StevenVig Posted July 2, 2014 Report Share Posted July 2, 2014 I got my ticket Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Benin Posted July 2, 2014 Report Share Posted July 2, 2014 True but ive been to a sold out one and it wasn't what I was expecting compared to the other ones. Stealth and swarm were both 15 minutes, and that is 15 minutes too long. Much preferred the ability to just stay on stealth 10 times in a row. #firstworldproblems Last year it was quiet, TOOOOOO quiet imo to become a sustainable event... Whilst walk-on queues and an empty park were very useful for whoring out rides (or, it would have been if it wasn't chucking it down and Swarm wasn't dead), it didn't make for a particularly well-done event (which wasn't helped by the lack of entrance organisation on my visit)... People attending this event and having 15 minute queues is a better result for Thorpe... And of course, this free event will be rather busy because MAP holders being the entitled people we are won't want to go when they have to pay a fiver to visit over free based times... paige 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cal Posted July 2, 2014 Report Share Posted July 2, 2014 Yup I just tried to get mine and they are sold out already Oh well it's only a fiver I guess haha Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Coaster Posted July 2, 2014 Report Share Posted July 2, 2014 Those first 500 better all actually go! FrightNights04 and Cal 2 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
FrightNights04 Posted July 2, 2014 Report Share Posted July 2, 2014 sorry if its already been answered ( I cba to look the whole way through), how much is it if you have a premium merlin pass? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JoshC. Posted July 2, 2014 Report Share Posted July 2, 2014 Still £5. Only VIP holders get it free. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JamminGamer Posted July 2, 2014 Report Share Posted July 2, 2014 Managed to get 3 for myself and some friends All new passholders XD Looking forward to this after last year! Planning to go on the 12th also Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TPJames Posted July 3, 2014 Report Share Posted July 3, 2014 I'd like to revert back to a point I made earlier and as to why this years summer nights are going to fail: Exclusive ride time between 7PM AND 10PM: Seeing as the gates close at 7, and the park is going to be busy during summer, you still have at least 30 minute queues waiting to get on the rides, this means that summer nights holders will have to queue behind these people and wait to ride. It won't work. Cal 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Project LC Posted July 3, 2014 Report Share Posted July 3, 2014 Not only that but the ride crew are also different. So will be a bit odd to completely change the crew during operation. 7-10 with the park closing at 7 will result in chaos. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Marc Posted July 3, 2014 Report Share Posted July 3, 2014 To be fair last year rides rarely had a half hour queue so don't see why they would this year. The park empties so much between 6 and 7pm so it should be fine. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ricky Posted July 3, 2014 Report Share Posted July 3, 2014 Not only that but the ride crew are also different. So will be a bit odd to completely change the crew during operation. 7-10 with the park closing at 7 will result in chaos. The 'crew' will the be same people, as working through the operational day. I'd like to revert back to a point I made earlier and as to why this years summer nights are going to fail: Exclusive ride time between 7PM AND 10PM: Seeing as the gates close at 7, and the park is going to be busy during summer, you still have at least 30 minute queues waiting to get on the rides, this means that summer nights holders will have to queue behind these people and wait to ride. It won't work. I believe that events such as these (as they have in the past) entitles guests attending the event to use the 'fastrack' queue until such time the main queue has gone. In order to use this queue you would obviously need 'Summer Nights' Ticket which the daytime guests would not have. True but ive been to a sold out one and it wasn't what I was expecting compared to the other ones. Stealth and swarm were both 15 minutes, and that is 15 minutes too long. Much preferred the ability to just stay on stealth 10 times in a row. 15 minutes?! Whatever will you do with your life. Maybe you should go on a day where the park reaches capacity and you are waiting on average 120-180 minutes for the main attractions. Then tell me that measly 15 minutes is long. Cal, paige, EC! and 2 others 5 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Project LC Posted July 3, 2014 Report Share Posted July 3, 2014 In a 3 hour event when the queue to get in is 1 hour and you travel 3 hours there and back to find 15 minute queues when advertised as no queues, I think I have a right to moan. Last year the ride team changed when summer nights started as we had to wait for stealth to be checked and tested. I'm sure Thorpe can afford to start summer nights 30 minutes later. First impressions should be the best impression, not oh sorry we aren't ready yet. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
