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Me and Jack at Harvester after the Thorpe open season meet:


Annnd then we have this beautiful photo from a few weeks back...


G'night ;)

EDIT: Hello all, this is Tango, owner of Mer, her family, house, etc. I know that many of you here are rather fond of me (what can I say, I am truly handsome!) so here are a few selfies of my own...

Stealing all the room in the Mer bed:


Chilling on Mer:


And finally, one of my gorgeous, fluffy face:


I must go now and miaow loudly, for no reason whatsoever, on the landing. Cheerio!

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Just caj with a gorilla statue.

(Yes, a local aquatic superstore sells gorilla statues. The big one was quite creepy to stand near, would love to actually see one in someone's garden! https://fbcdn-photos-a-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpa1/v/t1.0-0/10622906_10154399110530391_765857836169351676_n.jpg?oh=dc101e0a9af393544efe1d001f367500&oe=547B5A8E&__gda__=1415831268_6d32e258ea1118cd13335aa174216b00 )

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^ It was a clear day, but was starting to get dark, nice view over the sea and you can see quite a lot of Blackpool/Preston. I hated the lift as I'm claustrophobic and they shove a lot of people in, got quite a weird look from some guy on the way down as I was freaking out quite a bit! The preshow was pretty good, albeit basically a promo for them like revamping the towers and the promenade. Nice thing to do!




I need mod actions to stop me rambling so much.

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^ Just accidentally deleted my post... Awkward :L Thanks though haha, maybe when I go again I'll consider it! 


Repost because my laptop is awful...


Here's me being photobombed in Barcelona this month by my friend Leah!




And here's us before our horrific Face it Alone experience earlier this week!



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Wow. Quite a lot of people seem to enjoy photobombs! ;)


  On 11/2/2014 at 10:46 PM, Altitude said:

Here's me being photobombed in Barcelona this month by my friend Leah!

  On 11/10/2014 at 8:09 PM, Thorpeparkfreak said:

This is actually the gold pole taking a selfie on its last working day on the carousel, but I photobombed it.

  On 11/12/2014 at 6:54 PM, Alpengeist said:

I was trying to take a selfie for all my fans but then I had some meddling TPMers who photobombed me.

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