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Island Beats


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  On 4/16/2015 at 4:52 PM, Project LC said:

Personally I think they should have made it so day guests can go and there is an evening ticket which allows entry from 4 but if I'm honest I doubt we will ever see that happen.

Is that not what this is then? That's how it reads.

  On 4/16/2015 at 4:58 PM, Ian-S said:

What's this spare island you guys talk about? Is it the one behind The Swarm?

Yes, that's the one.

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They should stick the stage on there then, build a bridge and the leave the park open for the rest of us that want to ride and throw the great unwashed into their own pen where they can fap over the latest music trends without disturbing the rest of us lol.


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This is interesting...


I wish they'd just have opening hours from 10-10 all summer, with concerts in that useless dome at weekends for free.  


Bet they regret getting rid of their arena now! haha


However - the charging extra for this, charing extra for that is just confusing.  






No concerts and just have 1000 people minimum for summer nights every night in the summer from 7pm to 11pm for free for Premium pass holders :-D  

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  On 4/18/2015 at 7:48 AM, Nick Hutson said:

I wish they'd just have opening hours from 10-10 all summer, with concerts in that useless dome at weekends for free.

Unfortunately, considering thorpe are only open until 7pm in the summer, going straight to 10pm closings every evening would be a big move and it may not be as well-received as they would be expecting. The last couple of hours in the evening could be very much dead and therefore not making the operating costs worthwhile.

To an extent, this could potentially be a "trial" to extended hours during the summer, as was summer nights. However, this event is more likely to be a realistic simulation of how many people stay on after 7pm(from what I've heard it's all included in the ticket price now bar the concert?) or how many people want to buy an evening ticket from 4-10pm. However, I think having paid entertainment during the evening is not the right direction to head in; if thorpe choose to continue with this idea and make weekends or even every day in the summer 10pm closing then free entertainment will needed to be provided in order to keep guests entertained. As this is being viewed as a separate "event" altogether, thorpe can get away with it but if they decide to extend opening hours in the future free entertainment will need to be provided to draw the guests in to stay for the rest of the evening.

As far as I see it at the moment, this move is the park potentially heading in the right direction. We now see 10am-7pm openings throughout the summer Sun-Thurs and on Fridays and Saturdays we now see 10am-10pm. The park are also throwing in a small amount of free entertainment as well as some paid entertainment which should be the right move to longer opening hours in the long run. However, if thorpe choose to extend their opening hours and provide shows/concerts/entertainment throughout park opening, I think we will need a better location than at crust, as at the moment this results in the whole of lost city being closed from 7pm onwards whereas in future if extended openings become popular, this area will certainly be needed to draw some of the crowds away from the bigger rides.

(What I'm hoping to happen in future years is for "Summer Nights" to return, however instead it is simply 10am-10pm openings with free shows, music and entertainment right into the night and a fantastic firework show to finish the night off. If thorpe want to get up to the standards of the likes of Europa, Portaventura and Disney, this is certainly one way to do it and draw in the crowds for the whole day proving that late openings are popular if executed properly. Maybe I'm being unrealistic, but it certainly would improve the park and would no doubt make it more popular and make guests more likely to return as they run out of time to do and see everything in the 12hours on park).

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  On 4/18/2015 at 8:41 AM, Nick Hutson said:

I wish they'd make use of their beautiful lake area and end the night with a laser (or fireworks) show to make people stay a bit more into the night. But I guess local residents, blah blah blah.

I think laser shows don't happen any more because of the number of planes that fly over the park (not 100% certain on that, just what I've heard!).

Local residents, to my knowledge, have rarely, if ever, complained about any of Thorpe's fireworks events in the past. One problem with it is they have to significantly reduce the number of people they have in the park during the show for safety reasons (6000 was the maximum capacity at Blow S#!t Up in 2011 I heard). So unless they kick everyone out and then bring them back in, they have to set that maximum for the whole day.

I do wish they'd make use of the lake more too, but they seem quote limited with what they can do. Move Saw Alive and that will solve some problems I reckon.. :P

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This event sounds rather nice to be honest. Though I can't help but feel that with a little bit more thought it could have been a sell out.

What should have been planned was a large stage in the Stealth plaza. Think a slightly smaller version of the Alton Towers Live stage in front of the main hill. Everybody could stand around the speedway for say an hour and a half of preformances after dark. Raise the ticket prices for the days of the preformances and make it valid for the full 12 hours.

I'm sure the Towers event used to be really successful, so why not replicate that at the park who's target market is more suited to something of that genre? Oh well, I'm sure what we get will still be enjoyable, it just feels like it has so much more potential.

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  On 4/18/2015 at 8:25 PM, BenBowser said:

What should have been planned was a large stage in the Stealth plaza. Think a slightly smaller version of the Alton Towers Live stage in front of the main hill. Everybody could stand around the speedway for say an hour and a half of performances after dark. 



Although that area would be ideal it would also necessitate the closure of stealth, which wouldn't go down well I'd imagine. The lost city flats on the other hand can close for the last few hours without anyone caring much.

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