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Fright Nights 2013


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I never did frightnights this year so didn't see this in person. BWP seemed to get a bad rep but watching that video it was pretty much what I was expecting in that it was going for a different sort of scare to the others, one based on isolation and anticipation with fewer actual jumps.

If they could run it as a scare zone (ie free flowing without a queue) I think it would be much better received, with the hefty queue it got people are going to be expecting a maze type experience which it clearly isn't. But then it really wouldn't work if too many people were there at a time (it looked to be pushing the limits as it was in this vid). With those opposing factors I don't really know how they can make it work properly.

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The trouble I had with BWP is because our group split up into two quite early on (due to the speed at which people walked, so quite natural really), it was so easy to see where actors were and what they did, and so any interaction they had to offer to us was already expected. There also felt like a lack of anticipation due to the fact it was 'too quiet' - a couple of speakers with the sounds of rustling leaves, gusts of winds, sticks breaking, etc. would have done wonders to the feel of the area.

Considering it was only a 2* rated attraction, it's alright, but it's hard to get a good location on park which would've suited this type of attraction I guess

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You don't know that! None of us do until they release the lineup next September.

Put yourself in the park's shoes though, after all the crap that was spouted this year about Asylum and the rather bad image it did paint of the park to the general public, would you really want to risk more OUTRAGE?

I doubt we'll see Asylum again after this year... One thing any park doesn't want to do is potentially put off people coming in the gate for whatever reason... It'll just be based off a violent horror film and then people will complain about that instead...

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There was no real complaint against Thorpe Park regarding the asylum. It was the only marketing they could do outside the Lionsgate budget. If they did this marketing move (like the broken dummies on Swarm, seance on Saw, ghost Monk on Storm Surge, employee to collect puke etc) using any Lionsgate material they would have lost the contract.

They use led their own brand. The police stated they hadn't received a complaint. Don't believe everything you read.

It's the perfect marketing to grow speculation on a retheme for next year, as well as advertising an attraction they already had. It's sad but roller coasters and rides don't make headlines, where made up stories do.

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Wait, so are you essentially saying that Thorpe made up the initial compliant?! And then let it build from there and just continually market it? Or that they just capitalised from the initial complaint to market Asylum?

If it's the former, then well done Thorpe for creating an amazing piece of marketing...

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Wait, so are you essentially saying that Thorpe made up the initial compliant?! And then let it build from there and just continually market it? Or that they just capitalised from the initial complaint to market Asylum?

If it's the former, then well done Thorpe for creating an amazing piece of marketing...

Towers must have been doing the same with Smiler's breakdowns then... And Chessie probably does the same...

So a park would deliberately start up a story about a sensitive subject (the other example stories you used are very much in the same vein as Towers plastering Smiler logos on sheep or the awful things Morwenna did or Say NO to BO, silly little things that appeal to the Red-Top papers that take minimal time to get into the paper) in order to drill up business?

Now, I'm not a marketing person, but surely there are many better avenues to choose than to focus on mental health? Towers a couple of years back did a clown protest for their event, which was both suitable and clearly silly... Fabricating a complaint about mental health suitability for an attraction? To me, that's just as likely to backfire on the park more than anything...

Although why would the park need to resort to such tactics if the Lionsgate presence made the event the best Fright Nights ever? Why can the parks rarely let the rides and attractions do the advertising? Why not promote the event as they did on here, mentioning that it's THE UK horror event to visit, bringing HHN to a new level, etc?

Is it an amazing piece of marketing? The only well would be to actually tell if attendance levels were better this year than last, although these will be skewed due to the presence of CrashPad and of course the Lionsgate name, so it's actually impossible to tell if this stunt (and a very, very daft one at that due to the nature of the topic) helped or hindered the park...

Edited by Tommy
Chessington bad publicity reference in poor taste
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Amazing piece of marketing is probably the wrong way to word it actually. What I mean is they've created a story which no one knew was fake and, in turn, drum up plenty of attention. They've got loads of support from people, and for those who they annoyed, they can show they're a 'good company', which might help them in some ways. They made it into the papers and multiple online sites even after the park had closed; surely that's something?

I do agree that there's other, less controversial, ways they could have gone about it. The 'movie studio' idea could have been milked so much more for example.

That said, if the park did make up the initial compliant (which is how I've understood Chaz's post), then I'm pretty amazed at how they've pulled it off.

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