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Fright Nights 2016


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I would like a attraction would mutiple doors with a cabin type theme. Then for the first two years make it great with varied costumes, then for the third year I would make everything a zombie even though I could pick from a million monsters. And then I would put 5 actors in the whole maze..

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The original X10 was probably one of the best mazes Thorpe produced. I think it proved that you don't necessarily need a lot of room to create a decent length, story(ish) driven maze. I'm still surprised as to why Thorpe scrapped the isolation rooms when converting it to MBV.

For me, one of the most disappointing aspects of the big top is that its just a vanilla walk through. I think in this rare instance there's nothing wrong with a gimmick or two, as the event is short enough for it to not lose its appeal. Other than theme, what exactly does the big top offer me that any other maze can't?

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Why the big top sucked:

Why it sucked

1: the first tent, lets be honest there's no point in it it brings no scares at all. Next year use the space better.

2: the outside has a circus tents but the inside really lacks with blank spaces on walls, the black curtains with no real theming really disappoints.

3: the scares, there way too predictable and killed the maze.

4: the outside. What's the point, really think, what does it add to the table. I've done it quite a few times and have only had actors out side once or twice maximum, and no interaction with us.

5: The chainsaw. The one thing studio 13 did well was the chainsaw, chasing you out of the last few corridors was class. Made me and my whole group sprint away from it out the maze. And this year we all walked out. The corridor was too wide in top. studio has a dark small corridor which worked because it made people panic. There was two much open space for it to work in the big top

6: Actors. There weren't all too many and the ones there were didn't scare because they didn't look comfortable in the maze, from week one up till now. They didn't know the back routes too well which meant the couldn't come out of random places and give us a jump. They don't look comfortable in the maze.

7:The mirror maze. Call that a mirror maze

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I cannot re-itterate more what others have said


If you're looking to are truly scared then try face it alone or another more 'extreme' event


If you want to enjoy your time then it takes some effort from you; don't enter a maze straight faced looking to be 'above' the scares they provide


If I went on any ride like that I would not enjoy it at all - I have to get into the mood of having a good time

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I've just had a thought - what would my maze ideas be?

Terror of the Dome - Two chavs go missing. No one really cares, but the staff shove you in anyway. People suspect that they've been murdered by the ghost of X:/No Way Out's spirit. Turns out they were really just in KFC.

Flying Fish Sub Species: Tsunami - Staff throw buckets of water filled with fish at your face. You then exit directly into Flying Fish's queueline - which is scary enough on it's own.

The Haunting of Big Bob Jones - I honestly have no clue.

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I don't know how feasible it would be from a landscaping, safety and budget perspective, but I would love to see the park turn the island behind Swarm into a 'scare island' for Fright Nights.


The island is huge and could easily fit a couple of mazes plus be a designated scare zone.  It's otherwise just sat there and likely won't see any construction activity until 2018 at the earliest (assuming a major ride will still be placed there), and with Thorpe's space being a premium on the core island, it would be a suitable, albeit short term, solution.  And if Thorpe wanted to consider introducing some paid-for mazes, it would perhaps be an ideal location for them.  



As for maze themes, I want to see new, original creations, and not just cheap rehashes of the film IPs (except for Blair Witch, which is crying out for a cheap Headless Monk retheme).  Personally, I'm always confused as to why people would want to see a Swarm themed maze, as has been mentioned a few times.  The Swarm are a flying alien race that attack from the sky.  They just don't come across as something you can fit in a maze environment very well; any ideas I can think of would feel very forced and there could be much better story routes to explore.  However, I wouldn't mind seeing an alien-themed maze if it was about the Zorgx (spelling?); the alien race mentioned in the WWTP radio loop that have invaded earth and control people by going in their ears.  Could be a neat idea!

