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12 hours ago, Merry-go-girl said:

Wait it's going to be re-themed by next season opening? This is going to be all cosmetic then, I thinking this will be a pretty similar experience to the 2006 re-theme. 


Yeah, I expect the same ride with different stuff around it. I suppose the question is will that stuff be any good?


1 hour ago, Matt10 said:

At least this re-theme cant be as bad as tomb blasters.....


And if it's being done by the same people, there's your likely answer. No!

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52 minutes ago, Matt Creek said:

If they're trying to achieve the same success of the confused Zufari or the bland metal immersive was of Tomb Blaster, I think they're on to a winner!


I don't know what is sadder, the sorry state the ride has now become or what is expected to replace it.

How can you judge it when what it's replacing hasn't even closed yet? We haven't a clue what the theme is even going to be, whether or not it will have an IP (even if it is likely), whether the ride system will be staying, etc... Merlin could create a magical immersive brilliant ride, and if they are using their own theme I have confidence that it will at least be up to scratch with the current Bubbleworks. They wouldn't remove Bubbleworks if they weren't confident what's going to replace it will be up to scratch.

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1 hour ago, Project LC said:

They are replacing it because they see money is to be made from it. 


Are you suggesting this will be sponsored, meaning they take money from someone? I believe that this is the opposite, in that it's an IP that they have to for the privilege to use.


I think they're doing this for the right reasons,  in acknowleding what Bubbleworks had become is not acceptable and deciding to change it to something better which will be more popular. 


While it is obviously utter madness to write this off at this stage, it is understandable there are concerns about what the quality will be based on other recent developments and rethemes. People aren't just pulling the general negativity from out of their behinds. A conversation we seem to have ourselves having frequently,  and as ever I don't think there's anyone who wouldn't love to be proven wrong with something stunning.


Fingers crossed! 

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I personally think they are doing this to get a surge of punters through gates for the end of the season to get their last rides in on the bubbleworks. It almost worked with my family.

Mum: Did you hear that bubbleworks is closing? We gotta go to chessington to get our last rides in.

Me: Well, according to a source online, the ride will stay virtually the same bar some new theming along with a new IP

Mum: So they're not actually removing the ride? No point going now.


In recent years, I really just want chessington removed altogether. I cannot see any improvement made to the theme park side of it and believe that it would be better off as a zoo through and through but as long as tourists and naive families turn up, it will continue to make money despite the gradual increase in customer dissatisfaction.



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16 hours ago, Project LC said:

I meant it as in they believe the money spent will make money in the boosted gate figures. 


And there's nothing wrong with that, it should be the reason they do absolutely anything. All we've got to hope is it gives them that boost because it's actually good, and not just because it's marketable as something that appears better than it is.


2 hours ago, Marley said:

I personally think they are doing this to get a surge of punters through gates for the end of the season to get their last rides in on the bubbleworks. 


I've no doubt that that is why they've marketed the change like this. I've got no problem with it; while the boats may remain, if the whole essence of the ride is changing I think it's fair to say it's 'closing down' and generating sone nostalgia trips.

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2 hours ago, Marley said:

I personally think they are doing this to get a surge of punters through gates for the end of the season to get their last rides in on the bubbleworks. It almost worked with my family.

Mum: Did you hear that bubbleworks is closing? We gotta go to chessington to get our last rides in.

Me: Well, according to a source online, the ride will stay virtually the same bar some new theming along with a new IP

Mum: So they're not actually removing the ride? No point going now.


In recent years, I really just want chessington removed altogether. I cannot see any improvement made to the theme park side of it and believe that it would be better off as a zoo through and through but as long as tourists and naive families turn up, it will continue to make money despite the gradual increase in customer dissatisfaction.


Whilst this is correct, I don't see anything wrong with this. People forget that even the current version of Bubbleworks is a very popular ride, a lot of people have very nostalgic memories of the older version and many would want a last ride on this incarnation of it.

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Tbh the only reason I'll miss it is because it's been a part of Chessington for so long it'll be wierd without it - nowadays I cant be asked to ride it most of the time. Maybe it's because I go alot more now - maybe it's because I do actual rides now (Vampy and Fury), but for now it's the actual definition of filler. 

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The park are offering tours for £35 for those interested. I like how it says meet professor burp. Didn't think they kept any of the original props/animatronics. Plus Professor Burp is currently buried under a tombstone located on the path to Vampire haha.



