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Tulley's Shocktober Fest Scream Park


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Soz for double post, but the new 16+ restriction for admittance to Tulleys is coming as a shock and disappointment to people online it seems... they do keep posting about it mind you...


I reckon it could make quite a difference to crowd levels, potentially.

I know we noticed some teens filming in mazes on Snapchat and the like, but I'm not saying that's limited to under 16s (over 16s would obvs be on Facebook xoxo)

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  • 4 weeks later...

Just wanted to ask a quick question on here and hopefully people who have some advice could help me out a little. 


I'm planning on hopefully going to shocktober fest with a mate next week (largely because I've simply given up on Thorpe and their lame ass fright nights which they now upcharge a fortune for 🙄🙄) and we need to get back to maidenhead afterwards. 


Does anyone have any tips or tricks as to how we can get back to that area without having to leave super early to catch the last train from Crawley? And whenever we do leave are the ubers back to Crawley late at night really hard/expensive to get hold of? I'm thinking of going next Tuesday/Wednesday.


Ofc a taxi all the way back to maidenhead is off the cards expensive 😂


Also if anyone's been this year, is it any good? I heard it was fantastic last year. 

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On 10/17/2023 at 8:34 PM, LukeP_8 said:

Also if anyone's been this year, is it any good? I heard it was fantastic last year. 

I went tonight and was just as good as last year, if anything there seemed to be more actors tonight than I’ve ever seen at Tulleys. All mazes were the same, the only thing that’s seen changes this year is the hayride. 

The hayride was playing a mix in the queue which included the old Asylum soundtrack 😄

@MattyMoo Pretty sure I shared a run through with you on Coven if that was you who went on it first thing tonight 😂

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Oh really? Haha! It was one of our very early mazes. Was wearing a Tulleys hoodie and a black Vault City t shirt last night.

After cutting short our visit on Saturday 7th October due to it being "a certain day" ahem, and complaining to guest services, we got our VIP bands reissued (and vouchers!) and came back last night - was so so different. Fantastic atmosphere and some incredibly intense runs on mazes with lots of actors. Was followed each run through by a blonde actress in the Cellar in the strobe maze section, getting proper close... similarly, was split off in Doom Town by two actresses in the kitchen scene, and Coven was top notch, never seen the witches getting so close and climbing onto the walls so much in the laser swamp, as I call it. If you were on the same first run through of Coven with us, the house scene in particular was very intense, the witches went absolutely bonkers, shouting and ganging up from nowhere, was absolutely superb.


I would genuinely go as far as saying our visit last night was one of the best we've ever had in all the years we've been going, and so glad that was the case. Top notch street theatre too, Fanny & Fanny, Brian the Accountant, Romeo & Juliet and also the vampire and vampiress couple all chatted to us, and they are all so so good. Fanny was showing us her pussy which she said now needed two fingers instead of one, and Juliet was proud of her gash which she - and I jest not - said that Romeo had unfortunately double fisted by accident. Lost for words/nearly spat my drink out everywhere 😂🥵


Particular highlights also included the zombie with "Choose Life" on his tshirt in Doom Town saying "NO - choose Death!", one of the roaming zombies pointing out to us this was our 3rd run through in disbelief... also, some absolute stonking scares in Creepy Cottage & Cellar (as mentioned previously) - I must reiterate again, actors last night were on absolute top form.


We didn't do The Island last night as we'd done it in our aborted visit on the 7th, and it's looooong, and we didn't do Hellements again as - no offence - it doesn't scare me in the slightest to be honest! Only minor comment/suggestion is that Chop Shop is a little dated now perhaps, though again the actors were good last night! Would love that to be changed up a bit next year. I always feel Cottage & Cellar are under-rated by the masses, as we often have the best scares of the night in them, personally!


Maze tallies last night (we have VIP, just an FYI!)
Creepy Cottage: 3
Coven of 13: 3

Island: 0

Chop Shop: 1

Clowns: 1

Wastelands: 2

Cellar: 4

Haunted Hayride: 2

Hellements: 0

Doom Town: 4


...and from our aborted visit on the 7th, leaving the park about 8pmish for fear of the atmosphere turning more sour considering they'd shut all the bars...:


Creepy Cottage: 3
Coven of 13: 1

Island: 1

Chop Shop: 1

Clowns: 1

Wastelands: 2

Cellar: 3

Haunted Hayride: 0

Hellements: 1

Doom Town: 2



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Yep that was you then haha! We were at the back of the group but dropped off after a few minutes so we were on our own.


Agree with all your comments. I thought that run through on Coven may have just been particularly good as it was the beginning of the night so all the actors had energy, but that energy was kept up throughout the whole night in all the mazes, and as I said in my previous post, that was the most amount of actors I've seen in all the mazes.


