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Thorpe Park Monopoly


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  On 6/22/2013 at 6:57 AM, Tommy said:

This is amazing Josh.

You say powerpoint is all you have to work with, but I was recently told of a free program that is similar to photoshop called 'gimp'. I can't reccomend it as I've never used it, but you could always try it!

I hope this is made so we can play it at meets. (Not even joking).

I'd totally recommend Gimp, its a great program.

Also, Love the Monopoly board Josh, real stroke of genius putting Storm Surge as Jail :lol:

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Thanks for the heads up about Gimp - I'll give it a go! Also...

  On 6/22/2013 at 1:40 PM, Sidders said:

Okay hold up.

Those green properties need switching.... ;)

Positioning the coasters was the hardest thing actually. :P Personally, I'd have switched Stealth and Inferno around, but seemed a bit unfair, what with Stealth being the 'majorest' coaster. But, I've noticed in marketing that usually the coasters are mentioned in this way - Swarm or Stealth, Saw, Colossus; Inferno, so decided to stick to that. The best you're gonna get from me is switching Inferno and Colossus around; sorry love ;)

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  On 6/22/2013 at 5:38 PM, JoshC. said:

Thanks for the heads up about Gimp - I'll give it a go! Also...

Positioning the coasters was the hardest thing actually. :P Personally, I'd have switched Stealth and Inferno around, but seemed a bit unfair, what with Stealth being the 'majorest' coaster. But, I've noticed in marketing that usually the coasters are mentioned in this way - Swarm or Stealth, Saw, Colossus; Inferno, so decided to stick to that. The best you're gonna get from me is switching Inferno and Colossus around; sorry love ;)

The best part about your game here is that the most useful rides in the game are X, Loggers Leap, Rumba, Slammer, Vortex and Detonator. I like the irony in that some of the more unliked rides at Thorpe are the ones that will win you the game. :wub:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just a quick update on this for anyone interested...

I've been playing about with Gimp (thanks Tommy and Cornflakes for the suggestion/recommendation!) so will hopefully get the board sorted out in the next few days, so that it's less 'rough round the edges'.

I've decided to put the Free Parking space as 'Passholder Perks' with a picture of a Premium MAP (thanks to Alex for the inspiration). Can't think of anything for Chance or Community Chest, so will probably just keep them named like that.

I've also made a few Chance cards:






They're a bit bare and basic and rough round the edges at the mo; couldn't really think of what else to do with them. Any ideas?

As I said, I've got a fair bit of free time on my hands, so hoping to get everything 'done' (a nice-looking board, complete set of cards, etc.) in the next month or so, so watch this space! :)

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great idea!

maybe an idea for the game:

On a chance/community chest: You dropped your wallet on one of your rides???

A ride has broken down, when you are at the top of the hill. Get free fastrack?

You buy a photo pass pay X Amount

You lost your head on swarm, pay X amount for an operation to put it back on

You died on Saw.

You get soaked by tidal wave. Pay X amount to get a new change of clothes or miss X go's to use the drying machine.(not sure what the heat things could be called)

It's your birthday, each of your friends buy you fastrack for one ride. Get X amount of each person.

and instead of buying houses/hotels, you buy rollercoaster seats and Shipping containers-Crash Pad!(just a thought)

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  • 2 weeks later...

A lil' update for you all!

Firstly, thanks coastergod for the suggestions - decided to use the one about the Photopass! :)

I've now got most of the Chance and Community Chest made now (just need to get a couple of photos together for a couple more), and will move onto tidying the board up a bit now. I've slowly been getting busier, but I'll try and create the Property Cards as well - so that there's a complete set of cards 'cause why not. I do want to try and design some form of themed game pieces too, though I'll probably end up only designing 2D ones; 3D designing on a computer ain't my thing! :P

What I'll try and do when everything is done is upload it all to Dropbox or something, in a printer-friendly way, so if people were ever interested in playing it at a meet or something, then the option's there.

For the meanwhile, though, here's a couple of Storm Surge related cards for your viewing pleasure...



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