Bubbleworks is an iconic attraction at Chessington Resort and we would like to invite you behind the scenes one last time. Learn the history of the ride and meet Professor Burp, take home a limited edition Bubbleworks Pop Badge and go where no one else has been before for photos and fun on a factual tour inside the attraction.

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2 hours ago, Mattgwise said:

The park are offering tours for £35 for those interested. I like how it says meet professor burp. Didn't think they kept any of the original props/animatronics. Plus Professor Burp is currently buried under a tombstone located on the path to Vampire haha.



Bubbleworks is an iconic attraction at Chessington Resort and we would like to invite you behind the scenes one last time. Learn the history of the ride and meet Professor Burp, take home a limited edition Bubbleworks Pop Badge and go where no one else has been before for photos and fun on a factual tour inside the attraction.


This is so exploitative. Look, we all know about theme parks and the changes that have occurred but the average person may not. Some people may not even know that the re theme occurred at the end of '05, so to advertise this whole closing down and backstage tours as one thing when it's obviously not must go against some consumer rights. Must come under false advertisement surely.


Some of you may think I'm being pedantic with all this negativity but considering the seasons they've had in recent years I feel they are now just exploiting peoples trust and naivety. Like I said previously, Merlin see no worth in this park anymore, milk all they can until numbers get so low then they'll sell it off. 


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The way it's worded does not breach any advertising standard agency regulations. The bubbleworks is closing and will never be the same again.

It's like terror of the towers and guardians of the galaxy. Same ride system different theme. Seeing as theme is the majority of a dark ride it seems fine to me to say that the ride is going and is the last chance to see the as it is.


That being said I agee Merlin are neglecting the park and don't see the worth the park once had. The retheme is not one I would have had at the top of the list as they need a throughput monster first but it did need doing.

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I'm just worried about the theme of it really, especially if it's going to be an IP. I'm just praying this doesn't turn out to be a theme directed specifically at children (ie. Gruffalo). Professor Burp was something for all ages. A chaotic, musical, brightly-coloured fizzy pop factory which will satisfy any child and adult alike...while older guests also get a laugh out of the multiple visual gags!


Probably over-exaggerating a little here, but what I'm saying is, if a ride for all ages is eventually revealed to be turned into a ride for kids, that will most likely be enough to turn me away...

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6 hours ago, Marley said:


This is so exploitative. Look, we all know about theme parks and the changes that have occurred but the average person may not. Some people may not even know that the re theme occurred at the end of '05, so to advertise this whole closing down and backstage tours as one thing when it's obviously not must go against some consumer rights. Must come under false advertisement surely.


Some of you may think I'm being pedantic with all this negativity but considering the seasons they've had in recent years I feel they are now just exploiting peoples trust and naivety. Like I said previously, Merlin see no worth in this park anymore, milk all they can until numbers get so low then they'll sell it off. 



I do think you are being pedantic, particularly as visitor numbers have risen steadily over the last ten years.. This thing they are offering isn't compulsory, no one is being forced to go on the tour. It makes sense for a theme park to profit from one of their attractions if people are willing to pay that amount. In a sense, it is a last time opportunity to see the Bubbleworks behind the scenes. I'd be intrigued as to how they intend to include Professor Bubbleworks in there.

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Just booked my tour  :-)


I have fond memories of the ride, and my little boy (who is autistic) absolutely adores it! Every time we come home from Chessington, he sits an makes a paper version of the Bubbleworks to play with.


He was so upset when I told him it was closing.


So I know some may think this tour is a waste of money or Merlin trying to cash in etc, but it will be well worth it for my little boy :-)

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Hah, staff at Chessington seem to have gone back in time to 2005. The Professor's been retired/dead for a long time now. To me this revamp is no different from what's already occurred. In fact, it may even turn out to be an improvement. We can assume, from the snippets revealed, that the factory tour theme is remaining. Perhaps my dream of a Fanta IP has finally come true. 

This guy is taking it particularly hard though: This chap needs a girl pretty bad

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Oh that's only part of the PR for this, nothing that should be taken seriously...


As for what the retheme took out, it pretty much took out any form of charm out of the ride... Subtle jokes were turned into stating the obvious stuff and the music was warped into some awful mix of rubbish... The grandeur of the station and fountain finale also went missing in the refurb...


One of the worst things ever done to Chessie, if not the worst...

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