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Hi, againI somehow manage to miss this topic here!Well I love rides and roller coasters and often do a trip to Thorpe park every year. This year we went last week (Easter holidays) and it was so busy! We usually go at the end of March. As it was so busy I am trying to plan another trip in about 3 weeks. Trying not to get too excited!

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Heya! :P I am Keith and I am 16. 17 in September! DRIVING!!!!Been on Mania Hub since June 08!I am from Hove which is in East Sussex! (despite the West Sussex shown on someones comment above! :P )I am the biggest fan of Vampire you will ever meet and want to work at Chessington next year but a bit unsure weither to. :P Thats It!, I will go know by exiting to the left! :P

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi, I'm Joe and from Dorset. I don't think I'll be very popular on here as I'm not the biggest Thorpe Park fanboy, infact I hate the palce besides the rides. Never the less, I still think I'll enjoy being on here, people may also know me from Towers Times/Reallly Rollercoaster/Towers Nerd and what not. :)

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Although I have been on the site for almost a year now. I not 100% sure if posted here already lol. Even if I have I will reintro myself as I have been away for a few months.I'm Skunky the worlds first Human/Skunk mix. My actual name is James but keep it as Skunk or Skunky on here. As I am employed by Merlin Entertainments I am under strict contract with relation to Internet forums. I'm 20 21 on May 26th and I can be a bit harsh but I am fair with what I say so be warned but dont take it personally.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi! I'm Ryan.... and I'm 15...Been going to Chessington since 1998And I love Bubbleworks and Safari SkywayI'm known by some on here (who have been probably dreading the day I would sign up!) and unknown by othersI'm nice... don't believe everything you read in the papers :DThat was my icebreaker ^^Anyways, hello, nice to meet everyone :P

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Hello,My name's Mark, I'm 19 years old and live in Staffordshire. I've loved theme parks ever since I can remember and started up Towers Nerd in 2004. I usually make a couple of visits to Thorpe each year, one in the summer and one for fright nights.

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  • 5 weeks later...

I feel as though I should re-introduce myself here.Hey everyone, Sheepie's the name, been on here for a few years. I tend not to post all that often these days. But browse the forums regularly.I used to have a role for being the voice of reason on here. Bloody teenagers :(

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heyy, my names james, and jimmy to some =PI joined in february but never was online since so technically I'm still new ^__^everyone says my hair is the sex =D and I totally agree lolmusics?? were do I start xD anything for me except: chav, folk classical and anything similiar =Psuperly duperly tight skinnies ftw!!!and yes, I suppose I am kind of a scene kid =Dme wrapped up in a bun; awsome music, insane skinnies and sexy hair =Pcatch you laters =D

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heyy, I'm jake. ive been on the fourms a while but not really introduced myself. my enthusiasm of themeparks a rollercoasters started about 2 years ago in america, my first thrill ride was montu at bg.the moment the car reeleased from the chian I was in love with coasters. :( my life doesnt just revolve around coasters, I do have a social life. I go out quite abit.I have only told a few peope that I'm a coaster nerd, only people I trust some people can be complete ****ers when you tell them something.I play drums and used to play guitar. my fave music is rock, metal, some pop and new rave.I play alot of ps3 pm me if you want my online name.I go to thorpe park about once a month somtimes less, I get sick very easy so I dont get on alot of rides when I visit.I'm not to sure when I will attend my first meet :) .

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  Jake C said:

heyy, I'm jake. ive been on the fourms a while but not really introduced myself. my enthusiasm of themeparks a rollercoasters started about 2 years ago in america, my first thrill ride was montu at bg.the moment the car reeleased from the chian I was in love with coasters. :( my life doesnt just revolve around coasters, I do have a social life. I go out quite abit.I have only told a few peope that I'm a coaster nerd, only people I trust some people can be complete ****ers when you tell them something.I play drums and used to play guitar. my fave music is rock, metal, some pop and new rave.I play alot of ps3 pm me if you want my online name.I go to thorpe park about once a month somtimes less, I get sick very easy so I dont get on alot of rides when I visit.I'm not to sure when I will attend my first meet :) .

Welcome! :(Being a "Coaster Nerd" as you put it :DI would just tell them that you have a major interest in theme parks.That is what I told my friends. Some say why? and then I just go why do you like *activity*. It is an interest!Now my friends know the first person to come to (which they do) when planning a trip to Chessington & Zoo and THORPE PARK.Enjoy Mania Hub! :D
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  • 2 weeks later...

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