JoshC. Posted March 9, 2013 Report Share Posted March 9, 2013 Maybe they've not taken it all down so it's easier to rebuild in the future..? Is it unreasonable to expect that they should have rebuilt it this closed season? If they're planning on rebuiliding it in the future, we're still left with this mish-mash of tunnel and no tunnel which looks horrid; not particularly good impression is it..? Or maybe they could have maintained it better in the first place so they wouldn't have had to resort to this? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
pluk Posted March 9, 2013 Report Share Posted March 9, 2013 If that's what they plan what have they been doing for the last four months?! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
alexander Posted March 9, 2013 Report Share Posted March 9, 2013 It's completely frustrating to see the rest of the park deteriorate. I agree with Pluk. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SteveJ Posted March 9, 2013 Report Share Posted March 9, 2013 Hmm, maybe they are deliberately letting the whole park die because it "fits the theme". [/sarcasm] MattyMoo 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
alexander Posted March 9, 2013 Report Share Posted March 9, 2013 Hmm, maybe they are deliberately letting the whole park die because it "fits the theme". [/sarcasm] You say that's sarcasm, but it definitely sounds somewhat plausible. You'll give them ideas, next the Swarm will continue to dominate has destroyed further parts of Thorpe Park. 'THE SWARM' tore off the tunnel of Loggers Leap - I imagine that'll be the next PR stunt RideAddict 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Marc Posted March 9, 2013 Report Share Posted March 9, 2013 It's one ride, I agree it's not great, but to judge the entire park on this is crazy with the amount of good what's been done across the rest of the park makes it not so bad for me. Budgets are not unlimited, the money they have had has been spent well, much better than spending it all on a new tunnel IMO. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
alexander Posted March 9, 2013 Report Share Posted March 9, 2013 It's one ride, I agree it's not great, but to judge the entire park on this is crazy with the amount of good what's been done across the rest of the park makes it not so bad for me. Budgets are not unlimited, the money they have had has been spent well, much better than spending it all on a new tunnel IMO. I love that they're continuing to add to the Swarm but if they think the underwhelming gate numbers are down to their latest addition, I think they need to re-evaluate their priorities. There are plenty of other aspects of the park which are in dire need of the budget. The backward seats on Swarm should have been done at a later date because it's still relatively new attraction. I just hope the X renovation has promise. Oh and as much as I'm not keen on the Crash Pad's visual look, I'm sure it'll bring a lot more revenue in for them. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SteveJ Posted March 9, 2013 Report Share Posted March 9, 2013 It's far from one ride that's rotted. Almost everything from the Thorpe Park I knew 12 years ago has deteriorated in some way or another, to the point at which it detracts significantly from my enjoyment of the park. It's a shame really... And I hardly think a massive ugly advert stuck on the Swarm is compensation for the years of degradation. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JoshC. Posted March 9, 2013 Report Share Posted March 9, 2013 It's one ride, I agree it's not great, but to judge the entire park on this is crazy with the amount of good what's been done across the rest of the park makes it not so bad for me. Budgets are not unlimited, the money they have had has been spent well, much better than spending it all on a new tunnel IMO. I agree with you that it's crazy to judge the entire park on the moment. Having not been to the park yet, I (and many people here) can't really judge the park yet. After visiting, we can have a better idea as to whether it's 'accepetable' (there is no word for it really, but that'll do) that they've left Logger's like it is. Personally though, if a tunnel had got to the stage where it had rotted and needed removing, I'd have placed that VERY highly on my list of things to do over Closed Season... Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TPJames Posted March 9, 2013 Report Share Posted March 9, 2013 With the tunnel removed, it just makes loggers look AWFUL! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Graeme Posted March 9, 2013 Report Share Posted March 9, 2013 New for tunnel on loggers leap. Will you brave it in the dark! ZOMG!!!!!!! jammydodger, pluk, Bubbles1 and 3 others 6 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TPJames Posted March 9, 2013 Report Share Posted March 9, 2013 New for tunnel on loggers leap. Will you brave it in the dark! ZOMG!!!!!!! This is exactly what thorpe are gonna do... Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mitchada04 Posted March 9, 2013 Report Share Posted March 9, 2013 What doesn't help the tunnel is the way it starts, stops and starts again. If they had removed the first section it may have looked a bit better (or at least more sensible). Should provide a nice head chopper though Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sidders Posted March 9, 2013 Report Share Posted March 9, 2013 Yes it looks terrible, but Thorpe did a nice job repainting other parts of the park such as the buildings,Nemesis Inferno and X's new signage. All of which are things that should be done anyway but since Thorpe are so bad typically it's nice to see them making the effort in what little way they want to. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
