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Derren Brown's Ghost Train: Rise of the Demon


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This programme was shown yesterday morning and it gives us a little insight into The Ghost Train and the making of it.

I posted it in the spoiler thread for all those who don't want to spoil the ride, as there are few things that may be considered spoilers.

It's quite interesting, and definitely worth the watch.

Ghost Train related material starts around a minute into the video

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18 hours ago, pluk said:

With Insiders midset I'm beginings to believe he really is an insider of quite some standing in the park management hierarchy. 


I really hope Insider isn't. From a member of high standing inside the park, his/her attitude stinks. So Insider, If you are  member of staff inside the park, your attitude from a Merlin employee stinks.


Otherwise, people are entitled to their opinion but I believe that every paying guest be it by purchasing a MAP or a £60 ticket on the gate, deserve a good quality of service and to have reasonable expectations. 

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The park are probably doing staff tests day and night to put the ride through its paces - so everything is working and nothing will stop working suddenly. Considering the volume of vive headsets, it's quite hard to test them all efficiently - but with a staff member to each headset thats half the battle.

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43 minutes ago, ChessingtonSam said:

Not sure if this has been posted or not but in TPW's vlog in May they look through a door where there's a "TV" with "Scan Your Ticket" on in the DBGT font. So maybe it is timed tickets, unless it's just theming. 


This is for the on ride photo service. :)


In in regards to Insider - I believe Graeme is simply suggesting the way you are addressing people is coming over as quite rude, and so is saying if you were to work for the company (as some are suggesting) then you should be trying to word things a little nicer so to not offend anyone. :)

The issue at hand is a tricky one, as good customer service should be expected and provided - but getting in a hissy fit over a sign is a little bit much. It's likely to alert guests on site, not to rub it in guests faces as some are suggesting...

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35 minutes ago, Insider said:

Just as a FYI, I have never mentioned working internally within Merlin Entertainments. My username is "Insider" which could represent anything, or nothing. Considering I have never mentioned my working status, I think attempting to second guess my workplace and linking it with my "attitude" is a bit of a big step....


I have been constructive with my comments. The enthusiast community is full of people that think they are entitled to the world just because they own an annual pass. It doesn't work that way I am afraid. 


You know what you're getting when you pay for your pass. 

You know there are no refunds under any circumstances. 

You know that upon entering a park or attraction you are adhering to the rules of that place. This includes the fact that they are under no obligation to open a single ride if there are issues etc. 

You know that this attraction is coming, and it's in the near future. Calm down and ride when it opens. 


They can can put whatever signage up that they desire, it's their property. Who are you / others to say that it's "disgusting" that they've got a "STAFF ONLY" sign?


As I say, it's self entitled importance.


What I have thought all this time!

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I know, but it shouldn't matter if you are or aren't an employee at Merlin entertainments. Addressing people online has to be incredibly carefully done as it can come across as being rude and purely there to cause arguments - which if I'm honest it comes across as in one or two of your posts, no matter if they are the most structured pieces of writing even typed or not. 


In regards to Merlin, I personally think they do a fantastic job with almost all their resorts, and I agree, they shouldn't be being bashed over a sign - it's perfectly fine to have an opinion, but surely that's just a little much when this is supposed to be an enthusiast forum?

I don't know, maybe it would be best if this silly argument is put behind everyone! ;)

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Moving on, SouthParks member rjai1988 has posted the group photo available from the attraction.


The photos available are 


3D induvidual head in a jar photo for £15

3D effect group photo looking into the train carriage in a frame + 4 other digital photos with differing boarders (Thorpe Junction, Fortune Box, Ticket Booth and Looking Out A Train) for £12.




The he queue line is also being cleaned top to bottom, opening in the next week just got a whole lot more likely!

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6 hours ago, Insider said:

This is my point though - I have never stated my employer nor place of work, so to second guess = silly.

