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The Next Major Investment?


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Yes I know, Hyperia has barely just opened, but it's only natural sooner or later to ask the question "What comes next?"


If we were to rewind 20 years ago, Tussauds had a clear investment cycle strategy for Thorpe, with a major investment coming every 3 years. That carried on into the Merlin era, before being tweaked to every 4 years.


Obviously, we all know the story from here. Swarm didn't give an instant increase in visitor numbers, so the powers that be at Merlin deemed to some form of failure (despite the several flaws in that logic). Thorpe tried something different with DBGT and that, frankly, flopped. 2020 was at one point pencilled in to have a major investment, but that was cut when Merlin decided to pull tens of millions of pounds of investment from their Resort Theme Parks.


But obviously things have changed in the last few years. Merlin have been taken over. We have a new CEO, and new board members. And with that, there seems to be more investment coming into the theme parks again, slowly but surely. And a fresher wave of optimism has come.


So, more to the point of the topic. When do you think we'll see the next major investment at Thorpe? Arguably any new attraction could be classed as major, after years of very little new things, but of course I'm talking of a something along the lines of a new coaster or similar. Could a 3-4 year cycle be back? Could it depend on Hyperia's success? Or even the rest of Merlin's success?


And even more importantly, what would you like to see? Blue sky or realistically, this is the place to share your thoughts.




For me, I think one thing is clear: Thorpe should stick with coasters. There's no harm in them becoming a roller coaster park at this point. It's what the public want. They're not going to compete on the international stage in terms of immersive experiences, nor would they with Universal if that comes to the UK. That's not to say they should stick car park coasters here, there and everywhere, but for major attractions, they should stick to coasters. 


Part of me thinks an intertwined family coaster / log flume would be perfect. A 1.2m family coaster would be a perfect addition, although of course it doesn't have to be tame (RMCs tend to have 1.2m height restrictions for example). And I think the park need a solid, new water ride, and a log flume hits the spot. A more modern one with restraints will no doubt appease the Merlin H&S folk too.

Yeah, that suggestion goes against my 'stick to coasters' idea somewhat, but it does also solve a glaring gap in the park's line up.

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Either a coaster or a new water ride in my books. 

RMC is the top choice here, especially as it would be at or the near the parks 50th. Failing that, something like Toutatis or Veloci-coaster could also work. 

Wouldn’t mind seeing a modern flume/rapids or water coaster too, as this could work. 

There are three areas they could put this new development, on the unused island, where the beach & depth charge is or where Rumba is. Might be fitting if they chose a water based attraction. 

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Don't really mind what kind, but a coaster on the island behind the swarm would be awesome and a good use of space. Although that said a RMC wouldn't do any harm...


Not the biggest fan of water rides, so not overly fussed by the idea of a log flume, however I do see that would be a good addition to the park!

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keen-ness is a virtue, and we look up to the air too



once upon a time, we had a swisher, slam dunk, and in the gunk, but now we move on, and soon it is gone, then what will come next, check online on x



mirrors are scary, but not for that long, how long can you walk, before you eat bread, will there be numbers on a tree, you will have to see

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22 hours ago, MattyMoo said:

I personally think the next area earmarked is the X Pyramid... Once the Walking Dead IP goes, are they really going to rehash it again?

They could demolish the building (don't shoot me XD) and build a flat ride there, or failing that ,maybe a somewhat thrilling family launch coaster that stays low to the ground with shorter snappy elements.

Not too sure, only time will tell...

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Personally, I think that Thorpe could do with a big coaster with a 1.2m height restriction. A starter thrill coaster of sorts, most probably non-inverting.


Something along the lines of a GCI woodie would work really well, in my view; it would be great fun and really rerideable, and it would also provide a nice starter thrill coaster, as well as another non-inverting thrill coaster that’s longer than Stealth.


I think that something like a GCI would really add variety to Thorpe Park’s lineup and help make the park a more compelling proposition for older families.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I think of int and lick my lips you've got the ride we can't resist can't resist can't resist let's swing, to the ding a swinging ride a swinging ride a closed down ride and a swinging ride a swinging ride a swinging ride a closed down ride and a swinging ride which one, though? which one, though? a closed down ride and a swinging ride which one, though? which one, though? a closed down ride and a swinging ride

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  • 2 weeks later...

Got to say I also think the next big investment will align with Thorpes 50th. 

Coasterwise RMC is the no brainer, we all want it, and I’m sure JB would love to be involved in one, with Thorpe the only obvious choice. Also to top Hyperia will be difficult for the park, but an RMC has the ability to do so. 

