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TPM Heads oop North Saturday 17th-Sunday 18th June 2017


Have Your Say!  

16 members have voted

  1. 1. Where would you like to go? **CLOSED**

    • Alton Towers Both Days
    • Alton Towers Saturday, Drayton Manor Sunday
  2. 2. Would you like to visit the waterpark on the Saturday?

    • Yeah sure why not
    • No thank you

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Helloo my dears,


It is with some degree of delight that I am here to FINALLY present you with the details of the official Alton Towers meet 2017! The current plan is to visit Alton Towers on both days, however I have heard whispers that some may like to visit Drayton Manor once again too, however they are expected to get a big thing in 2018 so it could be worth the wait! As ever though, that's for you forum lot to decide! :D


Due to it being a weekend trip, the date for this weekend is remaining fixed at Saturday 17th June and Sunday 18th June.


The plans for this weekend shall be as follows:



(Alton Towers)


09:30 meet underneath the corkscrew sculpture thing whatever you may call it, the park is due to open at 10am according to the website so this is the time we'll be aiming to get into the park for 


10:00-13:00/13:30 we shall be simply going about riding what others wish to ride until we get a bit peckish, at which point we'll split off for lunch, which should last for about an hour 


14:00/14:30-17:00/18:00 we'll get back to those rides until park close, some may wish to do the waterpark as has been the case for the past few years, this is stated to be open until 6pm, so please mention in the poll if this tickles your fancy, as then we can get a group of sorts to head off a bit earlier to fit some swimming in, us non-swimmers can find ourselves partaking in a game of mini golf or can hang about the hotel bar area.... I'll definitely be playing golf because I have a mild obsession for it all thanks to a few of the members on this very forum


18:00 onwards we'll probably go off for a bite to eat, this will be an UNOFFICIAL part of the meet and will most likely consist of those who are staying the night before we head back to wherever we'll be staying




(probably Alton Towers again)


Should you all vote for us to have two days of Alton Towers, the structure of the Sunday will look very similar to the structure of the Saturday bar the swimming, golf and meal in the evening as people will most likely want to head straight home after park close. 


If, however, you all decide you'd like us to visit DRAYTON MANOR instead, this is what that day might look like...

disclaimer: I've never been to Drayton before so it's a very rough estimate ok


10:00 meet by the park entrance, the park is said to open at this time however rides don't open until 10:30 so we'll have plenty of time!


10:30-13:00/13:30 it'll be time to get on all the rides that people may choose to ride until yet again we all get peckish and we'll go off for lunch for an ho- you know what I'm going to say I'll stop boring you 


14:00/14:30-17:00 we'll get back to those rides after lunch and continue going until park close/everyone gets tired and decides its time to go home. It'll be then time for us all to part ways and head home, it's more than likely people will be simply grabbing a bite to eat at a service station on the way home so there again shall be no organised meal on the sunday



a few little notes for the meet...


-if you are late, we will NOT wait! Even we've been left behind before, it simply isn't fair on those who make the effort to be there on time, if you're running a bit late or are Marc then we will meet you when you arrive, whether it'll be you finding the group as we stand in a specific place for you or someone running off to fetch you... you will find us eventually, we promise!



** the polls on this topic for where we'll be headed will close in one week, at 10pm on Thursday, 20th April 2017** 


please read ahead if you are interested in staying over night, be it on either the Friday night, Saturday night, or both (STRICTLY OVER 18s ONLY, we CANNOT take responsibility for any under 18s overnight, but you are more than welcome to join us for the day parts!!) 


**from this point, you will have EXACTLY ONE MONTH to confirm your attendance to either myself or @Ryan, so you must have given us a definite yes or no by 9pm on SATURDAY, 13TH MAY 2017, otherwise you will NOT be included in the numbers as we try to work out the pricing for the hotel, location is TBC as we will be trying to find the best deal, but you will know after this date (it's always been the Newcastle-Under-Lyme Travelodge and this likely won't change, but it's worth a look :P)


**we will then price up the rooms and let you all know how much you will be owing if you wish to stay with us on SUNDAY, 14TH MAY 2017, you will then have ONE WEEK to transfer the amount to tpm's paypal, so the payment from you must have been received by us by 9pm on SUNDAY, 21ST MAY 2017, allowing us to make the booking ASAP as neither Ryan nor myself will be able to foot the bill unfortunately 


**if you don't get back to us in time, you'll have to book your own room, likewise if you have any specific preferences for who you may like to share with, or if you'd even have another hotel in mind!


Once the booking has all gone through we'll let you know, there will be a dedicated group chat to keep you all in the loop as I know this is a lot of information to process. If you have any questions or queries do not hesitate to ask. Sadly I may not be able to get back to you ASAP as exam season is well and truly here so I'll only be about to update meet topics, but I'll try my best! 


The Towers meet is always a good one, and this will be no different :) 




who's coming?? 









Mr Fish



he who shall not be named

terrortomb (maybe)

Timber Creek (maybe)










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Me and Mer would be able to go and stay at the Travelodge together if we can get a lift. Just dependant on transport really, as Towers is not the most accessible by public transport. If we can't kindly ask for a lift from anyone, we would have to stay on site. So for now it's a maybe for us until we can confirm transport / hotels.

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the polls are now CLOSED, we shall be visiting alton towers on both days, you have until Sunday, 14th May to let either myself or @Ryan know whether you wish to have a place in a hotel room which shall be at Newcastle-Under-Lyme Travelodge, be prepared to pay your share within a week of that date otherwise we will be unable to book for you! 


feel free to continue to vote to let us know whether you'd like to visit the waterpark or not! 


See you there :D

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hey guys, this is just a friendly reminder that you have LESS THANK ONE WEEK to confirm whether or not you'd like to stay a night or two for this meet. I will not be chasing people up. You must let myself or @Ryan know by 9pm on SATURDAY, 13th MAY and state whether you wish to stay for one or two nights.

I cannot stress enough that we will NOT be chasing any of you up. If you've voted in the poll we will not be assuming that you're attending, you will need to personally post in this very topic or let one of us know. Unfortunately we cannot make any exceptions as we will be pricing up the room the next day and shall be collecting payments over the course of the following week. If we haven't received your payment by SUNDAY, 21st MAY then we will be unable to include you in our bookings.

By all means if you miss any miss any of these deadlines you're still more than welcome to come, you shall just have to book your own room if you wish to stay the night, and you can always just join us for the day parts if you don't even wish to spend the night (and you're local enough) anyway!

Also if you have any any specific preferences as to who you'd like to share with I would strongly advise booking your own room regardless as we can't guarantee we'll be able to satisfy all requests.

I shall be messaging those who have confirmed next sunday just to double check and then we'll be one step closer to the Towers meet happening! woo etc.

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just a reminder that you have THREE DAYS to inform either myself or @Ryan if you wish to stay with us at the travelodge for this meet, we will not be assuming your attendance if you've simply voted in the poll or said you were a maybe when this topic was first created!

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 30/05/2017 at 6:04 PM, Stuntman707 said:

I won't be able to go to this meet now. Just realised my annual pass expires the week before and my funds are very low this month. I will renew my pass during the sale though. Have fun!


I will have scraped together enough money to go, don't want to miss this meet. :)


14 hours ago, Mermite said:




I'm confused, are you guys coming? :P 

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