Laelda_95 Posted July 11, 2011 Report Share Posted July 11, 2011 I hate when your so-called friends randomnly decide to "move on" when you don't actually know what you've done wrong. How am I supposed to move on aswell, when I have no reason to? Worthy9992 and JamesB 2 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ryan Posted July 14, 2011 Report Share Posted July 14, 2011 I don’t care if I come across as disrespectful or rude, but this is my opinion. People that jump in front of a train to kill themselves are so blooming selfish. All the delays that have been caused because of this recently. Also the poor people that witness it, the children at stations that see this happen, it would scar them for life! Fair enough some people are going through such horrible things but there are other ways of overcoming this instead of jumping in front of a train. Laelda_95 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Benin Posted July 14, 2011 Report Share Posted July 14, 2011 I don’t care if I come across as disrespectful or rude, but this is my opinion. People that jump in front of a train to kill themselves are so blooming selfish. All the delays that have been caused because of this recently. Also the poor people that witness it, the children at stations that see this happen, it would scar them for life! Fair enough some people are going through such horrible things but there are other ways of overcoming this instead of jumping in front of a train.You are James Adams and I claim my five pounds! -_-I can see a serious discussion coming up from this... And quite frankly it is relatively a good point as to why trains are used as such a popular suicide medium, how many deaths per year are caused by this? Suicide is of course something few of us can understand, but really, a train cannot truly be the best way to cure the pain and suffering? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sheepie Posted July 14, 2011 Report Share Posted July 14, 2011 Don't get me started. I'm a fairly mutual person but this is something I feel very strongly about indeed. So much so, I get very emotional thinking about it, having friends who have committed suicide and knowing people who have been affected by it and even feeling suicidal myself in the past. It's so easy to say there are other ways out, it's selfish and it's an inconvenience. Please don't forget that there are human beings involved in this and sometimes we get so caught up in our own pathetic, small little lives, we forget the amount of pain and suffering that some people go through to feel as though they need to end their lives. I can see a serious discussion coming up from this... And quite frankly it is relatively a good point as to why trains are used as such a popular suicide medium, how many deaths per year are caused by this? Suicide is of course something few of us can understand, but really, a train cannot truly be the best way to cure the pain and suffering?Simple answer (there isn't one), it's got a 99% success rate. If you wanted to kill yourself and wanted it to work, it's probably the best bet rather than taking pills or whatever. It's also very quick, no pain and suffering waiting for your life to fade away. thorpeparkjack 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mark9 Posted July 14, 2011 Report Share Posted July 14, 2011 Ironically, when you say our "pathetic, small little lives", thats probably what these people thought or felt before they decided to commit suicide. I think differently. The action of one person taking their lives in such dramatic ways effects more people then just the driver who had to live through that moment or the people at stations who saw it.What about the tens of thousands people stuck all around Surrey and the South of England because of what to me is a selfish act. All those people have somewhere they need to be, could be something trivial like getting home from work or it could be a mother and father getting to a hospital to say goodbye to a dying family member. The ripple effect of one person taking their own lifes in such a way, for whatever reason, hurts so many others. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sheepie Posted July 14, 2011 Report Share Posted July 14, 2011 Ironically, when you say our "pathetic, small little lives", thats probably what these people thought or felt before they decided to commit suicide. I think differently. The action of one person taking their lives in such dramatic ways effects more people then just the driver who had to live through that moment or the people at stations who saw it.What about the tens of thousands people stuck all around Surrey and the South of England because of what to me is a selfish act. All those people have somewhere they need to be, could be something trivial like getting home from work or it could be a mother and father getting to a hospital to say goodbye to a dying family member. The ripple effect of one person taking their own lifes in such a way, for whatever reason, hurts so many others.I agree with some of your points Mark, I can see both sides. I'd like to bring some of the comments made on Facebook if I may as I don't really want to feel as though I'm repeating myself. Kirsty Stevens not even funny! Wen u no sum 1 hu did jump off a buildin last week!3 hours ago · Like Jack Dann Was this the selfish tosser at clapham junction that made me miss my appointment at the passport office , nearly costing me 750 pound for my holiday? Or has another **** end decided to do it. 3 hours ago · Like Kirsty Stevens na my aunt! Hus not a **** actually! So shut ur mouth n fink of others an ther feelings. 