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52 minutes ago, JoshC. said:


Whilst they haven't had a new (non-kiddie) flat ride in 9 years - yes, I'm counting the Dodgems - I'd still argue Thorpe's flat ride collection is decent. Good variety and good amount.


Is it as impressive as it was 10 years ago? No. Is it still better than a lot of other parks? Tbf, yeah


For sure, just a lot is showing its age atm. And when you've got a big new project and no additional support rides coming in to help the crowds in the area.


Just seems there's too much obsession with roller coasters. Dark Rides would also help but after DBGT........


Also looks like someone forgot to lock the door after we briefly got rid.

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13 hours ago, coasterverse said:

Thorpe Park have an incredible rollercoaster lineup - even more so with the imminent arrival of Project Exodus - I really think they need to start focusing on high quality flat and dark rides next. That is where the park is seriously lacking.


What flat rides should Thorpe bring to the table? I'd argue Thorpe's flat ride collection is only second to Canadas Wonderland so I'd be interested in what the hole in Thorpe's line up is (breakdance).


Dark rides yes. It's silly that there's one dark ride that isn't really to me a proper dark ride.

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3 minutes ago, Mark9 said:


What flat rides should Thorpe bring to the table? I'd argue Thorpe's flat ride collection is only second to Canadas Wonderland so I'd be interested in what the hole in Thorpe's line up is (breakdance).


Dark rides yes. It's silly that there's one dark ride that isn't really to me a proper dark ride.


I just think the current flat ride lineup needs a refresh. Samurai, Rush and especially Zodiac are all looking (and to be fair, feeling) rather tired these days. I'm not entirely sure what they should be replaced with (as I'm not much of a flat ride fanatic myself, although my friends that I go to the park with are), but a Zamperla Nebulaz certainly wouldn't look out of place in the park's lineup.


In regards to dark rides however, whether Derren Brown stays or goes, a ghost train of some sort is needed. I think for a park like Thorpe, a ghost train is the perfect dark ride fit. Thorpe Park is a thrill park, and a ghost train adds to the thrills and adrenaline whilst still offering a bit of a breather to the park's immense and intense coaster lineup. I suppose The Walking Dead: The Ride somewhat offers this too as I personally feel it's much more like a dark ride than it is a coaster, but a bog standard ghost train with a twist and/or incredible theming really is a missed opportunity within the park.


Perhaps adding some sort of indoor water attraction at some point would be nice too - sure we've got Tidal Wave and Rumba Rapids (and that other multicoloured horrendous trenchfoot-inducing monstrocity), but again a well-themed indoor water attraction (perhaps an indoor log flume or water coaster) would be great, not forgetting it could run year-round too and still maintain decent footfall as it would be considerably warmer if indoors.

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2 hours ago, Mark9 said:


What flat rides should Thorpe bring to the table? I'd argue Thorpe's flat ride collection is only second to Canadas Wonderland so I'd be interested in what the hole in Thorpe's line up is (breakdance).


Dark rides yes. It's silly that there's one dark ride that isn't really to me a proper dark ride.


Just pick a page in the Zamperla catalogue like every other park does.


An Air Race instead of Zodiac is the first idea that comes to mind.


Doesn't help that the best flat ride has been demolished.

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Oh wow... the excitement is really starting to heat up on Project Exodus now!


Seeing Logger's Leap and Rocky Express gone does look very strange, as for all the years I've been visiting Thorpe, that area has always been relatively sleepy and calm. I cannot imagine a 236ft tall coaster in that bit of the park at all, and while it's very easy to dismiss something as "not being that big" when you're viewing renderings and such, I think Project Exodus will look truly ludicrous compared to everything else around it when it's been erected!


As for the ride itself; I will make no secret of the fact that I feel that something non-inverting and with more of a focus on traditional straight airtime, such as a B&M Hyper Coaster, would perhaps have filled more of a discernible hole within Thorpe Park's coaster lineup and the overall UK industry, and if I'm being completely honest, such a ride would also have aligned with my personal taste a bit more.


With that being said, the Mack Hyper Coaster as a proposition is certainly growing on me the more I look at it. While the ride layout doesn't have many straight airtime hills per se (only the one at the end), and perhaps doesn't look like the flat-out UK airtime machine that I and many others were yearning for, some of the inversions and other elements look very cool and could provide some high quality negative g-forces.


To be frank, all of the elements look like they could really deliver. The first drop could potentially be top-class, the Immelmann looks awesome if the similar element on Icon is anything to go by, the outerbank into an inversion looks very unique and could be a really inspired element with some good negative g-forces if the fast roll on Blue Fire is anything to go by, the dive loop could provide some nice hangtime, the overbank could provide some interesting sideways forces and the airtime hill into the brakes could have some good airtime. Overall, it looks like an excellent layout with no dead weight or elements that don't really deliver.


It certainly looks like a very unique hyper coaster, and I think that it has a very inspiring layout design. While it won't be the longest hyper coaster on Earth by any stretch of the imagination, it won't be shockingly short either (around 40 seconds from lift hill to brakes, and 6 elements in total excluding the first drop, which I wouldn't say is terribly short by any means), and the layout looks like one that plays to the strengths of a shorter ride duration. With a very intense combination of show-stopping elements, and no real "dead space" if you like, Exodus looks like it could suit being short. I reckon it could be like the Wodan of hyper coasters, where it's not the longest coaster on Earth, but doesn't let up at all and leaves people coming into the brake run suitably amazed!


When all is said and done, though, it's just exciting to see a 236ft tall coaster being built in the UK!

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48 minutes ago, JoshC. said:

Took a little poodle down Monks Walk. Not really anything new to report, but at least a different perspective:






Distinct lack of poodle images in that post.

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On 1/13/2023 at 12:45 PM, MattyMoo said:

For crying out loud, just give me the mod keys already, this is more of a SHAMBLES than my last ride on DBGTROTD.


Please direct me to guest services.


I mean, it probably will open in June by the time traditional delays get factored in - shout out to the Smiler.

Need to get to atleast rank 10 first :)

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1 hour ago, MattyMoo said:

At least the marketing for Exodus shouldn't be tedious or far reaching - "The UK's tallest rollercoaster". Simple.


No need for the "UK's first Walking Dead themed coaster" or some nonsense like that :D



We don't know the theme yet.


Highest rollercoaster themed to Bear Grylls or something stupid.

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