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Hyperia - New for 2024

Mysterio Ka

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22 minutes ago, Benin said:

Could still be an Intamin too. Taron's trains are basically the Mack ones.


Though not totally out the question, it would be slightly surprising for Intamin to go back to the old style tri-track as pictured in the plans when they've been using their new style track for original layouts.


Memory may also be failing me, but I think the second row of each car of Intamin trains is raised in comparison to the first row, whereas Mack rows are all level? Might be the key indicator for the plans?

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Official name revealed to be RMC: Really Massive Coaster as a nod - an "easter egg" if you will - as to what people would like to be built.


That aside, I agree - would imagine this is going to be theming light, trying to save some £s after the future of theme parks in The Dockyard (TM) didn't quite hit the mark/was an absolute and catastrophic failure and waste of money (delete as appropriate)


I jest really mind you - I am every excited that the THORPE PARK RESORT is finally getting something new, and hopefully this will tie in with more tidying up, repainting and improvements that seem to be happening at Chessie & Towers. (That said of course, a moment's silence please for the new Tidal Wave fire effect)

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Honestly would be surprised; primary reason being the side view of the trains we've seen does not suggest a spinning back row:




At the same time, I don't think we should necessarily discount it yet. After all, details like the train assembly are not something that is needed. And I wouldn't be surprised if Thorpe have at least considered it.


But even then, if it's something they were to incorporate from the get-go, one would expect it to have its own queue. Current plans only show 3 queues, which we should assume to be Main, Fastrack and RAP, so it feels unlikely. 


tl;dr - spinning row feels incredibly unlikely, but I wouldn't discount it just yet.

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Permission may be granted.


And then




will the 10 be in a spin?





That, remains to be seen.




Ding dong, ding dong.


but one might not be here.




things are Coming.



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Just now, SAW_gameover said:


Do RAP ever have their own queue? Haven't been to the park in a few years, but I can't think of a ride that has a separate queue, instead using the exit or similar.


Most newer additions do; examples off the top of my head: Swarm, I'm a Celebrity (when it existed), Ghost Train, Walking Dead The Ride and Black Mirror.

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would there be space to do a thing similar to brave it backwards/front row where you have a separate queue near the end of the queue? though its a space issue which it seams Blackpool is gonna have fun doing.


Also with the spinning seats, don't they remove 2 rows for 1 row spinning? or have I got the wrong idea, then spinning would not be a good idea due to reduced capacity


I mean if they wanted a USP or at least Unusual Selling point, just do a USJ Hollywood dream and run 2 trains, one forwards, one backwards with 2 separate queues 

but that forces 2 train operation always, which would probably require 3 trains to allow maintenance to handle it in a similar situation to Stealth (though thats more reducing winter  maintenance burden)

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  • 2 weeks later...

There's some pretty neat signs, clearly geared towards enthusiasts, that can be seen through the construction fences, as seen by Theme Park Guide:



On 3/16/2022 at 7:06 PM, RobF said:

Could the whole ride be a spinning hyper ??

The plans should a standard 10 rows of 2 train, with no room for spinning. So I would think it's unlikely. 

Certainly not impossible, but very unlikely. 

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I saw one of those signs was a google suggested search saying something about retirement age- any idea what that could be related to...? One of the other suggestions on it was Canadian retirement homes but I assume that's not going to be the theme hah!


From theme park guide on twitter:


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52 minutes ago, jessica2 said:

I saw one of those signs was a google suggested search saying something about retirement age- any idea what that could be related to...? One of the other suggestions on it was Canadian retirement homes but I assume that's not going to be the theme hah!



It's likely referring to Rocky Express, which the park have said they have "retired". The Canadian retirement home will be because the area used to be called Canada Creek.

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Some more plans for Exodus have been uploaded, showing the theming for the entrance and other areas. 


Looks like they're going for an abandoned forest plus mountain exploration theme. I guess the idea is that the forest hides the lake, and climbing the mountain allows you to find the tranquil lake?





All of the new plans are over on TPM!


EDIT: If you weren't fooled - and if the link didn't give it away! - this was an April Fool's. The images were hastily mocked up by yours truly using images from Ghost Train's and Swarm's planning applications, and are not real.

Glad I caught a few people out though ;)

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Just to say what I did on Twitter - this drilling is for soil sampling so they know what they are dealing with when putting in footers/excavations etc. It will categorically, 100% NOT be being used to drill holes for construction itself and is purely for investigative purposes.

Still - progress is progress, and is exciting to see.

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  • 2 weeks later...

A recent document added to the planning application shows the plan for service vehicles:




The current service road runs up to Burger King, and vehicles currently have to go onto park, past Burger Kind and the toilets to access the site.


The access route follows the service road up to the usual gated entrance, and then goes behind Burger King and up to the site this way. The area behind Burger King is where the coaster's maintenance building is proposed to go.


All of the pathway adjacent to Monk's Walk from Platform 15 up to the Roots of Evil exit has been bulldozed, but it seems like only a part of that area will be used for access. Then again, the park could also plan to use the area that was Roots of Evil for some sort of access and storage too.

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