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Your favourite Thorpe Park coaster?


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when I came off Colossus a few days ago I can remmeber the 2 girls behind me complaining about their ear rings being smashed against them lol 

I never have an issue with Colossus really, when I went on it I was near the backish, kept my head forward and had a... semi enjoyable ride :x 

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1. Inferno

2. Stealth

3. Swarm


5. X

6. Flying Fish

7. Colossus


Inferno has grown on me in the last few years, it seems to be much more forceful in the last few years.

Stealth is fun but short, and I find Swarm forceless..

Saw's first half is great but second half can be rough, and Colossus is so rough these days I don't even have the desire to ride it..



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Whilst I get issues people have with Colossus, I'm lucky that ive never hit my head ect on Colossus and rather enjoy it, it has the best track length of a coaster at thorpe so its in my top 3 coasters 



1 is swarm because its amazing at night but still pretty good during the day( just a tad short)

2 Colossus

3 stealth

4 nemesis inferno

5 saw

6 x




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  On 10/14/2016 at 6:27 PM, ThemeParkLover said:

Why are people adding X ?? Colossus is rough but fits in so well and has a great layout..how can a kiddie coaster with lights ever beat it.


First off, Ditto to what @Coaster Jamie said..

My reasons I prefer X to Colossus is that I simply enjoy riding X more than Colossus.

Colossus is so uncomfortable I don't enjoy most of it at all, I do agree the layout is brilliant, but its so rough IMO I can't find fun in it.

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1. Stealth - the feeling you get is just so unique and intense, you can't do anything to prepare for it

2. Nemesis - I always go on front row, it's just a fun ride, and Thorpe always go for crazy scary stuff so it's nice to go on something which has an edge but is still a laugh

3. Swarm - I could marry those seats, they are beautifully comfortable <3 the first drop is amazing but after that the thrill drops drastically, but the theming carries the experience after that first drop - I just love that they have a crashed plane and helicopter and fire engine, and a ruined church, such a brilliant project Thorpe!!!

4. Saw - Used to be near the top, but this ride was 3 times rougher than Colossus the last time I visited. my friend did NOT want to go back on it. That indoor section is so great though, I wish that was the entire ride, more compact drops and twists around traps in the dark.

5. Colossus - This is a classic ride, but the seats are tiny (I am not even fat, I'm quite toned actually), and it terrifies me in the wrong way - I'm scared the train will just fall off the track it's so rickety and looks dismal. I get flashbacks to the roller coaster scene in Final Destination 3 whenever I ride it

6. Flying Fish is cute for the kids

7. X - please do something else with this space, an indoor flat ride or something I dunno, still incorporating the strobe lighting because I like that idea, or heck, capitalise on the ghost train and make it part of that universe by adding VR. X is next to Ghost Train, just connect the two rides :D that would be epic

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  On 10/19/2016 at 2:29 AM, chrisgeorgiou46 said:

7. X - please do something else with this space, an indoor flat ride or something I dunno, still incorporating the strobe lighting because I like that idea, or heck, capitalise on the ghost train and make it part of that universe by adding VR. X is next to Ghost Train, just connect the two rides :D that would be epic


Turn the shop into a ride element, connect the exit into X and turn the entrance into a ride exit and shop, simple :P


In all seriousness they need to make an indoor Maurer Sohne spinner where X is.


Or a flyer.


I like flyers.


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1. Nemesis Inferno - so smooth, lovely layout and was the first coaster I went on with inversions so holds a special place in my heart...

2. Stealth - short but fast and thrilling - enough said!

3. Saw - seems to have got less rough the last few times I've been on it - not sure why? Love the beyond vertical drop, always get a bit scared before it happens, and there's one drop that seems to come out of nowhere towards the end!

4. Swarm - smooth but too slow for me and seems as though it's over too quick... 

5. Colossus - great layout but the roughness of it really lets it down, especially if you're sitting towards the back!


X and Flying Fish are fun too, but I liked X more before it had the stupid no single rider rule :(

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Okay, I've decided, it is Stealth.


No ride is for everybody, and sure the length of the ride is short, especially if one has to queue for an hour, or in fact for any time.

It is the most intense ride on the park, I believe, and gives the most extreme G. The launch, wow, the sudden change of direction, the bump over the top, the free fall, and the severity of the brake run, oh, and the half second view of London.

The downside, rain and insects hurt on impact at those speeds. (one beastie actually burst on colliding with my hand yesterday, and it wasn't until I'd been able to clean up that I could see it hadn't broken my skin)

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For the ones I have done


1- Nemesis Inferno- After riding front row, I have realised what a good ride it is. I love having a pre-drop, the smoothness and good soundtrack

2- THE SWARM- It was my favourite coaster until I had a rough ride with some head banging. However, I still do like the inversions and theming

3- X- This is just a fun ride with a great atmosphere

4- Stealth- Sorry to shock you all but I really find stealth overrated. If anyone says I am scared of it, I am not because I did it 2 years before doing swarm and inferno. However, my last ride was a huge disappointment for my day with it being awful for staying open without technical issues, the shortness of the ride and most importantly how bland and boring I found it. It lacked any force whatsoever, both on the launch and airtime hill.

5- Flying Fish- However, this ride is even worse than my last stealth experience. It was absolutely rough and just an experience that wasn't enjoyable.


Saw and Colossus I will ride in 2017 but this is my list currently

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  • 2 weeks later...
  On 10/14/2016 at 7:55 PM, JoshuaA said:

First off, Ditto to what @Coaster Jamie said..

My reasons I prefer X to Colossus is that I simply enjoy riding X more than Colossus.

Colossus is so uncomfortable I don't enjoy most of it at all, I do agree the layout is brilliant, but its so rough IMO I can't find fun in it.


I do understand what you mean, Colossus is really uncomfortable and looks dismal but I find X to be alright but slightly underwhelming. It gets really big queues for what it is and I find Colossus can be smooth (on certain days on certain rows) and X seems to disappoint on some occasions IMO.

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  On 11/11/2016 at 9:01 PM, Martin Doyle said:

I absolutely would love to see that!!. Be one solid family coaster!! A spinner with all the disco lights would be a real winner.


If that were to happen, they should replace X. And maybe even keep the theme (whilst upgrading it at the same time).


It won't be too big an investment, they'll have an amazing indoor coaster, plus they'll still have more space in other areas of the park so they won't have to worry about where to put the next big coaster after this.

In addition, Maurer spinners are definitely more intense than many "extreme" roller coaster.


Let's face it, X has become dull recently. It has completely lost its vibe and just hasn't been as exciting as it used to be :unsure:

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