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Derren Brown's Ghost Train: Rise of the Demon


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On the topic of the bridge... is it just me or does it look like it has pretty big spaces missing in-between the poles? Surely not? H&S would have a fit, especially given what happened with Tomb Blaster/Rameses. I'm assuming it's just the angle and the spaces aren't that big if so.

There's a chicken fence type mesh in between the poles to please H&S.

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On the topic of the bridge... is it just me or does it look like it has pretty big spaces missing in-between the poles? Surely not? H&S would have a fit, especially given what happened with Tomb Blaster/Rameses. I'm assuming it's just the angle and the spaces aren't that big if so.


Do you mean the floor in this photo? https://www.instagram.com/p/BBsME8gkgH0/ If so, I'd be surprised if that was accessible to the public given the spaces between the poles (and there's some sort of chain hanging from it too?).  If that is the case, they've probably just taken a photo of it so they can say they've posted photos from inside the building, without giving anything away.


Otherwise, the actual fences seem fine since there's the mesh fencing between the poles.

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Do you mean the floor in this photo? https://www.instagram.com/p/BBsME8gkgH0/ If so, I'd be surprised if that was accessible to the public given the spaces between the poles (and there's some sort of chain hanging from it too?).  If that is the case, they've probably just taken a photo of it so they can say they've posted photos from inside the building, without giving anything away.


Otherwise, the actual fences seem fine since there's the mesh fencing between the poles.


Could this be a glass floor?

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That is incredibly unusual. I would have expected the website to be removed around a month after the attraction opening so that maximum publicity could be achieved. I know the competition is over but the website was still a good outlet for releasing clues and aiding hype. Despite the name being announced, the manufacturer, ride type and other details have not been released. Therefore, the website would have been great as a way to keep the hype train rolling.

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We're 4 weeks and 1 day away from the park officially opening and there isn't any marketing hype around this at all, looks like it probably will be opening closer to May.

Ryan I am sorry. but you're completely wrong here. Have you seen the amound of articles across all types of online media have been released.

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The competition winners should be announced on Monday, which should hopefully give us an opening date within the week I would assume, Thorpe have been saying on Twitter they would tell us very very soon. This should get the PR train rolling again on this. I still can't believe we still hardly know anything about this, or even the manufacturer!!

On a final note good luck to all who has entered the competition, would be nice if there was a TPM winner.

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Apologies for posting two times in a row, but it seems as if everyone's lost a bit of interest in the topic recently.

As the HTC Vive is 100% being used during the experience I decided to look it up (features, quality, its system etc.) and found out that the feature that sets it apart from other VR brands, is that it has a front camera that enables augmented reality applications in incredible detail and resolution as if they were VR applications.

So, I'm certain AR plays a big role within the attraction.

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The HTC Vive does sound very exciting.  I've been looking at some reviews of the pre-release version and they've all be largely positive, and it does sound like it is one of the best VR systems available at the moment.


It'll be interesting to see just how much the VR will be part of the attraction.  It's been stressed that this isn't a VR experience, but instead VR simply plays a part.  But just how big a part?  Just the pre show?  A section between pre show and main show?  That's what's got me curious. 


Ryan I am sorry. but you're completely wrong here. Have you seen the amound of articles across all types of online media have been released.


Whilst it's true about the large amount of online media, it's still nowhere near the scale of marketing of which a major attraction should be receiving less than a month before the park opens.  And that large amount of online media doesn't help get guests through the gate if there's no opening date set.  

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Can you blame them for being cautious with their marketing after The Smiler's opening blunder?

My guess is that the Vive headsets may be holding up the launch. It's just been announced that the retail version will be available from April 1st, and unless Thorpe are working really close with HTC, which I doubt based on the lack of endorsement so far, then they probably only have one dev kit to work with until they go into mass production.

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The competition winners should be announced on Monday, which should hopefully give us an opening date within the week I would assume, Thorpe have been saying on Twitter they would tell us very very soon. This should get the PR train rolling again on this. I still can't believe we still hardly know anything about this, or even the manufacturer!!

On a final note good luck to all who has entered the competition, would be nice if there was a TPM winner.

TPM deserve this, we want it more than anyone else.

Hopefully we're rewarded.

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My guess is that the Vive headsets may be holding up the launch. It's just been announced that the retail version will be available from April 1st, and unless Thorpe are working really close with HTC, which I doubt based on the lack of endorsement so far, then they probably only have one dev kit to work with until they go into mass production.


This. News articles saying that you can pre-order Vive's from 29th February, and will be available "early April". I hope Thorpe are high up that pre-order queue or it could be interesting...  :blush:

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