much better with the countdown again! Saw around 4 stealth rollbacks in total, some lucky riders got 2 in a row!

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Took a trip to Thorpe today..Park population was around 8,000VERY COLD! Colossus testing with full train of dummies until around 12oclock, opened to public and then stopped on lift, they managed to get it working and got the train around the track like normal. Engineers were doing stuff to the base of the lift hill. Samurai closed all morning with a cherry picker up and down to it between testing. Opened around 3 oclock. Colossus then evacuates queue and re-opens later in the day. Witnessed 1 rollback on Stealth today, saw a train in the rollback / failed launch position from the Inferno hill.Watched Time Voyagers again, alot better than first time, Still prefer Pirates 4D though, so did the staff I spoke to!Last day of Head rush and watched all 4 Jet Ski shows to take photos, I was offered to take photos from the back of the boat during the show but they arrived just a few seconds after the show had begun and so I didnt manage to get on B) anyhow am in contact with them so its all good. Arena show was fantastic if you missed it, I'm sure other people who did see it will agree!Ride Count:Inferno - 2Quantum - 4Zodiac - 4Rumba - 1Time Voyagers - 1Samurai - 1Maximum Queue Times:Inferno - 45 (2 trains)Stealth - 45 (1 train)Samurai - 35Colossus - 90 (almost queue full)Slammer - 15X:/ No Way Out - 30Detonator - 20Vortex - 30Zodiac - 15Quantum - 5Loggers - 5Rumba - 10Depth Charge - 5Tidal Wave - 0 (Open with riders in the snow! MAD!)Anyway that concludes my day B)

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Went to Thorpe along with James and Beth, and Sam. Walked round with Joe, Seb, and Holly for a little while :D Met a few people. :D3741 in the park. BRILLIANT weather, loads of sun and it felt like May! Train taken off Inferno, probably due to the pretty dead queues.Rush Having its cables put back on and, being tightened.Ride Count:Colossus - 1Detonator - 3Fish - 3 (12 circuites, because we're cool! :L)Loggers - 1Inferno - 2Quantum - 1Rumba - 1Samurai - 1Slammer - 1Stealth - 1Teacups - 1Vortex - 1Xnwo - 10 (don't ask why... BETH!!!!!!)Zodiac -1

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Hi, visited Thorpe on Sat (5th April 08) with my step son. Here's an account.Park was fairly quiet with Stealth and Colossus having the larger of the queues. The new 4D film, Time Voyagers was pretty good and the 4D effects were very good. Much better than the ones at Legoland. Stealth and Colossus were on 1 train operation although Stealth went on to two trains in the afternoon, more than halving it's queue time as a result. Weather was nice and dry in the morning but showery in the afternoon. Park population was mostly chavs with piled on make up and sports clothes and plenty of young lads dressed like Boys In The Hood. Boy, did I feel old. Ride Count: Stealth x 2 Nemesis Inferno x 2 Detonator x 2 Samurai x 1 Slammer x 1 Time Voyagers x 1 Vampire at Chessington x 3!!!!! (See below.) Some grumbles: It was fantastic riding the mighty Stealth again but very annoying that Thorpe are too tight to run two trains when the ride has big queues. I hear of European parks that do their best to keep queues down and it's about time this happened here, considering the entrance fees. Colossus broke down on the hill lift for a looong time, had only 1 train running and it's track still has not had a much needed refurbishment. The track makes the ride look very neglected and considering how popular the ride is (despite it being rougher than a badger's back side), Thorpe should really start investing in some long term care for a coaster that used to be great to ride. An idiot on Detonator undid then re-fastened his seat belt whilst at the top of the ride. This forced the ride ops to call an engineer over to slowly lower the ride so they could check his belt was fastened correctly. We left the queue and came back later. What a berk. Despite the grumbles, my step son had a fun day and he enjoyed his first visit to Thorpe. When we entered Chessington to meet the rest of the family, it was really quiet (5 pm and raining) and I whored Vampire for 3 rides before we went home. I took my step son on with me on my last go, for his first ever go on it and he really enjoyed it. It really is quite an experience, swinging to and fro at speed inbetween the tree tops. Great stuff. The family had enjoyed their visit to Chessington, especially the animal shows and they they also enjoyed the new Sea Life exhibit. Regards.Chris.

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  britcitchris said:

An idiot on Detonator undid then re-fastened his seat belt whilst at the top of the ride. This forced the ride ops to call an engineer over to slowly lower the ride so they could check his belt was fastened correctly. We left the queue and came back later. What a berk.

I can't believe this, absolutely over the top excuse to shut down the ride in my opinion.
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It's not like someone goes upside down on detonator... I would have used the PA to make him do it back up, and when I can see he had, let the people down!I went to Thorpe yesterday with Badders and his mate Tom, had a great day!Tidal Wave was stopped for some reason on the lift hill.Slammer had a few problems as usual.Samurai was testing empty alot.Stealth seemed to be down alot, got into the park to see it rollbacking with people screaming.We were queing for Stealth single rider, the guy in the control box seemed awesome... He started playing a countdown recording from 10 and fired it on 6, and well it did shock everyone on board and everyone laughed lol!Great day!

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Went to Thorpe today, BRILLIANT DAY!Park much more empty than expected, less than 3000 in the park before 10:30, pretty quiet all day.Stelaht didnt open until around 11:30 due to a BIRD caught in the cables running from the peak of the top hat to the floor. They sent multiple trains over the try to scare the bird and make it flap and fly free and in the end it did. Staff wern't telling guests it was the bird that was the problem and I was told not to point at the bird which was obvious flapping around everytime a train went over!2 rollbacks today.Queues didnt exceed 45 mins on anything. Only rush closed. Due to open very soon.

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