3 hours ago · Like Kirsty Brougham Harwood selfish people if ur gonna do urself in do it yourself.3 hours ago · Like Kirsty Brougham Harwood don't scar and ruin other peoples lives.3 hours ago · Like Kirsty Stevens ‎:/ seriously!3 hours ago · Like Kirsty Stevens u wudnt say dat if 1 of ur family members jumped off a buildin n died!3 hours ago · Like Jack Dann What about the small kid who saw a bloke in wimbledon do it the other day? Its sick.3 hours ago · Like Kirsty Stevens well jst ppl need to fink wt ther sayin.. Sick or not. Ppl hu do it av a reason. Leave it as dat 2 hours ago · Like Michael Thomas All suicides have consequences. All have an element of being selfish and inconsiderate towards others, which we can see because we're not that person. If someone is in soMuch pain that they want to end their own life then I'm sure the consequences are the last of their worries. Bit of compassion towards others please people. 2 hours ago · Like Jack Dann Surely those who commit suicide think it through for a long time before doing it. In that time they must've thought how they are going to do it. I just don't see what the obsession is with trains and causing maximum disruption. Maybe the attitude is 'This world has been so unkind to me, so therefore , I'm going to cause delays all day on services running through clapham junction'. Lethal injection, quicker, painless.2 hours ago · Like Michael Thomas Very ignorant view. I have spoken to people who have spontaneously killed themselves, something pushed them over the edge or whatever, the thing is, once a few people do it, it triggers copycat suicides because yeah, I suppose if you wanted to kill yourself, jumping in front of a train could be effective. Some people plan it and think it through but my main point is, just imagine the amount of emotional pain that person went through and then multiply that by a thousand. Its just not thinking about. 2 hours ago · Like Jack Dann Fact is, it is inconsiderate. Interesting you saying about the copycat thing though, theres been so many in the past few months.2 hours ago · Like Kirsty Stevens thank u michael! Get everyfin ur saying! Exactly think of others,feelings an families. Different wen its ur family or sum 1 personal to u x2 hours ago · Like Kirsty Brougham Harwood If youve seen the effects it has on train drivers/paramedics and various 'clean up' crews yu'd realise just how selfish people can be in death.I have heard 1 story from a conductor at the depot about a guy who commited suicide by having the...See more2 hours ago · Like Aaron Weight I'm gonna sound like an asshole and I don't care... "next time find a building" - they're dead! Won't be a next time! I found that funny, just that, not the situation, so don't get all preachy haha2 hours ago · Like Michael Thomas Haha I know what you mean Aaron! You have to laugh sometimes. Laugher is the best cure for most things.I really do see where you're coming from Kirsty. I can't imagine what it feels like to have that image in your head and to see it happen. It does have a huge knock on effect, the same with all suicides and even all deaths. The families who have walked in and found their family members hanging from the ceiling, cold dead because they've OD'd... we could sit here and list every possible way to kill yourself but I keep thinking of my time at the Samaritans and the hundreds of people I spoke to who had just totally given up on life. The pain and the sorrow.Looking at it rationally, yes I can see and agree with most of the points made. I just hope that there's support out there for these people who have been witness to it and for friends and families. No matter what your view is, it's an absolutely terrible thing to happen and I think sometimes we forget the human emotion behind the relative inconvenience. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Benin Posted July 14, 2011 Report Share Posted July 14, 2011 The worst off in these situations is the driver... Can only imagine how it must feel for someone to have a person leap in front of them and they can't do anything to prevent it from happening...And the ripple effect is much larger (as Mark said) in comparison to hanging oneself... It's very murky waters here we be treading... Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
pluk Posted July 14, 2011 Report Share Posted July 14, 2011 With my work I come across this all too frequently. In 4 years I have been to two train suicides (in both cases the person very swiftly and successfully ended their life), one hanging and literally hundreds of overdose and self harm attempts - not one of which has been successful. I would imagine this is why train can be the method of choice. These things don't bother me too much, it's just the way I am and I suppose to an extent I've got used to it. But I know it really freaks a lot of my colleagues out; consider we literally have to go and clear up the mess and then inform loved ones of the deceased, neither of which are very pleasant jobs to say the least. The train driver often will not know they have hit someone, but when they do see it coming it must be a terrible feeling for them. I'm sure some people who commit suicide get to the point where they know the consequences of their actions but just don't care, but I would imagine 99% of people have not given a second thought to these knock on effects of what they do - not out of spite or selfishness but purely because they've got so much on their plate they can't cope with that they just can't see it.Whatever the inconvenience you suffer as a result of this just remember - someone somewhere is having a worse day than you. Phill Pritchard, Mer and Sheepie 3 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sheepie Posted July 14, 2011 Report Share Posted July 14, 2011 Love you for that Pluk. Very interesting to hear your views on it given your profession. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pickles Posted July 14, 2011 Report Share Posted July 14, 2011 Get meeting with college. Attend meeting with college. Half way to getting in to college again. Dream job comes up. College or bus mechanic essentially. One of the other and both beneficial, college has more options but so many factors to it. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Benin Posted July 14, 2011 Report Share Posted July 14, 2011 ^Depends how much you need for the mechanic job really... Cos in some cases, getting experience in an actual job (especially mechanical fixing based) is better than college, since practical can trump theoretical...I would lean towards the dream job as long as it's simple to start out on... Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
