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Fright Nights 2017


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1 hour ago, Ryan said:

This is probably gonna be Thorpe's biggest FN ever and people still aren't happy lmao. Walking Dead is a huge IP, I'm very excited for this! 

Not disputing it should be a big year with such a large IP onboard; and I only hope that it paves the way for continual refresh and similar events moving forward (I.e. A large IP being involved) - it just isn't for me. But that's me! I'm sure if it was *ahem* American Horror Story the tables would turn; I'd be queuing from tomorrow morning and other people would be sighing.


40 minutes ago, mrmatt said:

Hey guys. I need some help figuring out this one. Remember the picture Thorpe showed us a few weeks ago with all the different props. There was a Blair witch wooden thing in that picture. Some thought American horror story. Where does that wooden figure thing fit into all of this? 

It doesn't. It seems unlikely they're going to announce anything further now; unless Thorpe have another IP up their sleeve that they think will have big impact and/or are waiting to tie it in with something (such as a new season starting) - but I very highly doubt it now.


Although in my mind I am a little sceptical and I am wondering what is going behind Swarm and what is (if anything) going along Blair Witch as fencing I believe is being set up in both locations? I'm also a bit sceptic in the sense I'm wondering if something else did actually fall through as short notice hence having a trademarked TWD attraction, and a, outdoor scarezone.

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I think AHS was a stretch anyway as it doesn't seem to be anywhere near the popularity that TWD will bring in for the park.

Plus the park probably forked out a lot for the TWD, so another IP would of probably busted the budget for the entire event..


I'm overall happy with the lineup this year, as we're getting Saw and Big Top (the two strongest mazes of last year IMO) returning, as well as two new attractions that boast a large IP behind them, The cinema thing-y, Containment, and a (hopefully) changed and improved Platform..


To be fair I don't think anything is going on around Swarm as they have very low space around that area for an attraction, I think maybe some of the things like the EX10 containers are just there temporarily before they get placed (probably) in Sanctum.



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Didn't know/think Sanctum would be in Swarm Island, very interesting location choice.

Then again I guess Thorpe have to be creative these days as the lack of space.


I think its location will spread out the areas a bit more though..

As last year all the attractions bar Containment were all pretty close to each-other.

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30 minutes ago, StevenVig said:

To those who still aren't satisfied, you'll probably never be happy, so don't even bother next time. 


Oh the irony...



Guess since there's already been a number of Walking Dead attractions across the globe (many people here even going on one), and a show that has had a fair wave of popularity (but seemingly has lost a fair number of viewers over last season), and zombies being unbelievably cliché in terms of Halloween events there's no real surprise that there is some distinct lack of hype for some...


Just resetting the IP button does not an event make... Roaming actors aren't new (and will probably be dull since zombies can't interact in terms of the series), the cinema thing isn't new (I can't even remember when that last happened), and I bet the park will still not have any real effort be put into decoration (which only Chessie really do anyway)...


It's strange how Thorpe are addicted to IPs like this, yet Towers doesn't need one for Scarefest and seemingly has put out original high quality mazes for a few years now...


I do half expect the indoor maze to be similar to the other ones found at Universal and Movie Park Germany... And it's a strange choice to have as a thing which will only get any real appreciation from avid watchers of the show like any IP really, but as many of these things tend to lack THOSE characters of time with them (whoever the man with the bat is for example, or CORALLLL), means that you're kinda just left with generic Zombie horror for everyone not picking up on details?


Thorpe probably didn't help themselves with the overhype of this, though that is a Merlin trait rather than uniquely their own misgivings...

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Walking Dead ey?  Who saw THAT one coming...


Two new mazes is great; the last time we saw 2 new large attractions at Fright Nights was 2013 (2015 had 2 as well, but Containment is not really a large one).  So it's easy to forget that sort of thing.  


For those saying about is this really the largest Fright Night ever...

We have 6 scare attractions, presumably roamers, and the cinema.  There has never been more than 6 scare attractions at one Fright Nights.  Couple that in with 2 big name IPs (Walking Dead and Saw), and it's fair to call it the biggest FN in my opinion.


Now for a mass quote of people in no order...


10 hours ago, Joester said:

Apparently platform 15 is getting an upgrade. I don't see what that could be though since there hasn't been much construction near it


9 hours ago, MilesK said:

Platform getting new scenes intrigues me too. Apparently the tunnel has gone up today, and from the looks of things from Monks it looks like very little has been done to it..

A lot of Platform can't be seen from Monk's Walk, and they've had all year to add to it.  So there's potential for new stuff.  They could also add to the 2 mile long tunnel of nothingness for new scenes.

4 hours ago, Coaster said:

Fully aware that I'm not in the majority with this view, but I'm just not feeling the hype for Fright Nights this year.


