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Thorpe Park Trip Reports

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  TPDan said:

Hmm luckily for me it doesn't hurt at all! I don't find any of the ride rough anyway, though apparently it has gotten a bit better since its opening day.

Yeah same, I thought it was quite smooth actually, the bottom of the main drop is only bad if you sit on the outside and even then its not that bad.
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  TimR said:

Yeah same, I thought it was quite smooth actually, the bottom of the main drop is only bad if you sit on the outside and even then its not that bad.

I can't relate to the "jolt" at the the bottom of the main drop. I have sat on the front and back rows, and in the middle and on the outside, and havn't noticed it once.
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Ok another trip report for you guys to feast upon.Got to thorpe today around 9:40ish, place looked packed from the outside. Intended to ride Saw first but it wasn't open so went on Samurai with about a 20 minute queue, during that time Saw opened and half the Samurai queue left to ride it. Anyway went on Samurai then headed over to Saw and went single rider, got on it in about 10 minutes or so. Pretty good ride in the rain :o. Then went over to Loggers and queue 20 seconds for it if that. Then went to Slammer I think and queued 5 mins.Ok I can't remember or be asked to give details on my whole day so heres a ride count with general queue times from what I saw-Saw- 3, all SR, longest queue for saw was about 2hrs, 30 minsStealth-2, from what I saw it reached about 70 minsLoggers Leap-1, looked pretty dead all dayRumba-1, Around 20 minute queuesSamurai-1, didn't really reach more than 40 minutesSlammer-1, Max about 20 minutesRush-4, Reached about 60 mins but went right down to about 10 mins in the late afternoonQuantum-1, Erm... quietMotor show- 2, Pretty good show, shame it was limited due to weather conditionsThink thats about it, Colossus and Nemesis both looked pretty busy with around 80 minutes queues.Oh yeah met a very interesting Isralian man from Theme Park Review at the park who joined us around the park for about 2 hours :D

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Ok, so I went to Thorpe yesterday which was a great day but VERY busy.Got there, had to queue for about half hour to get in but then it was ok from then on.The area round Rush and Vortex etc was quiet at the beginning of the day, literally queued 10 minutes for Rush which was good and managed to have a ride on The Flying Fish and Wet, Wet, Wet.Walked over to Stealth, queued 20 minutes for that then braved the queue for SAW...now I haven't a clue why I decided to queue for 4 hours but I was too excited to ride it to even think about leaving the queue. And it was pretty much the same length all day so...it was leading right up by Samurai and filling the majority of the island with SAW, but with the actors and a nice lady selling hot chocolate, it wasn't actually that bad. There were a few breakdowns in the day, or so I thought. SAW had a number of routine maintenance checks which did lengthen the queue time but they have to do it. Slammer was working in the morning but shut later on in the day.Stealth stopped for a while then started again, although I'm not sure whether it then remained open.Tidal Wave, Samurai and Colossus also stopped for a while and were running with no riders, but again, this could be the routine maintenance checks.As a whole, I enjoyed my day. It was very busy but that's totally my fault for going on easter sunday,As for SAW, I was pleased with it but came to see that a 4 hour queue is so not worth it.If you're interested, my ride count.Wet Wet Wet - 1.The Flying Fish - 1.Rush - 1.Samurai - 1.Time Voyagers - 1.Storm In A Teacup - 1.Rumba Rapids - 1.Loggers Leap - 1.Tidal Wave - 1.Nemesis Inferno - 1.SAW - The Ride - 2.(pretty poor actually).

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  Jamie_Hk said:

If you're interested, my ride count.Wet Wet Wet (Depth Charge?) - 1.The Flying Fish - 1.Rush - 1.Samurai - 1.Time Voyagers - 1.Storm In A Teacup - 1.Rumba Rapids - 1.Loggers Leap - 1.Tidal Wave - 1.Nemesis Inferno - 1.SAW - The Ride - 2.(pretty poor actually).

Wait a minute! You went on Easter Sunday, when most shops are closed, when the park is expecting full capacity, when you spend 4 hours queuing for one ride, and yet you get 11 rides! Considering you got on SAW twice (how?) and rides such as Rush, Samurai, Loggers, Inferno I'd say that is the opposte of poor.
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Oh gosh guys, I totally meant Depth Charge. Woah, my mistake lol.Umm, I mean pretty poor as in not going on Colossus for the first time ever at the park :/ and having Slammer, one of my favourites, shut. So yeah, it actually wasn't that bad but it was really busy which made it a not so great day.Oh, and as for getting on SAW twice, I joined the queue again at 6:50, 10 minutes before the park AND queues shut, so basically, anyone still queueing for SAW before 7 still got their ride ;) that was actually pretty cool, riding it in the dark and the park looked really nice with all the ride lights on etc.

