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Annual Pass Day


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  On 3/7/2015 at 3:36 PM, Marc said:

We just asked at the entrance and they said come back in half hour or so and that they are trying their best :)


Might be a bit difficult considering the park should be closed by then (unless they've announced on park that they are extended closing time?) :P


But still good that they're trying to open the ride even though there's not long left of the day of course.

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  On 3/7/2015 at 3:45 PM, JoshC. said:

Might be a bit difficult considering the park should be closed by then (unless they've announced on park that they are extended closing time?) :P

But still good that they're trying to open the ride even though there's not long left of the day of course.

By the sounds of it some things will be available a bit later than 4 - not too sure what!

Edit: coasters open till 4:30 - may or may not include x ! Queue is being cleaned.

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We got there at 9.45 and couldn't believe the queue, eventually got into the park at 10.30 wondering what the heck we'd let ourselves in for, but walked right onto Inferno without a queue, moderate queues for others.

It was busy until lunch but then a lot of people must have gone home cos I walked right onto Stealth (even though everybody was queuing for the front seats, don't get the pull myself) and we double run the swarm, literally nobody queueing so the guy just said go back on if you want lol.

Every big ride was running two cars by the afternoon aside from Colossus, I got my usual g-induced headache after running the swarm for the umptenth time so we gave up and came home, my son loved it, his first real day at a theme park, so that's all that matters in my eyes.

All in a good day, the only downer was the queue to get in, they were doing bag checks and it seemed none of the new passes were scanning at the entry stalls, plus it seemed a lot of people simply didn't know what they were doing and by the time they got to the scan point, were then having to dig out their tickets and passes further backing things up.

I did have to laugh at the women in front of us in the queue, who demanded one of the staff escort her to the entrance as she was a Merlin Premium Pass Holder and she deserved better than to have to queue, she was politely told everybody in the queue was pass holders and quickly shut up lol.

Guy behind me in a queue claimed he worked for legoland and said tidal wave would be out of service for a long time as it needed a new pump which the park couldn't get.

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  On 3/6/2015 at 5:30 PM, DeanGaryCox said:

I sort of feel bad booking 4 now for both days..

How rude ;):P

I *was* going to go today but then they sold out! But then if my baby Rush isn't open yet...

Also, I wonder why friends and family day is today too - I'm sure it's usually on a separate day?

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  On 3/7/2015 at 4:55 PM, Mer said:

Also, I wonder why friends and family day is today too - I'm sure it's usually on a separate day?


It used to be a case that Friends and Family day was on the Saturday before the park opened, and AP day was the day after.


I *think* it changed last year, and they had the AP weekend and F&F spread out over 2 days.  Must have worked out and so they decided to stick with it.

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Favourite ride of the day has to go to Vortex. I've never seen it ride so high! It was insane!

Overall a good day, helped by the fact that the queues significantly died down after lunch.

As for that entrance queue, where the hell did that come from? I entered about 15 minutes after that picture was posted and had no queue whatsoever!

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  On 3/7/2015 at 4:58 PM, Coaster Jamie said:

So what time did the park actually close for passholders? (Not VIP).

Yeah, if anyone on park could give an accurate closing time this would be really appreciated, as I will be visiting tomorrow (I imagine park times will be similar).
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  On 3/7/2015 at 5:38 PM, TPJames said:

Yeah, if anyone on park could give an accurate closing time this would be really appreciated, as I will be visiting tomorrow (I imagine park times will be similar).


Coasters closed around 4:30ish - all other rides at 4. 


All in all a very good day, we arrived at around 9:30 and didnt see the queues to get in posted earlier but I'm sure they will learn from that tomorrow. But in fairness they did open a few rides later.


Was good to get on Detonator, Loggers and X (at the very end!) - all unexpected additions to the line up. Saw the Ride was shut but I'd take X over that anyday ;)


Lots of things across the park have been spruced up which is nice to see, really looking forward to the start of the main season now! 

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Well upon leaving they have made a larger cattlepen set outside the entrance (as it wasn't long enough today causing the winding car park queue). But lots of little touch ups! Especially EDGE! 


Queues were fine. Inferno, Stealth and later Swarm on 2 trains. Colossus 1 but even then it was okay. Detty and Loggers were both open by 10:30 so yeah! X will probably be open all day tomorrow as well and hopefully Saw (although nothing happened that you could see but we all know that doesn't mean nothing was going on!).


Rumba's queue line fencing looks to be painted in places and work was going on on Rush so they should all be open by Thursday I'd say. And the new Amity Beach sign is ready to be put in place to replace the Neptune's Beach one. All good! And Loggers tunnel... that is brilliant! It's like there isn't one :)

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  On 3/7/2015 at 8:33 PM, toofpikk said:

You know you're fast when you beat deangarycox to the front of a line for THE FIRST RIDE ON X 2015

(with Paige, Peaj, ScaryCoasterBoy, Phill Pritchard, J.S217, Pipsqueak, and Marc)

this is not a big deal. It was just very funny.

I was with the group of people that ended up at the front of the queue... I don't agree with pushing in but somehow my group managed to and I wasn't going to stand by myself at the back lol. :P

So yeah I was on the first ride... So was Marc who seemed to have ran ahead of your group aha

This is not a big deal, it's just very funny.

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I'm new to posting on this site but I very regularly view some of the topics. I really enjoyed today. Firstly we didn't have to pay to get into this event as you would do for fright nights, which is great with the amount of people in the park. Second the ride times, the only ride which was ridiculously long is storm surge and the closure of saw the ride. Lastly the improvement made around the park with the new stealth sign graphics and genral clean up. Over all good day. But I reading some comments and your being quite negative about the changes, fair enough they should be doing it every closed season but if they are getting the work done now we should praise them about it. Encourage the park to make more improvement like reassemble loggers tunnel and replace infernos wheel covers :)

Just don't be so hard on the park I think they done good so far and hope they keep it up!

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That has been a really nice comment ThorpeLover.


I don't understand why people feel the need to comment so aggressively. Constructive, positively noted criticism is the best forum talk out there. Honestly just trash talking something and then kicking the bin over with negative after negative after rude slur just makes you look like an annoying hormonous teenager, when actually you just want to see the park do better!


I must agree, the park was really fun today, nice to go round with some friends. It's a shame about the lack of saw, but then again the gain of detonator and the nice touch ups (OMG the submarine got painted!!) was a real high point. I look forward to the rest of the season and seeing the 2016 ride develop.



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I must agree, the park was really fun today, nice to go round with some friends. It's a shame about the lack of saw, but then again the gain of detonator and the nice touch ups (OMG the submarine got painted!!) was a real high point. I look forward to the rest of the season and seeing the 2016 ride develop.


After seeing the improvements, it's too give me high hopes with this 2016 development. Also does anybody know the new MTD(Medium term development)? I think after angry bird they chucked the old one out the window.

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