I'm sure Walking Dead is great (never seen it personally), but two scare attractions with the same theme?  Surely that's a bit of a cop out?


The return of Saw Alive doesn't impress me, that maze passed its sell-by a long time ago and I've never found it great in all honesty.


Big Top was great last year so glad to see it return, hopefully with a few tweaks here and there.


Platform 15 - WHY?!


Whatever happened to the days of having five full-scale indoor horror mazes, rather than three with two outdoor support-attractions?

I see nothing wrong with 2 attractions of the same general theme.  I haven't watched the show either, but it does sound like the attractions are going in different directions / different stories.  Plenty of scope for different ideas.  I'm sure the idea of 2 mazes from the same IP will be a big draw to some people as well.


Will have to agree to disagree about Saw Alive's quality.  But I can't really see that going until the Saw contract runs out to be honest; it is such a staple now and it has become quite synonymous with Fright Nights.  Like it or not, it's currently the new Asylum!


Platform 15 has the opportunity to be a good maze, and we've seen in the past they are able to completely change and upgrade mazes in their second year (Big Top, Blair Witch, etc). 

2 hours ago, Coaster said:

I agree it'll pull in more people, but in terms of guest experience is the quality really as good as before?  I'd argue that having five big-budget mazes was far better (both for crowds and quality) than three with two outdoor ones, and personally I found the older mazes much more impressive and fun - however this is of course down to opinion.


Fright Nights has been busy the past few years but the number of complaints online about the queue times, that the mazes weren't worth the waits etc. is always crazy!

Interesting you say about 5 big-budget indoor mazes..  The budgets of more recent mazes have tended to have larger budgets as far as I'm aware.  Outdoor mazes struggle a bit granted, since some of that budget had to be pumped into ensuring things are safer, and it's difficult to create a scare environment outside.  However, Thorpe are drastically short on locations at the moment, with I'm a Celeb not a suitable space for a scare attraction, and Thorpe wanting to avoid the beach after them having loads of flooding issues in 2015 with Big Top.  With no arena now as well, and shipping containers proving to only work out as a short term solution, they're in a difficult scenario (and I reckon Towers will be in a similar situation with the shipping container usage in a couple of years time..).  


2 hours ago, mrmatt said:

Hey guys. I need some help figuring out this one. Remember the picture Thorpe showed us a few weeks ago with all the different props. There was a Blair witch wooden thing in that picture. Some thought American horror story. Where does that wooden figure thing fit into all of this? 

I heard some rumours that Blair Witch was actually meant to return this year (which would also mean this year would have been the 'biggest FN' with 7 attractions), but there were some issues with the location which meant that it couldn't.  Could explain why Blair Witch was hinted at returning!

31 minutes ago, Benin said:

do half expect the indoor maze to be similar to the other ones found at Universal and Movie Park Germany... And it's a strange choice to have as a thing which will only get any real appreciation from avid watchers of the show like any IP really, but as many of these things tend to lack THOSE characters of time with them (whoever the man with the bat is for example, or CORALLLL), means that you're kinda just left with generic Zombie horror for everyone not picking up on details?


Thorpe probably didn't help themselves with the overhype of this, though that is a Merlin trait rather than uniquely their own misgivings...

I don't think this will be similar to other Walking Dead mazes.  It's been said how it relates more to the recent season, whereas all the other ones have been very generic from early seasons.  And I really hope it's not like the Movie Park one (I'll be doing a blog post why that one was so awful).  But it is my biggest concern about Walking Dead being around - the one at MPG was said to be really good, and it seemed to get a lot of praise from AMC.  So if that's the standard, the bar is set quite low...


There was quite a lot of hype for this, probably too much yeah.  I think there was actually slightly more planned this year, but things have fallen through / been delayed.  So maybe if all the original plans worked out, the hype would have been worth it.  It also doesn't help that we as enthusiasts have figured out Walking Dead weeks ago.  Reckon the GP are lapping this up though...



So yeah, tl;dr - I'm looking for to this.  There's potential, and I know that things behind the scenes have been ever improving at Thorpe.  I have some concerns, but I'm remaining optimistic that they'll be unfounded.

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2 hours ago, StevenVig said:

To those who still aren't satisfied, you'll probably never be happy, so don't even bother next time. 

Might wanna wipe your nose, there's something brown on it.


You're never going to please everyone all the time. But on this one I agree with Benin; slapping an IP out there isn't always the best way when Towers etc. are doing perfectly fine and delivering higher quality mazes.


Do I care it's an IP? No. Am I bothered it's The Walking Dead? No. It isn't MY thing, and like Benin said some zombies don't scream Fright Nights to me. There's a reason it's not a major thing for Universal anymore and small-parks like Moviepark have it. It's gonna pull in the crowds; and okay cool it's being considered a big Fright Nights awesome. Still feels like it's been overhyped and under delivered. Benin and Baron have hit it on the head.