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Had a good day today at THORPE , although was mainly due to my company rather than thorpe themselves.Stealth kept breaking down and was extremely frustrating to Que for as they were doing one train fastrack , one train main que ,which along with the repeated break downs and sick cleanups made a que from just under the launch track over an hour. Dispatches also seemed excruciatingly slow.My 2ND ride on SAW and I think its got better , IMO best ride there by a mile.However again was annoying, as we were strapped in ready to go , restraint checked , countdown complete and we had to get up and go behind the gates again for ,I would say between 45 mins and an hour which wasn't too bad as regular chats with the happy and cheerful ride hosts made it easily bearable , apparently it broke down because someone entered the ride area. and then after that I was informed the inside part of the ride was causing the issue. Once again though the swinging blades were not working, so I am still yet to see the inside section in all its glory. Also operations were as well extremely annoying , a few weeks ago cars were constantly being sent round however today the cars wouldn't be dispatched until the previous 2 had returned. Also , would I be right in saying bits of themeing have been added to the outside que? I noticed things like smashed police car doors which I didn't notice the last time I rode it. The jolt at the bottom of the main drop was noticeable but in no way painful or uncomfortable. Nemesis Inferno was the longest I've ever seen it at 180 minutes and for the first time longer than Stealth at 90 AND even Colossus at 150I enjoyed Rumba rapids more than I ever have before with loads of effects working and I got completely drenched, although, What is going on inside that tunnel!! ,it would be better just to live it blank. rather than have loads of cheap looking fibre optic wires that look like some sort of galactic spider man has made a web and has made home in the Rumba tunnel.Reliability was terrible today, and I haven't ever really found it that bad even when everyone else has been slating it , however today , SAW, Colossus, Nemesis Inferno, and Stealth in particular all were down at certain times in the day.Still an enjoyable day though , and something that really made me smile today and the last time I visited , no matter how busy , the staff were fantastic, fun and friendly.

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  James6 said:

,it would be better just to live it blank. rather than have loads of cheap looking fibre optic wires that look like some sort of galactic spider man has made a web and has made home in the Rumba tunnel.

Oh my goodness, I love those lights! But I do agree, they don't add anything to the ride and it probably would be better without them, but I still love them ;).
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haha ;), I see how you could love them but to me they looked very "doctor who" which doesn't quite fit in with a tropical, calypso theme. Hmm... maybe few fake palm trees or bamboo sticks could go in there. Or better yet some mischievous monkeys that spray water at the riders!

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  James6 said:

haha :P, I see how you could love them but to me they looked very "doctor who" which doesn't quite fit in with a tropical, calypso theme. Hmm... maybe few fake palm trees or bamboo sticks could go in there. Or better yet some mischievous monkeys that spray water at the riders!

Some good ideas there. Get on the phone to Thorpe. ;).
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  James6 said:

My 2ND ride on SAW and I think its got better , IMO best ride there by a mile.However again was annoying, as we were strapped in ready to go , restraint checked , countdown complete and we had to get up and go behind the gates again for ,I would say between 45 mins and an hour which wasn't too bad as regular chats with the happy and cheerful ride hosts made it easily bearable , apparently it broke down because someone entered the ride area. and then after that I was informed the inside part of the ride was causing the issue. Once again though the swinging blades were not working, so I am still yet to see the inside section in all its glory. Also operations were as well extremely annoying , a few weeks ago cars were constantly being sent round however today the cars wouldn't be dispatched until the previous 2 had returned.

Aah yes, the idiot that broke into the ride area. I was waiting close to the gates, three rides from riding.I take it you saw one ride assistant being chained up using their safety harness and the staff taking the micky out of him? That was a classic! Staff were quite friendly there (going against the theme of the ride ;)) and one said to me: "Honestly, we are on SAW. It is known for torturing people. WHy can't they just let the car hit him and let it be done with. It will only add to the theming." Great stuff.(Just to let you know, when I rode 3 rides after it was back in operation, the axes still didn't swing. Not lit up or anything. The crossbow-needles weren't lit up either. However, when I passed that MCBR, I was the axes, stationary at their highest point, lit up. No idea as to when they went back in operation. The body was lit up, but no blood). Similar situation James6?
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Quote:Just to let you know, when I rode 3 rides after it was back in operation, the axes still didn't swing. Not lit up or anything. The crossbow-needles weren't lit up either. However, when I passed that MCBR, I was the axes, stationary at their highest point, lit up. No idea as to when they went back in operation. The body was lit up, but no blood). Similar situation James6?Yes sounds like it, although to be honest I put it down to being first on it after breaking down and maybe them just not turning them on. But if they weren't operating with you a few rides after the incident I guess it wasn't just that. Although it was weird , the first time I rode SAW a few weeks ago the blades were stationary in the vertical position , but today they were apart as if they were at the top of there swing. Also this time I actually noticed the body under the barrel roll and I thought it added quite a lot to that part , spiralling towards a dead body, would have been better had the "blood" been squirting though.And yes I agree staff there were particuly friendly however I think that the staff were great across the whole park. A huge improvement on last year I think.

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Tbh the last 2 times I've visited the gate to the path that CCR goes down into towards the Saw ride area has been open, and anyone could literally strole right in. Obviously it would be nice for some people to use common sense and to not go walking into restricted ride areas, but Thorpe need to understand that not all of their guests have that common sense, and so shouldn't be leaving areas like that so easily accessable.

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  TPDan said:

Tbh the last 2 times I've visited the gate to the path that CCR goes down into towards the Saw ride area has been open, and anyone could literally strole right in. Obviously it would be nice for some people to use common sense and to not go walking into restricted ride areas, but Thorpe need to understand that not all of their guests have that common sense, and so shouldn't be leaving areas like that so easily accessable.

Well thorpe park is chav city so you will find alot of that.Anyone planning on going TP on the 24th? I will be there B)
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  TPDan said:

Tbh the last 2 times I've visited the gate to the path that CCR goes down into towards the Saw ride area has been open, and anyone could literally strole right in. Obviously it would be nice for some people to use common sense and to not go walking into restricted ride areas, but Thorpe need to understand that not all of their guests have that common sense, and so shouldn't be leaving areas like that so easily accessable.

They left a gate into a ride area open....Amazingly not the first time, there used to be a smaller gate leading into Infernos shed/lift hill bit and someone has a picture of it wide open for anyone to run into and get beheaded...
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