EC! Posted July 3, 2014 Report Share Posted July 3, 2014 I think they advertised it as minimal queueing and if you have been there since 10am and its been busy from then till 6pm with 1hr plus queues, I'd be very relieved with a 15 minute queue, especially as everyone is off soon and it will get hectic sooner or later, a 15 min wait for something like Saw is a gift on a saturday, and I think they advertised it as minimal queues not zero queues correct me if I'm wrong, but with 2000 people in the park I think it would be a little silly to expect 0 minutes for every single ride there. Especially when sometimes batchers can be slow due to tiredness as it would be a long long day for them. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dan9 Posted July 3, 2014 Report Share Posted July 3, 2014 In a 3 hour event when the queue to get in is 1 hour and you travel 3 hours there and back to find 15 minute queues when advertised as no queues, I think I have a right to moan. Last year the ride team changed when summer nights started as we had to wait for stealth to be checked and tested. I'm sure Thorpe can afford to start summer nights 30 minutes later. First impressions should be the best impression, not oh sorry we aren't ready yet. But why would anyone travel 3 hours there and back to go to a 3 hour event where only 6-8 rides are open? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ricky Posted July 3, 2014 Report Share Posted July 3, 2014 In a 3 hour event when the queue to get in is 1 hour and you travel 3 hours there and back to find 15 minute queues when advertised as no queues, I think I have a right to moan. Last year the ride team changed when summer nights started as we had to wait for stealth to be checked and tested. I'm sure Thorpe can afford to start summer nights 30 minutes later. First impressions should be the best impression, not oh sorry we aren't ready yet. Here's one for you, get there before the crowds. If your at the front you are not waiting an hour are you. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Project LC Posted July 3, 2014 Report Share Posted July 3, 2014 We travelled for 3 hours because we were given free tickets to return as the first one we were stuck on stealth for an hour because the catch car didn't line up and the wheels couldn't grip the train. Turning up would have happened if there wasnt a massive traffic jam on the M25 and my point is there shouldn't be an hour queue to get in. Originally it was advertised as no queues, and was changed to minimal shorty after. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ricky Posted July 3, 2014 Report Share Posted July 3, 2014 We travelled for 3 hours because we were given free tickets to return as the first one we were stuck on stealth for an hour because the catch car didn't line up and the wheels couldn't grip the train. Turning up would have happened if there wasnt a massive traffic jam on the M25 and my point is there shouldn't be an hour queue to get in. Originally it was advertised as no queues, and was changed to minimal shorty after. Okay let me break your post down just a little. You will never be stuck on a ride for that amount of time UNLESS you are being evacuated. Too which, there are only a couple of rides which take an extended period of time to evacuate (Colossus, Saw & The SWARM). Stealth is a ride where you will not be sat on the train longer than 20/25 minutes (unless the engineer is 100% on the situation and can give an exact time on when the train can be moved, even disregarding that the first priority is to get the guests off as quickly as possible) without it being called for an evacuation, which only takes about 5 minutes. IF the wheels fail to grip the train, the train is backed into the offloading position where you are offloaded there. So your statement of being stuck on the train for an hour is sensationally doubtful. You clearly have poor planning skills, as has already been said by another member. Who on EARTH goes to a 3 hour event when they have to do a total of 6 hours of travelling to get there! That is like me taking a flight to Spain to get go to a Spanish shop then flying back home. Complete waste of time and energy. Why the hell did you not even think about going for the entire day and eliminating the chance of 'queueing for an hour to get in'. Another: Modern technology allows us to plan our routes avoiding any 'traffic' which occurs, (and you will be happy to know this was available in 2013) and therefore an alternative route could have been taken in the event traffic does occur. E.G - You are travelling on the M25 towards JCT 13 and you have just passed JCT 9, your sat-nav or your phone or the road signs tell you 'traffic ahead slow down' or ' replanning route' or whatever, you would clearly come off at JCT 10 and seek an alternative route. I'm going to be brutally honest here, you are picking for no actual reason. Fred, TPJames, Altitude and 6 others 9 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Project LC Posted July 3, 2014 Report Share Posted July 3, 2014 1. we don't have a satnav, there is no point. 