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Derren Brown's Ghost Train: Rise of the Demon


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18 hours ago, Owen said:

I came to this forum in hopes of being able to discuss my home park with a wider audience who also love it as much as I, not to costantly read people whinging about the same thing out of what seems to be boredom. I've honestly questioned if this is a fan site or not with how people attitudes have been recently, it's just heartbreaking to see that something I believed to be somewhere I can express my excitement and speculate has been overrun by people complaining day in day out that a ride - that they didn't have before - is not yet open. 


The negativity is borne out of a wider frustration. There aren't many people here who want to do the parks down, but knowing what they have been and what they could be it's hardly surprising there's a lack of positivity when the whole estate is run so ineptly. Don't get me wrong, I still enjoy a day out at a theme park, but it's almost like they don't actually want me to. That's more general to the tone on the forums but to relate it to DBGT, this is far from the first time Merlin have royal ballsed up their investments.


If you want heartbreaking it's what our parks now are, not us discussing it. They were wonderful places and could be again. But there is nothing wrong with spreading some excitement if you've got some left! Just don't expect everyone to come along with you; there's some damn good reasons why they won't. 




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If i felt i was visiting a place which didn't want me to have a good time I quite simply wouldn't visit - sure the parks are not perfect I don't think anyone ever claims them to be - but Merlin run them significantly better than they were ran in the latter tussauds years. 


The parks are full of passionate people trying to improve things every day and things do improve - i'm really not sure i would describe any of the merlin parks as heartbreaking. 


As for the Ghost train delay - what new ride projects would you say Merlin have "royaly ballsed up"?  From the top of my head DBGT and Smiler are the only Merlin projects significantly delayed - Smiler turned out to be probably the groups most successful ride (ignoring the accident) NST turned out to be not very great and feedback was listened to and it was improved. Other than that I cant think of anything else - Of course there may be projects we dont like (Swarm backwards, Storm Surge) but thats a whole different issue. 


As i said - they are not perfect - we all know that - but they are far from awful and im confident they will deliver here. 

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32 minutes ago, Marc said:

If I felt I was visiting a place which didn't want me to have a good time I quite simply wouldn't visit - sure the parks are not perfect I don't think anyone ever claims them to be - but Merlin run them significantly better than they were ran in the latter tussauds years.

You keep saying that like it's a good thing, but why should the standard bar be set as low as that?

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Derren Brown will be the ultimate test to see if this really is a turning point for our main parks or whether it'll become a 'this will do' neglected attraction in2/3 years time. 


Our parks have the potential to become some of the best in Europe if operated correctly. However seeing things like Zufari, IAC, Smiler's execution etc. verses the likes of Helix, Klugheim, Baron 1898 etc. then there is no real comparison. That's before we even mention the general situation of upkeep, fastracks, atmosphere and cohesion. The TLC scheme at Towers is a start, but I feel we may be back to  decline in appearance  past 2018 where as quick as 2-3 years after the scheme finished, the park will begin looking run down once again. 


Obviously I do care about our parks, because I clearly want them to become run down, fall apart and shut down due to extreme neglect. 

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Merlin are not trying to compete with the likes of helix, baron etc.


Of course our parks could be better, but Merlin obviously invest in them the amount money to keep them at a bar which Merlin want them to be at - as a small minority of their customers I personally don't feel it's up to us to decide that their business decisions are right or wrong - Merlin need to aim to please the core of their audience and they do that successfully.

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Oh my goodness. This is the exact thing that I was referring to the constant arguing. I do not like Chessington anymore for the reason Pluk stated. Thorpe on the other hand has vastly improved for me personally. Alton has deteriorated for me slightly, but not enough that idiot enjoy myself.


The topic is to discuss Derren Brown's Ghost Train, not for why Merlin have ruined it since the good old days way back. There must be another topic where this can be discussed as personally it's getting increasingly annoying having to read one or two people bring up the fact that they don't personally like Merlin and then it creates a big argument that isn't needed. The ride is delayed, deal with that and wait until it's ready - I'm sure it won't run away anytime soon.


Please can we move on now.

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41 minutes ago, Owen said:

This is the exact thing that I was referring to the constant arguing


I don't want to argue about what is arguing, because that would be mental, but this isn't arguing! It's a discussion forum, we discuss things from differing points of view. It'd be pretty boring otherwise! I admire your optimism and positive outlook, but please don't tell me to 'deal with it' as if I'm moaning for the sake of it. I'm not all sunshine and roses about the parks for what I believe are very good reasons.

You questioned why the negativity on this thread about this project; there are other places for this discussion but as you brought it up here, this is where the reply is. The mention of the other issues are to explain why some people feel like this, to put my thoughts into context, to explain why history and the current situation do not give rise to optimism.  If this delay was in isolation I don't think anyone much would care, but it's just the current top of a very big pile of problems. 


To reiterate, I still think DBGT will be very good in the end, it could be amazing if it's done right. But excuse me for not blindly expecting it to be the 'omg industry game changer' which has been promised and not delivered so many times before, and a little being cynical about the delay from a company that doesn't seem to be able to mange projects.



|6 months ago, pluk said:

| This looks good


|6 months ago, everyone else said:

|  Yes,I agree





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It could be the staff/actors finished their training this afternoon and instead of waiting until tomorrow morning to deliver they instead decided to rehearse their roles with a few people in the park before the masses ride it this weekend/tomorrow perhaps? Think of it like an annual pass preview the day before official opening, but instead for park guests instead, similar to I'm a Celeb last year.


Don't think it will happen, but still hoping as I'm there tomorrow. :)

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