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University timetables!!1. Seemingly squeezing as many 9am starts in as possible; especially after large student nights out. Do they seriously expect a full turn out from that? And to boot, Integrating Team Projects? ... It shouldn't even be a unit! It's something to be done in one of our other units.2. Having three hour gaps in between sessions and having just one hour lecture for a day is so pointless. Please lump it all together on a few days. Jam it in the middle of the week so long weekends to travel home and around would be nice.

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University timetables!!1. Seemingly squeezing as many 9am starts in as possible; especially after large student nights out. Do they seriously expect a full turn out from that? And to boot, Integrating Team Projects? ... It shouldn't even be a unit! It's something to be done in one of our other units.2. Having three hour gaps in between sessions and having just one hour lecture for a day is so pointless. Please lump it all together on a few days. Jam it in the middle of the week so long weekends to travel home and around would be nice.

Welcome to... UNIVERSITY...It is weird sometimes... Fortunately yesterday my lecturers went, "You see those 9am starts and Tuesday and Friday? Not gonna have them unless we need them"... But everything for me gets lumped into Thursday due to Part-Timers... Resulting in yesterday's diabolical 9-7 day which had 4.5 hours doing NOTHING as it's the first week... And even then we finished early, so it felt even more pointless...In regards to your points... DON'T GO OUT THEN! If you're going to complain that your uni is forcing you to come in because you went out the night before and got hammered, only person at fault is you... Team Projects is a unit? Dunno what that is, but actually team projects are done regularly here (part of other modules coursework though)...
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Ignore Benin, Mr Glazed, hes a tee-total party pooper :blush: My uni did the same though, I'd have Wednesday with an optional (but we had to go to it) guest lecture, Tuesday and Friday with one lecture only on each day and Thursday which had 9-5:30 lectures with only an hour break.No wonder I gave it up for a full time job..

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Welcome to... UNIVERSITY...It is weird sometimes... Fortunately yesterday my lecturers went, "You see those 9am starts and Tuesday and Friday? Not gonna have them unless we need them"... But everything for me gets lumped into Thursday due to Part-Timers... Resulting in yesterday's diabolical 9-7 day which had 4.5 hours doing NOTHING as it's the first week... And even then we finished early, so it felt even more pointless...In regards to your points... DON'T GO OUT THEN! If you're going to complain that your uni is forcing you to come in because you went out the night before and got hammered, only person at fault is you... Team Projects is a unit? Dunno what that is, but actually team projects are done regularly here (part of other modules coursework though)...

... and in regards to your points Benin, when did I indicate in my post that on said student nights out that I personally go to each one? NO WHERE; I was pointing out that a vast majority (and yes, a lot of the time me included :blush: ) go out on the big midweek nights which are Mondays and Wednesdays. So giving 9am starts on the Tuesday and Thursday will not result in the best turn out that they'd like; we have had extremely hungover people turn up to lectures after nights out, only to run out of the theatre half way through to throw up or one famous incident, just upchuck down themselves (it wasn't pretty). And another thing, I do drink (but no drugs ever) but I can have a perfectly decent night having no alcohol what so ever; so get down off your pedestal Benin :D Luckily team projects doesn't begin until term 2, further illustrating how little work there is for it compared to my other five. My timetable really could be worse but here it is for now...Posted Image
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University is there to help students get into a rather work based lifestyle though, so complaining about 9am starts is a bit pointless is my point...They expect you to come in because YOU paid to go there... So if you get totally buggered up on alcomohol and don't turn up/puke/whatever else happens to people, then it's your own fault and not the uni...PLEASE NOTE that I am making a GENERALISATION here, since it happens at every uni, although for some reason Staffords main night out seems to be Tuesday, the day before no-one has anything... Perhaps more unis need to consider this policy?As for that timetable... Of course it will be full if you're doing about 6 modules in a semester... And the rest of that empty space is for personal learning... Again though, there's no point complaining about timetables because the simple fact is again, you're being prepared to go out and get a job... Who will be even stricter about work hours and the like...I repeat, welcome to university...

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I love sly digs. They're great.And I hate how worthless my parents make me feel. I walk downstairs and everything they say to me is like a personal attack on anything I do. I must be a big inconvenience to them or something, I doubt they'd care if I just disappeared. It makes me wonder if I did, would they actually care? Somehow I think not.

