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Went to Legoland today...and the firm highlight of the day was (without a doubt)...Pirate Shores! :)

I personally thought Legoland had done an excellent job with the revamp, even though it was pretty minor. The interactivity was very good (eg. Castaway Camp and the 'captain-with-the-jokes') and more importantly, Pirate Falls just seems to get you wetter and wetter with every revamp!


All I have to say now is that most of the time, we really CAN rely on Legoland for great theming! :D (with the exception of Vikings' River Splash...or should I say 'Metal and Concrete - The Ride'? ;))


"HA HA! What is a pirate's favourite subject at school? It's...ARRRRRT! Ha Ha! ART! Get it? Ahh you miserable lot!" :P

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I went to LEGOLAND today as well funnily enough and would pretty much agree with that whole comment.


  • Pirate Shores was actually pretty decent, far better than I gave it credit for.
  • The Pirate Falls revamp looked great. Had a few old bits that were nice to see. Of course, the original will always be the best to me but there is no doubt kids of today will grow up with the same attitude torwards the new one.
  • It certainly gets you wetter.. ^_^ (Plus lots of little interactive elements)
  • The old queueline to the Pirate Falls was gutted and redesigned. Part of the old Pirate Training camp now replaces the duplo area in the queue.
  • Castaway Camp looked impressive and was extremely busy which was good to see.
  • Burger Kitchen looked nice though not a patch off Crossed Ribs BBQ in my opinion.
  • LEGOLAND can do themeing. So my question is, why can't the rest of Merlin?
  • Despite this, why do all Merlin attraction signs have to be 2d vinyl signs. Can't we be a bit more creative here?
  • I miss the Jungle Coaster big time..

All in all, I am 18 and had an awesome day. (wow, I need to grow up) :rolleyes:

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Compared to what I saw when I went there a few months ago, it does look like they've made some improvements to the area.

Castaway Camp looks a pretty decent kids area and update to the ageing Rat Trap that used to exist for many years (although I'll always remember it for my childhood).

Joke telling pirate is a great touch in my view. Adds some humour and interaction to the area.

Pirate Burger Kitchen theming additions are quite an improvement to the big shed it was when I visited (least it's actually pirate themed now (but I still prefer Crossed Ribs)).

Still, it's a shame the pirate band weren't working, the old falls had better theming and storyline and the other burger kitchen at the park looks hideous.

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Have you noticed how a lot of new bits of theming aren't models made of Lego any more? They are just giant scaled up pieces. I think its a huge shame because that's what made Legoland really special to me, the fact it was all made of Lego now most of it is just giant moulds.

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Have you noticed how a lot of new bits of theming aren't models made of Lego any more? They are just giant scaled up pieces. I think its a huge shame because that's what made Legoland really special to me, the fact it was all made of Lego now most of it is just giant moulds.

This is true!

I know the updated Fairy Tale Brook is specially guilty of this and more recently, the Pirate Falls.

I don't mind so much if the sets aren't Lego but all large scale objects and figures most certainly should be. I particularly took a dislike to the plastic sea monster/octopus legs that come out in the lagoon before the lifthill. Everything in there is lego, so why can't that be? Maybe Merlin's lazy side is rubbing off on Legoland afterall?






On a side note. Looks like the Pirate Falls hideout (where the drop is), has been completely rebuilt. It looks to be the same design but the wood is a lighter tone and looks much newer.


A Merlin park that actually invests and maintains their log flume rather than let it decay and then decides to remove the features that actually made it awesome in the first place.

I am looking at you Loggers tunnel and Dragon Falls.

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  • LEGOLAND can do themeing. So my question is, why can't the rest of Merlin?
  • Despite this, why do all Merlin attraction signs have to be 2d vinyl signs. Can't we be a bit more creative here?

Lego can do theming to the extent of the other parks.. it's no better than some other merlin investments.


2d vinyl Signs? The Smiler, Nemesis Sub Terra, Thirteen?

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Lego can do theming to the extent of the other parks.. it's no better than some other merlin investments.


