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THE SWARM: Construction Updates


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If we wanted to get technical track has technically been erected... Allbeit it is only the maintenance track.. but progress for the sake of progress..And Javs, may I stress the building structure we have is only the maintenance part of the building so its going to be bigger then that! Also will be higher then what we already have.

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My friend happens to be a ride host at thorpe and helped us get permission from the operator. I took the shot whilst we were being lifted to the top so there was no need for the operator to hold us at the top. There is a strap attached to the camera so it was tied securely to my arm, perfectly safe. As mentioned earlier, track has technically started to go up. They have got the track into the maintenance building. We saw some supports on a truck on the construction site, so that is a sign that supports should be going up soon... unless hurricane Katia doesn't cause disruption to the construction of The Swarm.

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Some updates from Merlin Mania show that the footers around the lift, drop and zero-G roll are yet to be poured. It is believed that there is still a concrete mixer moving around site, suggesting that they're not finished - recent photos show the footer merely as shells rather than filled out footers ready for supports. My God this is slow. I don't think vertical construction of track will commence until by next weekend.Something to stimulate a little conversation to pass the time:Posted Image

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  On 9/10/2011 at 11:09 PM, 'Coaster XTREME said:

My friend happens to be a ride host at thorpe and helped us get permission from the operator. I took the shot whilst we were being lifted to the top so there was no need for the operator to hold us at the top. There is a strap attached to the camera so it was tied securely to my arm, perfectly safe. As mentioned earlier, track has technically started to go up. They have got the track into the maintenance building. We saw some supports on a truck on the construction site, so that is a sign that supports should be going up soon... unless hurricane Katia doesn't cause disruption to the construction of The Swarm.

The operator is not the person you need permission from, nor ride hosts.As far as I'm aware (and please correct me if I'm wrong) the park management's stance is that no onride photography is allowed during regular park operation.Anyway, nice to see the piling is continuing, That'll add a little more interaction to FF. It needs a bit more love, I think Neil is right about getting more footfall next year!
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  On 9/11/2011 at 3:12 PM, 'Neilfever said:

They're not going to remove it. It hasn't long returned! It's also worth pointing out that with the one way on and one way off Swarm island; a huge surge in population along that path, I think the fish will become a little more popular once again, target audience or not.

Fair enough, from my point of view, maybe or maybe not it's because I'm a thrill seeking teen but it just looks like an old fairground ride that's constructed from bendy straws. Speed isn't everything but it's a factor for me, also the track isn't too epic, figure of 8 (clarify?) I really don't see the attraction. While were talking about the fish, where did it used to be located?
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  On 9/12/2011 at 12:28 AM, 'Rollercoaster said:

Fair enough, from my point of view, maybe or maybe not it's because I'm a thrill seeking teen but it just looks like an old fairground ride that's constructed from bendy straws. Speed isn't everything but it's a factor for me, also the track isn't too epic, figure of 8 (clarify?) I really don't see the attraction. While were talking about the fish, where did it used to be located?

where stealth is pretty much
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  On 9/13/2011 at 7:44 PM, 'Rollercoaster said:

Supprised there's no updates....

Wanna bet? :D I've knocked together a few pictures from my trip today, I'll be honest the quality is shocking but then I only had my camera phone with me, was just quick shots too as I was with a non enthusiast and the weather was all over the place from one minute to another. In brief:-- New banner went up this afternoon above the fence next to Stealth- Concrete mixers seem to have left the site- Few workmen working on a footer just before the station, other workmen just working on the maintenance bay roof- An absolute ton of supports/ track has been layed out at the top of the site (more than what I've seen in the most recent pictures anyway)That's about all I can think of for now, construction was very very very slow today ;) Again, sorry about the picture quality...






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