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2019 Season


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I think overall this season has been a good one. It has probably performed in line with expectations given the low investment year and guest satisfaction seems to be up. Fright Nights was always going to be a sticky one for attendance this year because of the 2 half terms of London / Surrey being different weeks; so unlike previous years where every-one visits in the same 1 week, this year is spread over 2 weeks. I think that the package of Fright Nights could be better - wish there was more obvious "The island changes after dark" other than a few mazes that open and a flash-mob dance, such as ride music being normal in daylight and changing at night, actors in public areas, light colour changes, more decoration etc but it is what it is. They tried by adding smoke machines which work well when it isn't windy. 


I've visited pretty much every Saturday since the season started thanks to my annual pass and season fastrack pass. It does seem that ride availability has been generally excellent and presentation of the park is better than it has been in years (mist on Nemesis Inferno, smoke on Stealth, effects on Saw, skimmers and fire (albeit intermittent) on Swarm etc). Bouncezilla seemed to do what it needed to do - provided a filler for now and seemed popular with the GP - Not a crowd pleasing, attendance increasing attraction; but decent enough "for now".


It seems that the flat rides are now suffering seasonal fatigue and are limping home... Something that should be considered given the lack of interest in flat rides over the parks in general. A few questions come of this though - Are we about to get a flurry of new coasters to replace these like Alton seem to be doing or will the park just be left to fall into ruin. The park almost need to admit to and own their "we want to be a British Six Flags" park rather than trying to masquerade as a theme park. If they do, they can throw a tonne of hardware at the park and own their new image. Consider an RMC hybrid or (high capacity) Raptor, Mack or Intamin launcher, a decent airtime machine that hugs the entrance etc. But that is just a fanboy wish list. Works for Cedar Point...

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The park seems absolutely rammed today, I'd imagine it's not been helped by the passholder charges being lifted. When I looked on the app a few minutes ago, 3 rides (Derren Brown, SAW and Swarm) were on an 120 minute queue. Colossus, Inferno, Vortex, Samurai and Quantum were also all down, and Rush had 90 minutes so I assume it is operating 1 arm still. :rolleyes:

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I{t must be close to or just above "theoretical" capacity today (The park operates 2 tiers because of the size and layout: Theoretical Capacity: The point that the park starts to become uncomfortable to be in) and Absolute Capacity: Max number of people allowed on park from an H&S point of view. I say close to because if Colossus and NI were open, the 120 min queues would most likely be 90ish...

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  On 10/30/2019 at 3:22 PM, Ivsetti said:

I believe this is running arm until the end of the season


I'd assume so; they won't bother trying to fix it for the sake of 4 days.


There was a point earlier today which I saw on a tweet where all coasters (including TWD:TR) had 90+ minute queues. I've had a glance at the app a few times and saw Do or Die peak at 180 minutes, and even Tidal Wave had a 30 minute queue earlier too! I'd probably say it's above theoretical capacity. You have to remember there are 3 rides closed all day, though.

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Can confirm the park was very busy today, but didn't help that Nemesis Inferno opened late and on one train until 3:30, although kudos for them getting it open. Colossus was also evacuated and closed until afternoon. Lets not forget that Vortex, Samurai and Quantum also down. 

Once Nemesis Inferno opened it had a completely full queueline in all extensions until I left around 7pm. They were running the ride flawlessly having a 30 seconds until the train leaves announcement and staff running around. Ride was run best I have seen in years! 

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  On 10/31/2019 at 7:59 AM, MattyMoo said:

I spotted that Quantum rose from the dead late last night and attracted a 20 minute queue.


I left at 7 and walked past it and it was well and truly closed with nothing happening, a closed sign or any staff there. Then about 15 mins later as you say suddenly it was all fine and open. Guessing a staffing issue rather than the ride still being broken seeing as nothing happened on it all day. 


Had I known it would open I'd have stayed to get one ride this year on it. Ah well always next year. 


Samurai also had some engineers looking at it during the afternoon although they were not there long. 