I disagree. Thorpe, Alton and Chessington have been known to produce quality theming (Nemesis, Swarm, Tidal etc) but I wouldn't say they are consistent. Whereas Legoland, while theming is generally smaller,  I would say it is much more considered. All you have to do is look around the area to see little theming touches that just bring the space together. The joke pirate, the lizards hidden in trees throughout adventureland, the models placed either side of paths (Land of the Vikings), the singing heads, the pirate band, Enchanted Forest models . They are all things that most parks wouldn't bother with, but Legoland do.



2d vinyl Signs? The Smiler, Nemesis Sub Terra, Thirteen?


Vinyl/2d signs are becoming far too common is my point.The Skyrider sign is now vinyl, the Pirate Falls is vinyl, The swarm is a 2d sheet and could have been far more creative.

I have never seen the Thirteen or Sub Terra signs so I can't comment there..

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Yeah fair enough with the area theming - that's the thing when lego own 30% of merlin, they kinda want their product to look the absolute best (and not really interested in anything else).


Lego is just ridiculous for 2d signs anyway - I hate how all of their signage is either on plastic or with perspex infront of it, no creativity or variety (and usually no difference depending on area too).

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  • 1 month later...

It seems that, despite the Haunted House ride for next season being recommend for approval, the council have refused the approve the ride!  Why you ask?  Fears over extra traffic...
Such a shame.  I wonder what Legoland's next step will be...
EDIT:  After looking through the plans and such - http://www.rbwm.gov.uk/pam/view.jsp?ID=14%2F01251%2FFULL - it seems like there was a LOT of objection from locals, with traffic being one the major concerns.  Also sounds like there was a disagreement between how much it would encourage new visitors to come to the park.
What's most interesting about the comments received is the ones from the Highway Authority.  At first, they didn't seem in favour of the project, but then changed their minds..

Therefore, the Highway Authority recommends approval of the Haunted House application subject to the inclusion of the following condition:‐ 

The applicants are required to submit the updated Action Plan to be approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. All the agreed  mitigation measures mentioned in the Plan shall be implemented prior to the commencement of any works on the site.

Whilst I understand there will be number of residents  and  indeed members may hold a different view, we must ensure that if there is a change to the recommendation to refusal, the Authority has sound HIGHWAY reasons to defend a refusal at an appeal.


I wonder if we will see an appeal on our hands then..

Edited by JoshC.
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By that judgement, any major ride would from now on be rejected on that basis.

This is what I find frustrating about the UK. I am sure if the planning laws weren't so tight, we would see alot more development in our parks. Chessington is clearly the worse though most UK parks share this problem.

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Lets not build anything ever then, eh? This country is a shambles when it comes to planning.


I do wonder though how much Merlin shoot themselves in the foot with with these problems with their tight opening hours, dumping all their traffic out right on top of rush hour. Extending the hours out a bit to spread the pain into quieter roads would surely help.

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I think it's strongly disappointing this attraction has been refused planning permission.

Whilst Legoland is certainly plagued by many traffic problems during its operations (probably worst affected traffic wise of the Merlin parks), I think it's a great shame the council have rejected the plans for this new attraction which is escential hour the park to progress and still obtain visitor figures as one of the uk's most visited attractions.

There are several ways the park and council can resolve traffic issues, these are.

1/ strongly encourage deter strive routes which are plenty

2/ add traffic controls

3/ add longer opening hours

It greatly worries me that if this development never happens, Legoland will be in certain doom for future development and expansion very near or on the degree of Chessington's with a bleak future ahead, merely involving rethemes and playgrounds as new investments.

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Legoland won't have a bleak future because it'll still pull in the guests...

Whilst the ride has been rejected, the reasons behind it are reasonably sound from locals, indeed, there's a good difference between parks that have a good relationship with locals and those without... It would probably be in Merlin's better interests to start helping locals out when they have such qualms about the nearby park...

Perhaps further widening of the road to Lego is the best option? With some changes to light sequencing and other easier to do tasks as well...

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