Completely agree with your comments about the Creepy Cottage and Coven, Creppy Cottage in particular has always been one of my favorite. I think they get forgotten about because they're a little bit hidden too - someone I was with had been to Tulleys a couple times before, but when we took them to the Cottage they were shocked they had never been on it before, didn't even know it was there.


I've heard they aren't doing as well as expected this year and are down most days on numbers compared to last year - maybe to do with the issues they had with the 16+ licensing or no new mazes. Hopefully a couple can get a refresh for next year, I would love to see the end of Hellements and the island personally. They've always been the weakest for me.

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9 hours ago, Cal said:

Yep that was you then haha! We were at the back of the group but dropped off after a few minutes so we were on our own.


Ahhh yes, that's our tactic too - either be at the front, or hang back and wait for everyone to get through. It amazes me how slowly some people go through the haunts (another reason not to do Hellements!)


9 hours ago, Cal said:

Agree with all your comments. I thought that run through on Coven may have just been particularly good as it was the beginning of the night so all the actors had energy, but that energy was kept up throughout the whole night in all the mazes, and as I said in my previous post, that was the most amount of actors I've seen in all the mazes.


Definitely the most actors, agreed! Some great moments of hands jumping out from walls, actors appearing from seemingly nowhere in some of the rooms when just looking into the darkness - was so impressed and they are to be commended. Top notch.  As I say - Cottage, Coven at Cellar were highlights for us. 


9 hours ago, Cal said:

Completely agree with your comments about the Creepy Cottage and Coven, Creppy Cottage in particular has always been one of my favorite. I think they get forgotten about because they're a little bit hidden too - someone I was with had been to Tulleys a couple times before, but when we took them to the Cottage they were shocked they had never been on it before, didn't even know it was there.


We literally said the same! People genuinely don't realise that Cottage is there - similarly, Wastelands had some very very short queues too, and again, I think people would oddly not realise it's there and just think that area was for the fire and dance show.


9 hours ago, Cal said:

I've heard they aren't doing as well as expected this year and are down most days on numbers compared to last year - maybe to do with the issues they had with the 16+ licensing or no new mazes. Hopefully a couple can get a refresh for next year, I would love to see the end of Hellements and the island personally. They've always been the weakest for me.


Agreed. We always give The Island (or whatever it's called that year) a go and just generally find it long and not up to par with the rest. Hellements as I say does not scare me in the slightest, though I guess it may for some - I just find it tedious and frustrating, and whilst on it all I can think is, when can I get out so I can go and see the Coven again haha.


Wonder what 2024 will bring - the rumoured second maze in Wastelands?


Oh - forgot to mention - loved the changes to Hayride, especially Bad Santa!

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I love Tulleys but I was picking between thorpe and tulleys this year, and decided that as Thorpe had 2 mazes I hadn't done and new shows etc and tulleys had no new mazes, it made more sense to go to thorpe. Agreed that tulleys needs a new maze to keep the interest, and perhaps consider retiring e.g. hellements.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So it looks like I'm finally heading down tomorrow night (30th) and I can't wait. Only issue is I can see it being mad busy. 


As someone who's never been, from what I've read here and seen elsewhere it seems like the ones to make sure I get done are Cellar, chop shop, wastelands, doom town and creepy cottage? 


Assuming I don't have time for all of the mazes is there any I should give a miss to make sure I get the better ones in? Hellements seems like one of those. 

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Haunted hayride whilst great can mess your evening up as it often has an extremely long queue. Yep I'd say miss Hellements. 


Get there at opening and you should just be able to do the majority of attractions. 


Creepy Cottage has always been quiet to begin on my visits and leave The Cellar until later as everyone goes there at the start. 

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Yes - this year haunts seem to open very close to when doors open too, so get there nice and early is solid advice.


Doom Town is a must do for the sets, as is Wastelands and also Coven of 13.

I would skip The Island, personally, and Hellements 100%.

What Matt said re: Cellar - it's right near the entrance so people see it first, so leave until later.

Wastelands is odd as I genuinely think people don't realise it's there and just go for the outside fire and dance show (which is epic, btw!)


Very true re: Hayride - I would leave that until last so then if you are in the queue, you get on it.


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Awesome. Cheers for the advice. 

I reckon well head to creepy cottage first then and probably start working our way back. Hopefully well get round to hayride and cellar and I'll keep an eye on the queues for those are we go. 


Well probably skip hellements and island then unless we somehow get everything else done before then. 



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  • 6 months later...

They do like to try and announce things when Merlin do - Tulleys have 3 question marks on their website. Appears Circus of Horrors and The Island/Colony has disappeared, so would suggest 2 are replacements for those and one new haunt. Wastelands extension/haunt 2 finally happening?

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  • 3 months later...
1 hour ago, MattyMoo said:

Still, that means two brand new haunts this year (well, one is a rebranded The Island...)

They've rethemed that space more times than I've had hot dinners.


And it's still so long that by the end you forget the name of whatever incarnation you're in by the end. 

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