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New for 2016 - Park-Wide Improvements

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Could the slightly simplified logo be a possible obscure budget cut I wonder?

Yeah, like the new google logo was due to a budget cut...


The real reason is that there is a move to what is called "flat design", in my opinion the new chessington logo is clearer and more striking, it looks less dated than the old one.

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I agree. The logo is still the same, just the polish and shine of it has been removed, and it's moved to a more 'matte' looking logo.

Personally I prefer it, it looks more professional in my opinion and less cheesy.


PS they wouldn't have changed the logo at all if they had budget cuts.


PPS I realise this post is littered with unintentional puns.

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Just thought I'd say that is not the new logo. There is no new logo. That flat, blandish one has literally been around for years.

Someone silly has clearly used the low quality version of the actual logo and put it over the Chessington area of the Merlin Annual Pass website. In fact... Look at the park map from this year, that logo was accidentally used for both entrances before being subtly covered over on the bigger, on-park maps.

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  • 2 weeks later...

With scaffolding up around the old vampire entrance, the skyway cattle pen being removed, I think they are sorting out the park, or at least attempting it!

Don't read this the wrong way, because it is great that they are finally starting to sort out some of the appearance issues with the park.

But, the park shouldn't have been allowed to get into such a bad state! There have been rides closed due to unsafe structures, theming knocked down due to neglect and the park generally has a run-down feel (apart from the areas which have recently been done-up such as Market Square which looks great).

Repainting an entrance and removing a queueline is a good start but there are many more issues at Chessington which I can only hope will finally be addressed.

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Bit more info in the casting call for the new stage show:

"Chessington Resort presents the BRAND NEW for 2016 live show PANDA-MONIUM. Creating a family of performer wearable, lifelike animatronic Panda suits that can deliver a number of live shows for ‘The Legend of the Temple’ story.

We are looking for: 
• Flexible with strong core strength character performers between 5’4 to 5’6 
• Strong male and female actors 
• Skilled puppeteers"

Sounds interesting. 

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