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Also, the argument about pure scares is kinda nonsense. I did Thorpe and Alton's events this year, and, in terms of actual scares, neither of them are too good. If you actually want to be really scared, do an event that purports to be 'extreme' (phobophobia/face it alone)

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Also, the argument about pure scares is kinda nonsense. I did Thorpe and Alton's events this year, and, in terms of actual scares, neither of them are too good. If you actually want to be really scared, do an event that purports to be 'extreme' (phobophobia/face it alone)

I disagree here. I feel Thorpe was more poor in terms of scares and fun. Alton's mazes IMO were quite scary, and long too.

I feel Sub Species is scarier than Thorpes mazes put together TBH.

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Also, the argument about pure scares is kinda nonsense. I did Thorpe and Alton's events this year, and, in terms of actual scares, neither of them are too good. If you actually want to be really scared, do an event that purports to be 'extreme' (phobophobia/face it alone)


Or go out in Hackney/Croydon on a Friday night. 

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One of the reasons I found sub species so enjoyable vs. Any of the other mazes is because the actors interacted with YOU. Not the group, but you as an individual. And its not even like it's generic comments either, one of the actors grabbed my arm which had a charity wristband on and said "oh charitable are we? Why don't you donate me your organs". Stuff like this is what really make or breaks a maze for me.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Am I the only one who really wants a Slenderman walkthrough where BWP is? I think that they could make it work well if they decided to go for it and they could easily add some small theming and keep the shed with Slender waiting inside. I know this is very unrealistic but I would like it to happen.

Also I went to a smaller Halloween event which had you crawl on your hands and knees throughout the entire maze in pitch black and find your way out with actors hidden in the darkness and small holes above you. I think this could work as well but again unrealistic.

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My idea for a replacement for Cabin is "The Toybox".

"Re-live your childhood when you lift the lid to reveal some of your favorite toys...But, in your absence, they have been driven to insanity. Pick-your-path in this live-action HORROR MAZE... The Toybox."

Instead of a chainsaw finale, you would get chased out by a giant pair of scissors.

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Am I the only one who really wants a Slenderman walkthrough where BWP is? I think that they could make it work well if they decided to go for it and they could easily add some small theming and keep the shed with Slender waiting inside. I know this is very unrealistic but I would like it to happen.

Also I went to a smaller Halloween event which had you crawl on your hands and knees throughout the entire maze in pitch black and find your way out with actors hidden in the darkness and small holes above you. I think this could work as well but again unrealistic.


You're not the first one to suggest / want it, and you certainly won't be the last!  It's a great idea and has lots of potential for a scare attraction.  I think it would work better in a more of a 'scare zone' scenario, or at least in a route which isn't quite so linear.  


I imagine it wouldn't happen given Thorpe want to go back to original ideas apparently.  But I'd never rule anything out just yet.


I'd personally hate a totally crawling attraction.  Not because it scares me or anything, I can't stay on my knees for very long, so it would be a pain.  

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You're not the first one to suggest / want it, and you certainly won't be the last! It's a great idea and has lots of potential for a scare attraction. I think it would work better in a more of a 'scare zone' scenario, or at least in a route which isn't quite so linear.

I imagine it wouldn't happen given Thorpe want to go back to original ideas apparently. But I'd never rule anything out just yet.

I'd personally hate a totally crawling attraction. Not because it scares me or anything, I can't stay on my knees for very long, so it would be a pain. [/quote

I would agree it would be better in a more complex route instead of a linear one. It could work as a scare maze but could feature outdoor sections. I do want them to go to original ideas but as you said, don't rule anything out.

A crawl maze could work but it would be uncomfortable for some people so it's very unlikely.

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I think Thorpe should go for original ideas..

It gives them more freedom, Also I felt like some of Thorpes original ideas have been better than  the IP's really.

A Slender maze  would never work in practise. And like Graw said Slender is coming irrelevant.

the maze itself would need small groups to make it effective, Which looking at the popularity of FN it would be near impossible.

Secondly Thorpe would need to mess around with getting permission to use the IP.

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