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Chessington General Discussion


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The work on Falls and Runaway goes way beyond losing some rocks. In a year that I thought Chessington would lead the way, it's going backwards at every step.

It's even more gaulling that Zufari isn't open at all considering its been doing previews and staff have been able to ride it since.

Reading between the lines then - is this upgrade going to be more of a downgrade? :huh:

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This is just terrible! Rattlesnake was touched up only a few years ago (I think) so why that is down I can't work out (unless the whole of Mexicana is closed off?) Maybe they'll finally tweek the Dragon Falls boats like done at Thorpe and Towers to once again accomidate younger guests. I highly doubt they'll push Zufari's opening back any further as it is now being heavily advertised as opening on the 27th. The worst thing about this all is that Peeking Heights will be the first to reopen ;)

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With these rides closed and the AP day cancellation, I can see this weekend being a nightmare for Chessington as most AP guests will probably go then and get their fast track tickets and with those rides closed, Fury and Vmpire will probably get horrendous queues with the higher pressure of closed rides and most AP users probably fast racking them. Expected waiting time, 2 hours each.

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With these rides closed and the AP day cancellation, I can see this weekend being a nightmare for Chessington as most AP guests will probably go then and get their fast track tickets and with those rides closed, Fury and Vmpire will probably get horrendous queues with the higher pressure of closed rides and most AP users probably fast racking them. Expected waiting time, 2 hours each.

Fastrack tickets? I am an AP holder and I haven't heard anything about fastrack tickets...

I think we could end up having zoo days until Easter at this rate! I was planning to visit this Saturday but maybe we will just have to ride rameses revenge and that's it :mellow:

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Fastrack tickets? I am an AP holder and I haven't heard anything about fastrack tickets...

I think we could end up having zoo days until Easter at this rate! I was planning to visit this Saturday but maybe we will just have to ride rameses revenge and that's it :mellow:

What I meant was that for those going to the pass holder days. As they cancelled them, the pass holders who were going (me info one) could exchange the pass holder day ticket for one fastrack ride of choice.

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What I meant was that for those going to the pass holder days. As they cancelled them, the pass holders who were going (me info one) could exchange the pass holder day ticket for one fastrack ride of choice.

Not much use anyway, one fastrack ride and that's it- plus all the AP holders will be trying to use it! I am annoyed really as I was going for a fun time this Saturday with dragons falls and rattlesnake but now a lot is closed. I can understand why they have to do it but why not offer cheaper entry tickets or something? I hope rattlesnake is open by 15th April because I am visiting again then :D

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Well doesn't this look good?

Wouldn't be a bit surprised if all we see is the removal of the rockwork and all that this season, and (praying to God and all other religious figures...) see them replaced next season. I've heard on other forums (I think it was TST) that Zufari received a £4 million budget cut (and I heard the bidget was £8-10million...), and now the rest of the park is getting a £5million spruce up over two years. Hmmmm....

I've made it no secret that, out of all the UK Merlin parks, I was looking forward to visiting Chessie the most this season. Now, especially with a trip next week planned, I'm not too sure...

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Really Chessington?

That is horrific. I can't wait to see the mine train, I expected them to theme Jumbos to it, not the other way round!

You reap what you sow, and Merlin have been sowing seeds of underinvestment for many many years. Whoever has allowed things to get this bad needs a good talking to. Can someone who cares take over our parks at some point please?

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^ Well keep expecting then. You'll be waiting a long time. They got rid of the rocks years ago, those who believe they will come back soon need to forget the idea. Because they would've left them there originally and tried to improve them, rather then ripping them out altogether!


Really? I missed the part where you predicted that Chessington would close some of its rides for a two year £million refurbishment plan.

...you missed that part because I never said it.

Reading what has been posted here today, I'm glad I changed my mind and went to Thorpe instead, considering it was dead there!

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This really is horrendous, why are parks removing all the theming from their older rides?

I know it might be unstable and that, but it would be a lot nicer to see it replaced.

Not happy, especially when they have cut the budget of Zufari to do this!! :(

Runaway mine train probably won't have tunnels anymore!

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^ Well keep expecting then. You'll be waiting a long time. They got rid of the rocks years ago, those who believe they will come back soon need to forget the idea. Because they would've left them there originally and tried to improve them, rather then ripping them out altogether!

According to logic, what do you do when you have an old, rotting structure? You demolish it right? In order to rebuild it afterwards. You don't "leave it there and try to improve it" because you can't just reverse chemical reactions. And "those who believe they will come back soon" include Chessington themselves who obviously understand the significance and have said several times how they would like to rebuild it. They just don't have the money yet (or do they now?).

And anyway, what?! We weren't even talking about the mountain that was removed years ago, we are talking about the current refurbishment which has just demolished most of the themework. Did you read the topic? A bit stupid having "Dragon Falls" with no dragon or falls, don't you think? or is that perfectly logical to you since all you enjoy about theme parks are resurfaced paths and the smell of McDonalds?

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According to logic, what do you do when you have an old, rotting structure? You demolish it right? In order to rebuild it afterwards. You don't "leave it there and try to improve it" because you can't just reverse chemical reactions. And "those who believe they will come back soon" include Chessington themselves who obviously understand the significance and have said several times how they would like to rebuild it. They just don't have the money yet (or do they now?).

Do you actually realise it's 8 years since the rocks went? Falls is going to be closed for about another 3 weeks, if they put the rocks back in it'll be a miraculous turnaround. I wouldn't hold your breath.

Chessington have got bigger fish to fry other than fake rocks. Zufari, Africa, Wild Asia, the hotel extension. Another 8 years from now it won't have any rocks. Chessington are feeding us crap to keep us talking.

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I'm sorry but you keep ignoring the point of people's posts and just reply with vague arrogant assumptions, clearly you have nothing worthwhile to say. Who cares if it's 8 years since? I'm still used to the mountain being there and it feels bare without it. The rocks were there with the ride for 18 years before so...

And the themework here obviously is of very high priority, since they have just closed half their park and budgeted £5million to refurbish it. I don't expect them to magically rebuild it all in the next month but be assured Chessington would not have wanted to do this, and they want to put them back. I expect something to be done when money/time becomes available.

I'd be interested to see if John Wardley had anything to do with this as he designed it all originally.

Unfortunately I don't think John Wardley has not visited Chessington for many years and his job no longer applies to the developments at the park. And since he is pretty much retired now, he is probably not even aware that this has happened.
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