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Something which has been overlooked...


 Your fate is sealed, Lucille is coming. New for 2017, nightmares become reality as you find yourself with other survivors at the terrifying mercy of the notorious Negan.

Choose your path and decide your fate in THE WALKING DEAD: Living Nightmare.


Does this suggest we could see something similar to Cabin in that you can choose rooms to go through, etc?  Would be nice, and good to see the idea working out and being kept fresh. 

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Just now, MarkC said:


You're really looking too hard into things mate.

I know one can dream lol. In all seriousness I'm so thrilled for this years line up as walking dead is my favourite horror to show and to have my favourite maze return (big top) I'm over the moon. Just can help but feel we were let down slightly on the promise of scare zones. But never mind. These things can't be helped. 

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9 minutes ago, mrmatt said:

I got so excited earlier but I think it's just a blip. I was using my iPad sideways which I never do and when I scrolled down to the mazes I saw two empty slots but could be just a blip as I think I'm grabbing at anything and everything lol. 


I Wouldnt expect any more from whats been announced! 

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Is this the laziest Fright Nights event yet? Two mazes based on the same IP. Why can't Thorpe do Fright Nights without using IPs? The event has been going down hill very fast since the loss of The Asylum.
The opposite can be said of Towers, who have improved year on year. And yet, no IPs.
Also, now premium pass holders have to pay to reserve a place for Fright Nights now, and that used to be free. Aren't the passes expensive enough?

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42 minutes ago, TarinMaria said:

Is this the laziest Fright Nights event yet? Two mazes based on the same IP. Why can't Thorpe do Fright Nights without using IPs? The event has been going down hill very fast since the loss of The Asylum.
The opposite can be said of Towers, who have improved year on year. And yet, no IPs.
Also, now premium pass holders have to pay to reserve a place for Fright Nights now, and that used to be free. Aren't the passes expensive enough?

IP's were around whilst The Asylum was TBF - i think unfortunately with all the bad press they got The Asylum had to go.


I agree that Towers have improved year on year - I'd also say Thorpe improved (2016 was better than 14/15 IMO) and ive no doubt the 2 new mazes will be of high quality.


As for premium pass holders - i think its like last year, you dont have to reserve and if you turn up early before the park hits capacity you will be fine to get in - or if you planning to head to the park later for example £1 will guarantee your entry - even if the park has had to close its gates due to hitting capacity

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IP's were around whilst The Asylum was TBF - I think unfortunately with all the bad press they got The Asylum had to go.
I agree that Towers have improved year on year - I'd also say Thorpe improved (2016 was better than 14/15 IMO) and ive no doubt the 2 new mazes will be of high quality.
As for premium pass holders - I think its like last year, you dont have to reserve and if you turn up early before the park hits capacity you will be fine to get in - or if you planning to head to the park later for example £1 will guarantee your entry - even if the park has had to close its gates due to hitting capacity
They're recommending it this year, and no use of friends and family or share the fun vouchers after 19th October...
I didn't go last year cause I moved up north, but I felt the year before was pretty bad, especially with Tulley's Farm not that far away. Plus, two mazes using the same IP is still lazy as hell
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Just now, TarinMaria said:

They're recommending it this year, and no use of friends and family or share the fun vouchers after 19th October...
I didn't go last year cause I moved up north, but I felt the year before was pretty bad, especially with Tulley's Farm not that far away. Plus, two mazes using the same IP is still lazy as hell

Its upto you on the reservation - if your traveling a long distance it maybe best to reserve - its simply there to stop abuse of the system where as if it was free people would reserve without any thought / potentially stopping people who intend to go from being able to.

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11 hours ago, TarinMaria said:

Plus, two mazes using the same IP is still lazy as hell

We don't know the reasons behind that decision though to be fair. They've trademarked the name of one maze and not the other, for example; and for all we know there could have been a second IP or concept planned along with potentially even a scarezone which may have fallen through or been cut for this year. It does seem odd we were told scarezones etc. and then end up with two identical IP mazes.

11 hours ago, Marc said:

I think unfortunately with all the bad press they got The Asylum had to go.

To be fair they could have just given it a complete new identity, and kept the concept. I never did Asylum as back then I refused to venture into mazes; and then when I did we had Studio ? I'm glad we have the strobe maze in Big Top but they could have/should have/could still revive a full strobe maze with a different identity.

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Hey, not posted here for quite a while ?. Two things: firstly, for those insinuating that there might be more than whats already announced; as part of the press chain, it seems as if the only major release was The Walking Dead.

Secondly, I'll be there on the 28th so can provide comments - last time I was at fn was 2 years ago though, so I haven't seen platform 15 before. 


Update: if y'all still wanna be conspiracy theorists about more IP, this just popped up on my FB:


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