alexander Posted March 9, 2013 Report Share Posted March 9, 2013 If this Paramount Park goes ahead, it'll be some healthy competition and might initiate Merlin to look at guest experience a bit more. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tom Posted March 9, 2013 Report Share Posted March 9, 2013 I enjoyed Logger's a similar amount with the half-tunnel. It doesn't look great but it makes a nice change and isn't as bad as I thought it would have made it. Phill Pritchard and Dan9 2 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
RideAddict Posted March 9, 2013 Report Share Posted March 9, 2013 Hi guys, I'm new here but having watched the live feed, here's the apparent result of loggers tunnel problem.,or.r_gc.r_pw.&bvm=bv.43148975,d.ZWU&biw=768&bih=928&um=1&ie=UTF-8&sa=N&tab=wl A pub in St Albans, what's that gotta do with Loggers Leap? 'THE SWARM' tore off the tunnel of Loggers Leap - I imagine that'll be the next PR stunt No, it was one of them bears from the CCR. There are some interesting comments on a photo that TPBlog posted on their Facebook page. One mentions fire damage, the other about it rotting, hence getting rid of it. The latter seems to be more likely, if there was a fire, it would've made it into the news somewhere on the net! And I think we need to draw ourselves away from this "oh no, it's gone for good" way of thinking. From the pictures that have emerged so far, what they have done looks very temporary and incomplete. I wouldn't be suprised if more work is due to be done on this, and a whole new tunnel could be built later in the season. Half of me is convinced it's not gone for good. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
RideAddict Posted March 9, 2013 Report Share Posted March 9, 2013 Ha, no worries mate. Must be a god pub, I'll note it down! Matt 236 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BigBobJones Posted March 10, 2013 Report Share Posted March 10, 2013 Hmm everyone else has said what I was thinking.. New for 2014, Brave Loggers backwards as they loaded the boats in the wrong way and rather than change it, they thought it would be a good selling point! LOL Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
J.S217 Posted March 10, 2013 Report Share Posted March 10, 2013 BBJ I have been on a Log flume that goes backwards it was great fun I believe it was in Spain Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MattyMoo Posted March 10, 2013 Report Share Posted March 10, 2013 Yes it looks terrible, but Thorpe did a nice job repainting other parts of the park such as the buildings,Nemesis Inferno and X's new signage. All of which are things that should be done anyway but since Thorpe are so bad typically it's nice to see them making the effort in what little way they want to. Yep it's certainly a step in the right direction, I agree... hopefully next closed season they will continue this trend. Rumba is in such dire need of having something done to it, that'd be top of my list. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
pluk Posted March 10, 2013 Report Share Posted March 10, 2013 But the problems you talk of Ian are ones of poor maintenance in the first place! It doesn't have to be like that - it can easily be an enclosed drop into something that isn't rotting. Considering it should be pitch black in there you can spray it with whatever you want to waterproof it. I don't doubt that as a structure it was finished and would had to have been removed to the extent it has been before replacing. The cost of building it again would have been insignificant in comparison to much of the other work that has been completed around the park (including painting a big building that doesn't even have anything inside it and messing about with what was already their newest and best ride). Remember, that tunnel was built by the original Thorpe with no practically no money at all because they realised that providing an experience and something a little different was worthwhile. Now the might of multi-billion pound Merlin can't be bothered. Admittedly I haven't seen it in person, but from the photos what they have done looks bizarre - the old entrance leading to nothing, an open lift and drop then into a hole in the ground with really obvious signs around you that there was a building there before. It would never have been designed like that and that is obvious to GP and geeks alike. It annoys me to say the GP don't care about the rides like we do. We are the GP, we just analyse things a bit more than the average guest - that doesn't mean we don't enjoy it just