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Derren Brown's Ghost Train: Rise of the Demon


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The 5 just means five days until Tuesday

The 5 people standing just simulates a railway track.


I don't think it'll be called THE DERREN BROWN RIDE; Svengali makes much more sense as it beings with S.  (Swarm, Samurai, Saw, Storm Surge, Stealth, Slammer...)  


However I think THE GHOST TRAIN is more likely.  


Time will tell. 

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pluk's logic is sound about Automatons in my opinion.  Same trademarking as Galactica, fits in with the idea of "minds wanted", Derren has a history of revolving work around them (Svengali; which is also Victoriana), Big Top featured an automaton (and that was of course littered with Easter eggs for this) and so on.  Plus, it actually 'feels' like a name of a ride at a theme park, if that makes sense?  


Chronicles of London does have some things going for it, but it just doesn't sound right to me.  And apparently, Chronicles of New York has also recently been trademarked?  In my opinion, I reckon that's something to do with Madame Tussauds attractions..


So yeah, I feel like Automatons is the most likely name.  And even if it's not the name of the ride, I feel like it will have something to do with this (ride vehicles or something maybe?). 

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