3 hours there and back, so 1 hour 30 mins both way. 1 hour was a bit of an exaggeration it was more like 20 minutes, but was raining so felt like an hour. I'm not complaing about getting stuck on stealth, that was actually fun, we learnt a lot about it from the engineers. My only complaint I had was about the hour queue to get in because they had 2 people at the windows. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ricky Posted July 3, 2014 Report Share Posted July 3, 2014 *sigh* 1 - Don't complain about getting stuck in traffic if you are too careless to check traffic updates/seek alternative routes in the likelihood of getting stuck in traffic on the M25. 2 - How the hell can 20 minutes be exaggerated to 60 minutes. That is like me saying 'it was raining so heavy it filled a pint glass in 5 minutes', when in actual fact it would take several hours at the least. 3 - Engineering would be too busy to get into great lengthy talks to guests whilst stuck on the ride. They would be more focused on rectifying the fault. 4 - Just, I'm not even going to repeat what I said about lengthy waiting times for the entrance. InfernoMartin, coastercameron98, paige and 1 other 4 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Project LC Posted July 3, 2014 Report Share Posted July 3, 2014 1. not complaing about traffic just explaing why it took so long to get there. 2. I often exaggerate 3. Rocking a train back and forth to try and get the train to catch the catch car isn't exactly complicated, and it certainly doesn't take 2 people. 4. someone would still have to wait an hour to get in. most of them having paid £15 on top of a day ticket doesn't sound like a good deal. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
paige Posted July 3, 2014 Report Share Posted July 3, 2014 ProjectLC- your arguments seem to be going in circles. If you're going to critisize something, ensure that 1- your arguments are valid, 2-you actually KNOW what you're talking about and 3- what you're saying is actually the truth and matches up and makes sense. Now I can see why so many people get annoyed when they critisize or complain about Merlin, as people like you try to find a fault in anything and everything, and, failing that, just start to talk a load of rubbish, essentially compiling a load of false information as you go. But, really, how can some rain triple your waiting time? Cal 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ricky Posted July 3, 2014 Report Share Posted July 3, 2014 1. not complaing about traffic just explaing why it took so long to get there. 2. I often exaggerate 3. Rocking a train back and forth to try and get the train to catch the catch car isn't exactly complicated, and it certainly doesn't take 2 people. 4. someone would still have to wait an hour to get in. most of them having paid £15 on top of a day ticket doesn't sound like a good deal. 1 - You where complaining. 2 - Don't exaggerate. It makes you look like an idiot. 3 - The train CANNOT be engaged into the catch car to be automatically released. You are talking absolute nonsense my friend. The only time the train will engage the catch-car is when the ride is in automatic and the launch sequence has been initiated. 4 - For someone to pay £15 to queue 15 minutes instead of 2 hours is an actual BARGAIN! in 3 hours that is at the minimum 12 rides. A LOT more rides than the average guest on a normal 8/9 hour Saturday. paige 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Project LC Posted July 3, 2014 Report Share Posted July 3, 2014 rain triple wait time? I mentioned rain because it was partly to blame for being stuck on stealth. Also I criticise merlin as they are trying to be the best, act like the best but in reality they are far from it. The problem with stealth is that it failed to launch. The train slipped off the catch car backwards by about a foot and was then stuck there. They normally move the train forward to get the train back on the catch however because of the rain the wheels were unable to move the train back to the launch position. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
paige Posted July 3, 2014 Report Share Posted July 3, 2014 rain triple wait time? I mentioned rain because it was partly to blame for being stuck on stealth. Also I criticise merlin as they are trying to be the best, act like the best but in reality they are far from it. You stated the rain made it feel like 60 minutes, when it was infact 20. Okay, well, I think that Merlin mess up sometimes but I don't feel the need to simply fabricate information for the sake of critisizing it. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Project LC Posted July 3, 2014 Report Share Posted July 3, 2014 Oh that's because I was sitting in the cold and rain for 20 minutes. Also I'm not fabricating information, I just exaggerated 1 point. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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