the same and for the same reasons. Money may be spent where it will bring the guests in, but that should include simply giving a good day in pleasant surroundings, not only on something big and shiny to put on the poster. People do notice this stuff. SteveJ, Coaster, BigBobJones and 3 others 6 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JoshC. Posted March 10, 2013 Report Share Posted March 10, 2013 The general public don't care about these rides as much as enthusiasts do, and in the grand scheme of things a tunnel will be forgotten in to eternity within a few years at most. Money will always be spent most where it brings the guests in, generally this is the stuff that is most marketable. The talk of the park will spend more money on what is generally marketable interests me. This season, there seems to have been a fair few improvements around the park, which is great. Having not visited the park, I don't know what all of these are, or their success, but from what I'm aware, there's been - Swarm stuff, X, fixing up of Inferno effects, improvements to Colossus' station, new Detonator restraints, new Depth Charge boats, some buildings and the beach being done up a bit, dome having some TLC and no doubt other bits and bobs. This all sounds great, and I'm glad that we're seeing these little touches being done - it shows that the park must somewhar care about their appearance. However, only the Swarm stuff and X are marketable. From what I could gather, the only other improvement which would directly improve guests' experiences are the Inferno effects (again, having not been to the park, this is more an assumption, but I doubt some of the little things are improving a guests' day out dramatically?). The one thing that I don't 'get' is surely Loggers' tunnel is more important than a spruce up of little things, new restraints and new boats? The enclosed drop for many is a highlight of the ride. Well, was. I don't know how budgeting works at theme parks, which could be why I'm not getting this, but I'd have thought that some of these things could be put off a year to ensure that a ride's experience isn't hampered. Out of a choice of loads of little spruce ups, which could be done any time, or ensuring that a ride is kept the way it was designed to be, neither of which are marketable, I know which I would choose. No doubt more non-enthusiasts who return this season will note the lack of tunnel more than Depth Charge's new boats and Detonator's new restraints. I'm trying to not judge the decision until I've ridden Loggers, as it would be unfair to do so otherwise. But from a purely theoretical view, if you will, this just does not feel right. Maybe my views will change once I visit the park. SteveJ and pluk 2 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SteveJ Posted March 10, 2013 Report Share Posted March 10, 2013 pluk, on 10 Mar 2013 - 16:10, said: We are the GP, we just analyse things a bit more than the average guest - that doesn't mean we don't enjoy it just the same and for the same reasons. Thank you for saying that! How refreshing to hear. I dislike the way theme park guests are often categorised as either "general public" or "enthusiasts". It's meaningless really, we are all visitors there to enjoy the park. We all have the same five senses so we experience rides in more or less the same way. The tunnel added a fun aspect to the ride because you would lose your sight, leaving you unable to see the drop so it felt much taller than it really was. Then you would emerge in some trees not having a clue where you were. Everybody who rode Loggers Leap experienced that sensation, whether it had a memorable effect on them or not. From my personal experience I always enjoyed that part. Now by exposing the lift, you are removing the potential for all riders in the future to experience that sensation. Those familiar with Loggers Leap will definitely notice something is missing (it's hard not to with half of it still standing), and newcomers will have a less interesting ride experience than what they could have had. Sure, most people won't actively complain that the tunnel isn't there, but their potential ride experience is now far less effective. So, for the sake of people's enjoyment (is that the point of a theme park?), Thorpe Park should definitely replace the tunnel roof. Some barely susceptible repaints will not make a significant impact on the average guest's potential enjoyment, but the disappearance of a tunnel certainly will. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Coaster Posted March 10, 2013 Report Share Posted March 10, 2013 I am sure that should something like this be built now (with an enclosed dark drop) boats with some sort of restraint would be a must. What about Valhalla at Blackpool then? That has very steep drops in the pitch black and a backwards drop yet has no restraints. In my opinion they could have replaced that section of tunnel on the cheap and nobody would have known, yet the way they have just left it is appauling - especially as they haven't even removed all of the walls etc... Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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