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  On 10/31/2019 at 2:50 PM, RobF said:

Its more than likely a lack of assessed operators and staff, given that realistically only 2018 ops could have been re-assessed in the time its actually been open the probably hasn't been enough open time to train new ops.


Yes I believe this is the case. It's operating around trained staffs schedules.


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  On 11/1/2019 at 10:00 AM, MattyMoo said:


Did they look it at and say "20 years old, not long left now"


Well with it about to complete ita 23rd season who knows! In fairness Samurai has been far more reliable in the last few seasons than it was prior, where it would regularly die for long periods of time around twice a season! 


Zodiacs time should be up before Samurai, as should Rocky Express, Teacups, Flying Fish and Depth Charge.

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  On 11/1/2019 at 12:11 PM, Coaster said:

Depth Charge, Rocky Express and Teacups all seem very reliable and give families something to do, why do they need to go?


You're missing the point, they are older rides to samurai. Age shouldn't be a factor as to whether they go so was a sarcastic response as I don't believe samurai should go. 


I don't want them to go either. Zodiac has been pretty unreliable of late tbf! 

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  On 11/1/2019 at 12:25 PM, Mattgwise said:

You're missing the point, they are older rides to samurai. Age shouldn't be a factor as to whether they go so was a sarcastic response as I don't believe samurai should go. 


I don't want them to go either. Zodiac has been pretty unreliable of late tbf! 


Let's not forget Quantum, which has more or less been SBNO this entire season.

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  On 11/1/2019 at 6:35 PM, Ivsetti said:

It actually says something when even the police hate the park so much to the point they're telling staff there about intruders that "We don't care, let them go"...


Legally, there's nothing the police can do.


The guys in the video visited the park legitimately (they had valid tickets). At no point did they 'trespass' or 'intrude'. At no point did any member of staff ask the guys to leave. They didn't refuse to leave. 


They've bent the park's own rules, and that's all there is to it. The police cannot do anything, so all they can say is 'not our problem let them go'.

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  On 11/1/2019 at 10:23 AM, Mattgwise said:

Well with it about to complete ita 23rd season who knows! In fairness Samurai has been far more reliable in the last few seasons than it was prior, where it would regularly die for long periods of time around twice a season! 



Looks like she died again last night.

23rd season - I didn't know she had a life before Chessie? That's some knowledge I didn't have!

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  On 11/1/2019 at 6:54 PM, JoshC. said:

Legally, there's nothing the police can do.


The guys in the video visited the park legitimately (they had valid tickets). At no point did they 'trespass' or 'intrude'. At no point did any member of staff ask the guys to leave. They didn't refuse to leave. 


They've bent the park's own rules, and that's all there is to it. The police cannot do anything, so all they can say is 'not our problem let them go'.


Interesting that you say this.. I've just run it past a criminal defence barrister I know who's exact response was "this is textbook trespass". To do with terms and conditions of entry being that you are only allowed on site as a paying guest during "permissible trading hours". Once the final ride has been closed down, guests are required to vacate the park and the Tresspass Injunction kicks in. So, technically this IS a criminal act, the police just couldn't be bothered, for whatever reason, to follow it through. Difference being that they cannot be charged and convicted retrospectively. So, they will now profit from the video having broken the law.


EDIT: That said, Tresspass isn't criminal.. it is civil.. so the Police weren't required to act on it any-way.


But then, that also explains why the area is typically quite rife with "petty lawlessness", but that's a different topic of conversation.

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  On 11/4/2019 at 3:24 PM, EpicSmatty said:

Doesn't the trespass injunction make it a crime though? https://www.thorpepark.com/trespass-injunction


Technically not. It just allows the Park to pursue one if they want to - but unless they caused any actual damage pushing for a conviction is hard, costly and potentially pointless.

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I wonder how true the police weren’t interested comment was. Could it have been they were dealing with something far more major and didn’t have the man power? The way the people in the video made it to be was the police had a boys will be boys attitude. If that is correct what would have happened if they got back on the park and died form climbing a coaster? I am sure as a result of hearing the police bit it will sadly encourage more to do this.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

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