However. I actually think the park is CRYING OUT for a multi launch coaster. Quite flexible with the type tbh. Intamin make great ones, Mack extreme spinner or even a Mack Stryker. As it wouldn’t need a massive height to achieve a great ride experience it could be situated towards the front of the park aka outside the dome leaving the island behind swarm and potentially rumba area all free for a future expansion. Just my 2p worth 

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  • 5 weeks later...



Unsurprising given the make up of the park at the moment, but in a recent "roller coaster day week" video from Merlin, there's a little suggestion that a new coaster could go on the island behind Swarm.


For what it's worth, there have been ideas for coasters to go there in the past, with loose proposals for a 2015, 2020 and 2024 coaster.

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Think thats definitely the next spot for a coaster without redeveloping anywhere existing like Rumba Rapids. Would love to see a big RMC or a GCI woodie on that island, connecting Swarm and Stealth too. 

Interesting they considered 500ft for Hyperia? Can't imagine that went very far through development... the budget wouldn't have allowed anywhere near that height.



On another note, interesting he didn't really answer the backwards seat question for Hyperia. Wonder if they'll do something similar to Swarm and introduce this one of the next couple of seasons? Would be quite easy to implement as they already have another queue leading up to the station, but would obviously mean removing the SRQ


I personally wouldn't like to loose the back rows and the SRQ for a backwards seat but will be interesting to see if its something they'll do in the future. 

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I felt like backwards seating was addressed by him saying "It wouldn't be comfortable". Equally, we know anything is possible. And during Swarm's construction, they explicitly said there would never be a backwards row, so it became a bit of a long-standing joke. So by not out right saying no, it covers the slim possibility it will happen. 


As for Project Exodus being considered up to 500ft...

I'd imagine 500ft was sort of thrown around in a brainstorming sort of phase. Like:

"What if we wanted to build the WORLD'S tallest roller coaster?"
"Well, the tallest at the moment is 456ft. So we'd have to beat that...what if we went up to 500ft?"
"Saudi Arabia are looking at building the tallest/fastest/longer coaster and that's going to be above 500ft"
"Hmmm yeah, this sounds a bit much"

Realistically I doubt they ever considered anything anywhere close to 500ft, but it's a cool number to throw around for the wider audience. Also, in terms of practicalities, it's just not.

I'd love to know what their early brainstorms were like though. I wouldn't be surprised if they did genuinely table ideas of "Tallest non-launched coaster in the world" (ie beating Fury 325) or "Europe's tallest hyper coaster" (ie: what Hyperion was marketed as at opening). The latter isn't too crazy to consider either: Hyperion is only 17ft taller.
Presumably, budget, space, engineering considerations, impact to the local area (noise) and more would be what stopped that happening.

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That space behind Stealth has just got to be used for a coaster, or at least a large scale and very worth while investment - they must have spent a fortune on dredging etc to make the man-made island there. It's mad that it's just been sat there empty for all these years after investing in creating it in the first place.

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I wonder when the next investment will be.


It is hard to know, if they will only invest if Hyperia is a success. Then that leaves me to wonder what would be seen as a success numbers wise? 

You have slammer apparently being removed at the end of the year. Whether it actually happens, I’m not sure. It was said on the passholder group at the start of the year and now that group is gone.


You’d think if they are removing slammer, something must be going in its place to make the cost worthwhile. Why remove it randomly after 7ish years of leaving it SBNO.


They wouldn’t tease the island behind swarm unless it was genuinely going to be used and I’m sure it will be cheaper to build there compared to where Hyperia was built. A wooden coaster could suit that area…

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That's very true, although I'd assume the hint JB was suggesting there might be for a longer term project for the island.  I imagine if there's going to be a coaster going on there, the planning would take a good 4-5 years if Hyperia is anything to go by, so if they're just planning it out now then it could be a while away.


That leaves a bit of time in the meantime for a smaller flat ride or something else perhaps where Slammer is?


It's so exciting that Thorpe is getting some investment after all these years.

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  • 1 month later...

I'm hoping that the next investment is sooner than later.


I'd say that it can be something more low key initially like flat rides, then a water ride building up to a new coaster on Swarm Island in a couple of years time.


In terms of the coaster type, it could be anything but I don't think it needs to beat Hyperia in height or speed.


Even if it's an RMC, I think having it the same height as ArieForce One at FunSpot Atlanta would be successful. It fits between the height of Swarm and Stealth perfectly and offers something different.


If one is to dream, a family-thrill GCI coaster alongside it for the same time would complement the park well too. I think it's more likely we'll get one or the other though.

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