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University is there to help students get into a rather work based lifestyle though, so complaining about 9am starts is a bit pointless is my point...They expect you to come in because YOU paid to go there... So if you get totally buggered up on alcomohol and don't turn up/puke/whatever else happens to people, then it's your own fault and not the uni...PLEASE NOTE that I am making a GENERALISATION here, since it happens at every uni, although for some reason Staffords main night out seems to be Tuesday, the day before no-one has anything... Perhaps more unis need to consider this policy?As for that timetable... Of course it will be full if you're doing about 6 modules in a semester... And the rest of that empty space is for personal learning... Again though, there's no point complaining about timetables because the simple fact is again, you're being prepared to go out and get a job... Who will be even stricter about work hours and the like...I repeat, welcome to university...

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I love sly digs. They're great.And I hate how worthless my parents make me feel. I walk downstairs and everything they say to me is like a personal attack on anything I do. I must be a big inconvenience to them or something, I doubt they'd care if I just disappeared. It makes me wonder if I did, would they actually care? Somehow I think not.

I wasn't saying about you Lauren ? If I was I would name names I like to be honest :blush:
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Trying to figure out what career path to take and getting nowhere!! I'm so determined to do well but doing what I don't know!I'm so fussy but I have to really enjoy it AND I want it to pay well AND I want a decent chance of getting a job. Hmph. I also want to go to university. Thought of several different things and many people who know me say that they see me best as a Veterinary Surgeon, second best a Paramedic and I've looked at both. It's so competitive for both though I'd be worried of not getting a job. And paramedics don't get paid well and aren't funded by the NHS and the course is so specific that it'd barely help if I changed my mind about being a paramedic a few years later.I've run out of time to apply this year, I knew I wasn't going to know by this time but I've been looking for years and keep finding things but not being completely set on them.I've also looked at broad courses like Biology but these tend to lead onto more basic jobs like lab staff or a teacher. Or a joint honours but not sure what in? Biology and... something? Maybe? It's really stressing me out and nobody seems to understand how difficult I'm finding it. They just say 'keep looking' or 'you'll find it'. I've been looking for ages and still haven't. I have til July to be set on something. Time is ticking and I'm getting more and more worried. I don't want to put off going to uni much longer, I'm already most likely going to be doing a third year at college. :)

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^I'm a big fan of going for stuff that allows a fair few different routes into an industry you might find interesting... Indeed, Mechanical Engineering lends itself to just about any application engineering wise, so perhaps finding a more generic course that will enable you to move into any of the things you actually want to do, but allows you to have a few back-ups should you lose interest or anything falls through...So perhaps the Biology course is an idea?

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The problem being I only enjoy specific parts of the biology course, I'm not interested in plants and would not enjoy it.And most standard biology courses are highly lab based which I'm not as much interested in. It's more for research techniques and data gathering/analysis rather than just studying a broad range of biological topics.

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There.Their.They're.It's not freakin hard.

Dude, I know!Oh and also:ToTooTwoSeriously, perfectly intelligent and capable-of-spelling people do this. Why? How could you make that mistake? It's not a typo as I've seen people do it time and again!And then sometimes some people respond with "Oh it's the spelling/grammar police". Very mature, almost as mature as their ability to spell simple words :P Pahaha!I just don't get why people make themselves look like idiots, because I know they know how to spell, it doesn't even take a second to think about which one it is. Obviously those with learning/spelling difficulties etc is a different story. Maybe it's because in this day and age, people aren't reading as much. Me and my brother have always been amazing spellers and good at English and language, and we were such bookworms as children, my brother still is. And I have actually found that over the years, when I've been reading far less, I've struggled a few times with spelling!Infact, this leads on to a second rant. The attitude people have that books are boring or they are too slow to get into, compared to games, TV shows, etc. Rubbish. Find a good book and I dare you to keep that opinion! I'm a 90s kid, I know all about video games and I know dam well how addictive they are, and how great TV is and all the rest of it. But a book just does not compare to those!I'll happily accept people have differing opinions and interests but I swear I see so many Facebook profiles where they say books/reading is boring, I don't read, etc. :P
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