Also, I have responded with perfectly written dialogue, and I've been constructive throughout. I dislike how many people on this board and this topic expect certain things, and are quick to shoot Merlin down when there are issues / delays, without seeing the bigger picture. It's tedious seeing these so called" fans" of the parks repeatedly post negative content which adds nothing to the overall thread.

Yep because there's really a point in a one-sided (positive only) forum... :rolleyes:

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9 minutes ago, Coaster Jamie said:

Yep because there's really a point in a one-sided (positive only) forum... :rolleyes:


I think Insider's frustration is that particular members have a mindset of unreasonable expectation from Merlin and a sense of entitlement.


For example feeling entitled to ride Ripsaw and The Flume at Alton Towers and listing them as 'closed rides' is ridiculous as you enter the park full well knowing they are no longer attractions at all


Discussion is about understanding other people's point of views and offering your own, rather than simply complaining all the time


Edit:  A lot of people are guilty of this so excuse my examples, they are not meant to be malicious or be personal

Edited by Tom
Because sometimes things are misunderstood over the internet
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6 minutes ago, Tom said:


I think Insider's frustration is that particular members have a mindset of unreasonable expectation from Merlin and a sense of entitlement.


For example feeling entitled to ride Ripsaw and The Flume at Alton Towers and listing them as 'closed rides' is ridiculous as you enter the park full well knowing they are no longer attractions at all


Discussion is about understanding other people's point of views and offering your own, rather than simply complaining all the time


Edit:  A lot of people are guilty of this so excuse my examples, they are not meant to be malicious or be personal


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17 minutes ago, Tom said:


I think Insider's frustration is that particular members have a mindset of unreasonable expectation from Merlin and a sense of entitlement.


For example feeling entitled to ride Ripsaw and The Flume at Alton Towers and listing them as 'closed rides' is ridiculous as you enter the park full well knowing they are no longer attractions at all


Discussion is about understanding other people's point of views and offering your own, rather than simply complaining all the time

I don't think it is unreasonable to expect parks to operate competently, when you pay up that should be the minimum expectation.  Also where does Alton Towers come into this?


My point was the comment that "negative content adds nothing to the overall thread" is something I don't agree with, as it would completely kill discussion on a forum if everyone had the same view.

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20 minutes ago, Insider said:

@TomExplained my point perfectly. Some people have unrealistic expectations of what is and isn't acceptable. 


Also @Coaster Jamie, I never have seen a positive post from you. Not one. You always have something to say that's negative but not so forthcoming with positives. 


Thorpe has a LOT of positive things this year, and some negative, but it seems that it's only ever the bad that interests you and some others. 


Once again I point you to the T&C's of the parks BEFORE you enter. They indicate explicitly that there is no obligation for ANY attraction to be open within the park. Literally speaking they could have every ride closed and you'd have no legal argument. 

They haven't done this, and DO provide resolutions when rides have downtime, so the argument is not as valid as you're making it out to be. 


Nobody is is owed anything. Not you. Not Merlin annual pass holders. Not general public. Accept it, enjoy what IS on offer, and attempt to see the positives that are there rather than just the negatives. I promise you, you'll be much happier for it. 

I've picked up on positives such as Tidal's effects bring restored amongst other things, but frankly I haven't found  much else good about Thorpe this year - though I haven't been since April so things may have changed.

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 Literally speaking they could have every ride closed and you'd have no legal argument. 


You would, it's called the Unfair Consumer Contract Terms Regulations Act 1999:



5.—(1) A contractual term which has not been individually negotiated shall be regarded as unfair if, contrary to the requirement of good faith, it causes a significant imbalance in the parties' rights and obligations arising under the contract, to the detriment of the consumer.


You can have any terms and conditions you want attached to entry but if its loaded against the consumer, anybody competent in civil procedure would drive a truck through those terms and win hands down.


Standing behind those terms and being a meanie about it, is well, just being a meanie.

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