thorpeparkjack Posted July 14, 2011 Report Share Posted July 14, 2011 FOR **** SAKE LIFE IS JUST BULL****. I have just been offered VIP tickets for 3 days at Guilfest camping with mates and stuff free. On any other weekend? AMAZING. It has to be the weekend I have decided to work at ****TY Sainsburys Friday night, Saturday and Sunday. FML. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ryan Posted July 14, 2011 Report Share Posted July 14, 2011 FOR **** SAKE LIFE IS JUST BULL****. I have just been offered VIP tickets for 3 days at Guilfest camping with mates and stuff free. On any other weekend? AMAZING. It has to be the weekend I have decided to work at ****TY Sainsburys Friday night, Saturday and Sunday. FML.I'll have them? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Benin Posted July 14, 2011 Report Share Posted July 14, 2011 FOR **** SAKE LIFE IS JUST BULL****. I have just been offered VIP tickets for 3 days at Guilfest camping with mates and stuff free. On any other weekend? AMAZING. It has to be the weekend I have decided to work at ****TY Sainsburys Friday night, Saturday and Sunday. FML.Following the topic of suicide ladies and gentleman... -_-I LOVE these kind of topics sometimes... Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
thorpeparkjack Posted July 14, 2011 Report Share Posted July 14, 2011 Hehe I know No doubt my mate will get rid of the tickets Ryan but ill let you know if there are any left. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Phill Pritchard Posted July 15, 2011 Report Share Posted July 15, 2011 On a lighter note, my bloody Facebook groups have been archived! Grrrr!!!! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
rollerross11 Posted July 15, 2011 Report Share Posted July 15, 2011 Oh going back to the suicide topic its traumatic to be on the same train or the one behind etc I was at wimbledon on the train, on the other side of the platform to the jumper. Thank god I left beforehand but, my friend was on the actual train and she is in shock and has been to councilors etc for the last week. I'm sorry but its shocking how much it effects you and now she is scared of getting on trains and 5takes her 2 hours to get to college via bus just because she is to scared to get a 30min train. Back to a lighter side I'm so annoyed with bloody college I spent £110 for my wider skills week experience in Media Art; included tours of National theatre (£6ish), BBC Tour (£7.4ish), Educational TP entrance ticket (free I have Annual Pass and I told them I did but anyway £8.60). But then 2 museums were not included which we had to pay for, because they never booked which added (£10) and on top of this transport for the 4 days cost me an extra (£50ish all days were peak days) and food was about (£30.). So the whole 4 days cost me (and my mum as she paid for most of it) almost £200 but hardly any of my initial £110 was spent on useful educational workshops etc. So where did all my money go? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dan Posted July 20, 2011 Report Share Posted July 20, 2011 One thing that really annoys me is when people pick on younger people because there older and don't like them because there new , they need to take a there stress out on something else than people ! And they need to back into there shell and leave people alone and stop acting tough Mer, Laelda_95 and SkySkream 3 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SkySkream Posted July 20, 2011 Report Share Posted July 20, 2011 One thing that really annoys me is when people pick on younger people because there older and don't like them because there new , they need to take a there stress out on something else than people ! And they need to back into there shell and leave people alone and stop acting toughSo do I dano, so do I Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pickles Posted July 20, 2011 Report Share Posted July 20, 2011 People who don't find out the whole story, nuff said. Idiots Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Benin Posted July 20, 2011 Report Share Posted July 20, 2011 People who make uncalled for snide comments annoy me... Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dan Posted July 21, 2011 Report Share Posted July 21, 2011 no finger pointing if I was I would say who was and wouldn't keep hidden . Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Fred Posted July 21, 2011 Report Share Posted July 21, 2011 I hate stupid bloody school kids.So glad they're all finishing now for the holidays. I couldn't possibly stand another day of putting up with their moronic attitudes and questions. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kevin Posted July 21, 2011 Report Share Posted July 21, 2011 BAGS BAGS BAGS BAGS BAGS BAGS Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Liam T Posted July 21, 2011 Report Share Posted July 21, 2011 People who act like their the best thing alive and think they can get all the girls! and then they judge and bully me for who I am Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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